Chat Room #38

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ZEN: Hey everyone.

ZEN: Thank you all for worrying for me. Sorry that I've scared you guys.

Jaehee Kang: Zen, you're supposed to be resting.... Didn't I tell you to rest before I left the hospital?

ZEN: Can't help it. I need someone to talk to... I feel too lonely...

Jaehee Kang: Should I go back?

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Jaehee Kang: Should I go back?

ZEN: No need!!;;

ZEN: You've done so much for me already. Take some rest and you have work tomorrow...;;

- Jumin Han has entered into chat room -

Jumin Han: Assistant Kang, would you rather taking care of Zen instead of my work?

Jaehee Kang: I didn't think of it that way, Mr. Han.

Jaehee Kang: I'm just trying to heal the sin I had for Zen as I couldn't save him from the gunshots... and now he's lying on the bed......

ZEN: Jaehee's being a mother lololol

Jumin Han: You two look good together.

ZEN: WUT!?! No way!;;;;;;

Jaehee Kang: I wish I can fix that sentence of yours, Mr. Han. i do not wish to get involved in any unnecessary scandals with Zen. Now that his career is at stake because of his knee, he shouldn't take anymore troubles.

ZEN: Haha... thanks for reminding me about my knee.....

Jumin Han: What did the doctor say?

Jumin Han: I didn't get to hear your condition about your leg.

ZEN: It's knee....

ZEN: Not leg....

ZEN: There's a difference between those 2 words....;;;;;;;;;;;;;

Jaehee Kang: Zen's apparently had a severe damage on his knee due to the gunshot

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Jaehee Kang: Zen's apparently had a severe damage on his knee due to the gunshot.

Jaehee Kang: With that, he still needs to undergo several examinations before a surgery.

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