VN #23

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(Jaehee received a call from Yoosung after he exited the chat room.)

Jaehee: Hello? Yoosung.

Yoosung: Hey, Jaehee! I have so much things to talk with Zen~

Jaehee: Thank you for your huge enthusiasm.

Yoosung: Of course! He's my big brother!

(Jaehee placed her phone beside Zen's ears who was still in his sleeping state.)

Yoosung: (Cleared his throat.)

Yoosung: Uh... Zen, can you hear my voice?


Yoosung: I'lll treat it as a yes, then.

Yoosung: Zen.

Yoosung: You are such a nice person... I love how you always nag me about giving up on lolol and focus more on my studies..

Yoosumg: 'cuz... that's what a student should do, right?

Yoosung: But... of course I can't give up on my obsession to lolol... haha...

Yoosung: I sounded like a rebellion kid. But...

Yoosung: I wanted to tell you something...

Yoosung: You know what? I'll definitely give up on lolol... if you get to wake up!

Yoosung: Let's make that a promise!

Jaehee: Yoosung... Are you sure that'll help...?

Yoosung: ... you're right, Jaehee...

Yoosung: I'm quite useless at this... I can't even do a proper job in helping Zen...

Yoosung: And even for the party...

Yoosung: Even Rika....

Yoosung: uff... (Shaking his head.)

Yoosung: I'm not gonna think about that at the time like this....

Yoosung: Zen, I'm trying my very best to gather all the information to help you!

Yoosung: Don't fail on us!


Yoosung: That doesn't sound right either...

Yoosung: Ugh....

Yoosung: I know you're listening to this and you feel like scolding me back for saying such things...

Yoosung: MC's worried about you...

Yoosung: And I want you to wake up for her sake. I know Jumin will not like this... but that's what motivates you, right?

Yoosung: You cared so much for MC... and you even saved her from those bad guys.... I think you need a certain credit for it....

Yoosung: Please... I want everybody to be together again... just like the old days.... where all the RFA members are able to meet at the party....

Yoosung: And, having so much fun in entertaining the guests....

Yoosung: Seeing everyone smile... and even MC....

Yoosung: She hasn't been smiling for days....

Yoosung: Zen...

Yoosung: Are you listening..?


Yoosung: Good.

Yoosung: I know you'll definitely wake up. You're the healing beast. You heal up super quickly!

Yoosung: I hope it still applies to the current you...

Yoosung: So, don't give up!!!

Yoosung: Remember to call me back if you're awake!


(Jaehee retrieved back her phone.)

Jaehee: That's nice of you.

Yoosung: (Sobbing.) I tried my best... I'll continue searching for more articles.

Yoosung: Take good care of our Zen!

Jaehee: (Sighed) ... Yes.

Yoosung: Then... Bye.

- to be continued -

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