VN #127

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(At Jumin's penthouse after a long day at the hospital.)

Jumin: Please escort her to the shower room. She'll be staying here for the night.

Maid 1: Yes, Mr. Han. Right this way, Lady MC.

MC: Thanks. Jumin, you can go and take a shower too. 

Jumin: Do you want me to accompany you? I don't mind-

MC: You can take the shower room from your own master bedroom! I'll do fine with the guest room's! (Walked off quickly.)

Maid 1: Mr. Han, about her new set of clothes... Lady MC did carry all of her clothes the day she left here...

Jumin: I've asked Mr. Kim to go to Assistant Kang's house to get MC's luggage back. He'll be arriving about now. I might as well take a shower. I'll leave her up to you.

Maid 1: Yes, Mr. Han. (Gave a 90 degree bow.)

(Switch Scene)

(When MC was about to enter into the guest room, Maid 1 stopped her politely.)

Maid 1: Lady MC, your room is this way. (Pointed at another room.)

MC: Uhm... I can just use the guest's bath room. There's no need for me to use the master bedroom.

Maid 1: But Mr. Han told us to let you to have that room beforehand. We even made an aroma spa bath for you.

MC: ...;;;; Okay... I appreciate the effort... but I'll just use the guest room-

(Jumin barged in and shoved MC away.)

Jumin: Sorry, this room's taken.

MC: Jumin!

Jumin: I even told them to make a nice bath for you.....

MC: Ahh..... Jumin.... Please don't feel sad..... I'll listen. Is that okay?

Jumin: Okay, thank you. (Closed the door.)

MC: .....

Did.. I just get fooled....? (Quickly hit at the door.) Jumin!!! How dare you played with me?!?!

Maid 1: Lady MC, right this way.

MC: (Pouting lips.) Okay..... (Went along with Maid 1.)

(MC went and take a bath. After she stepped out of the shower room, she found familiar clothes on top of the bed.)

MC: Oh, my clothes~ Did Jumin take my luggage back from Jaehee's house? He's such a sweet guy. Hehe.

(MC took them and went to change.)

(She felt comfortable with her clothes and took a nice leap onto Jumin's bed.)

MC: Ah... Feels good to be home... (Rolling on the bed.)There's so many Jumin's scent...... I feel I can just fall asleep.....

Jumin: Who says that you can sleep on my bed?

MC: (Surprised.) Jumin!?!?! (Suddenly sat on the bed.) How.. How- How did you get in??????

Jumin: It's my room. Am I not welcomed in?

MC: Uh.... Yes......

Jumin: (Leaned against the side door.) You sound reluctant.

MC: ;;;; I'm.. just surprised that you're in here...;;;;

Jumin: (Chuckled.) I'm just teasing you. 

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