VN #119

847 32 3

(The place was covered in staled air. It was dark but a fainted light was projecting out from a monitor screen which was on standby mode.)

(There was not a single sound but only a soft breathing resonating the room. Jumin was still sitting beside the control panel where he shut his eyes to get some rests. His wounds didn't recover themselves but stayed the same as they were in his battles against the virus.)

(His phone was on his palm at all times and he lifted it up to look at the phone screen.)

(The call logs were filled with MC's name but all calls were not responded by her.)

(Jumin let out a long sigh.)

Jumin: MC.... Where have you been....?

(Jumin tried to redial the number to call MC.)

Jumin: ...

Jumin: 10.

Jumin: 9.

Jumin: 8.

Jumin: 7.

Jumin: 6.

Jumin: 5.

Jumin: 4.

Jumin: 3.

Jumin: 2.

Jumin: 1.

Jumin: ......

(Jumin lowered his phone back onto his lap. He was disappointed.)

Jumin: MC.... Why aren't you picking up the phone.......?

- to be continued -

Infected Messenger | Mystic Messenger | Jumin Han X MCWhere stories live. Discover now