VN #46

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(707 called Yoosung from his phone.)

707: Yo, Yoosung!!! How are you today???

Yoosung: lololol yo Seven! I've just done with my classes and I'm heading back home. I can't believe that I accidentally slept in class..... and the lecturer almost smacked my head with his 10-inch thick book.....;;;;;

707: Aww... That's sad. I shall cry for you. By the way, do you feel anything strange as for today?

Yoosung: Strange? If you mean by sleep deprived, yes. I don't feel energetic today lololol. I should re-energize myself with LOLOL tonight~!

707: Hmm.... how 'bout coming to my house and party all night? What da ya say?

Yoosung: Tonight? Aren't you busy?

707: Nope. The boss gave me a half day off and everyone in the RFA is super busy with their own things.... So, it's only you and me~~~

Yoosung: Really? Well... Okay. I'll head over to your place after I took a shower at my house.

707: No need! You can use my bathroom! It's perfectly clean~~~

Yoosung: Uh... Seven, are you alright?

707: Yes yes! I'm perfectly fine. I just want you to come over to my place as soon as possible~~~

Yoosung: Seven.... are you hitting on me???

707: Uh wut??? No way!! Just come over now~~~ I've already opened up my honey buddha chips while waiting for your arrival~~~

Yoosung: Woah honey buddha chips!?!?! Ok!!! Save me some of them!!!

707: Yes~~~ come fast or I'll finish them all!!!

(Yoosung ended the call.)

707: Phew.... Nothing's strange has happened to him.... I really need to figure this out before that incident happens again...

- to be continued -

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