VN #84

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(Jumin and In Su were back in the penthouse.)

Jumin: In Su, are you feeling okay?

In Su: Don't worry, Jumin. I'm fine. I'm more worried about you. Your face look puzzled.

Jumin: I'm having quite a day.... The board of meeting was tedious. And just now....

In Su: ......

Jumin: Sorry. Go and get some rests. You can stay here if you want to.

In Su: Alright.... Just don't overwork yourself, Jumin...

(In Su reluctantly left the living room.)

Jumin: What's with me? How is that woman's image continuously floating in my mind...? It's like I've known her for a long time... I didn't meet any other women other than Rika and In Su.... That doesn't make any sense...

(Jumin went and took his wine bottles and a glass.)

Jumin: ...This wine...

(Jumin remembered a fading image of him opening the exact wine bottle brand for a person to drink in their dinner.)

Jumin: ...... What's this....? (Placed his palm onto his forehead.) A dream......? But it can't be. It felt so real.

(The images continued to float in Jumin's mind where he had a dance with a mysterious lady and her laugh caught his heart, it beated so fast that it started to sting.)

Jumin: (Breathing heavily.) I'm not like this...... Are those..... my dream or memories.....? Ugh... Snap out of it, Jumin Han. I already have In Su. And we'll be having our wedding next week. I better call Assistant Kang to arrange the flights for our tomorrow's guest as well.

(Jumin poured the wine into the wine glass and he began to sip. After he swallowed the wine, another images appeared and it was that mysterious lady holding her luggage. Their eyes met and her eyes were already soaked with tears.)

Jumin: ......... No..... Don't leave...... Please.. Don't leave, M -!

Jumin: ..... What's.... her name...? Why are you making me to be so confused....?! I've never met you before and why am I crying for you?! ...

(Jumin turned away and continued to drunk himself with the entire wine bottle. After the half portion was finished, he let out a heavy sigh when the alcohol effect started to kick in.)

Jumin: I feel like a useless drunkard......

(When he glanced at the dining table he was beside with, a small round imaginary object appeared right before him. He tried to touch it but all he could touch was the table's cold surface.)

Jumin: ......

(Jumin suddenly remembered the location of that imaginary object and he hurried into his work office room. He found the desk drawer and opened it. A small red box in a form of square appeared on top of the documents and materials inside the drawer.)

Jumin: There you are....

(Jumin sat onto his seat and took the box out. There was a small ring snuggled in between the small cushion of the box. He pulled out the ring and slowly examined it, lifting the ring up to aim directly at the light of the fluorescent lamp. The surface of the silver ring glistened as if it was reacting to Jumin's gaze.)

Jumin: Your finger is so small. I.... remembered your hands to be small as well..... So warm and delicate... More than what Elizabeth the 3rd could give me. More than..... what In Su could... do to me.... But... who... are you....? Your smile was so bright... brighter than this light. (Held the ring tightly and placed it near to his heartbeat.) This is so strange.... It seems like... the ring is the only way I can remember you.....

- to be continued -

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