VN #63

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(Jumin's penthouse.)

In Su: Jumin, don't you wanna bring MC back?

Jumin: It's none of your concern.

In Su: I know I'm not in the position to ask you to do that.... but it's not right to let her go just like this.

Jumin: ..... In Su, if you're trying to comfort me, please, don't. You can leave.

In Su: Jumin... I'm really sorry -

Jumin: Whether if this was a set-up or personal intention, I don't wish to know any further. I'm really tired. And please, leave. People might saw you entering into my house and create another ruckus. It's best if we're separated for a while to make things to die down a bit.

In Su: ......... You're right.... I'll go. But please, Jumin. You have to believe in me.


In Su: Goodbye.

(In su left.)

(Jumin looked at MC's ring on the table where he placed right in front of him.)

Jumin: .... MC. Did I do anything wrong to deserve this.....? Ugh.. I can't think straight.....

(Jumin reflected his previous actions and continuously blaming himself for not saving MC from danger.)

Jumin: MC... I feel like a sore loser....... Jumin Han. Should he forever be gone in your life in exchange for your ultimate happiness......? Should I.....?

(Jumin buried his head in his arms along with the ring and cried without a sound.)

- to be continued -

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