Chat Room #15

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Jumin Han: I've reached.

Jaehee Kang: Mr. Han.

Jaehee Kang: I'm on my way to you now.

Jumin Han: Good.

707: Hey Jumin.

Jumin Han: Luciel.

Jumin Han: How's MC?

Jumin Han: Which room is she in?

707: Ugh.............

707: You can ask Jaehee.

707: She knows.

Jumin Han: What's with that attitude?

707: I'm not feeling well right now.

707: I think I'll have to see a doctor.

707: I think I'll have to see a doctor

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Jaehee Kang: Is it serious, Luciel?

707: Not really.

707: It's just...

707: Exhaustion...

707: Don't mind me~

Jaehee Kang: .....

Jaehee Kang: By the way, how is Zen's operation?

Jaehee Kang: I'm worried sick...

Jaehee Kang: We've been outside of the ER room for hours...

707: The lights aren't off yet...

Jaehee Kang: Okay....

Jaehee Kang: I feel like a fool...

Jaehee Kang: For not being able to save Zen from that incident....

707: ...

707: I'll...

707: Leave for now.

707: Feeling so tired.

- 707 has left the chat room -

Yoosung★: Ah! Jumin!

Yoosung★: MC woke up!

Jumin Han: Thank goodness.

Jumin Han: Assistant Kang's here.

Jumin Han: We're on our way to see MC now.

Yoosung★: Jumin!

Yoosung★: There's a thing I need to tell you....

Yoosung★: Don't tell MC....

Yoosung★: About Zen... Zen's condition....

Yoosung★: Or she'll feel bad about it....

Yoosung★: Since...

Yoosung★: Zen sacrificed for MC's life...

Jaehee Kang: We got it.

Jahee Kang: Thanks, Yoosung.

Yoosung★: Thanks...

Yoosung★: I'm in MC's room.

Yoosung★: So hurry.

- to be continued -

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