VN #53

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(Yoosung rushed back to his home and locked himself up after an episode in 707's apartment where he felt like he was being controlled by someone.)

Yoosung: (Panting heavily.) What is... wrong with me!?!? I can't feel my hands anymore...!

(Yoosung fell onto the bed.)

Yoosung: I'm so scared..... What's gonna happen to me??? Calm down, Yoosung..... everything's cool... I mean.... it must have been the excessive sugar rush I had last night... No biggie....;;;

Yoosung: I'm still the same Yoosung... I'll play a few rounds if LOLOL and cool myself off.

(Yoosung went to his computer and turned it on, but to his surprise, the computer was already on and the CPU was running.)

Yoosung: Guess I've forgotten to turn off my computer before heading to school this morning...;;;;

(He moved his mouse cursor and the monitor screen was back on.)

Yoosung: WHAT IN THE WORLD -!??!!

(Yoosung flinched when the screen he had on the monitor was filled with random windows of programming software he never seen before.)

Yoosung: I never have these windows open before!!! I didn't even download them!!!

(A mysterious incoming call on the monitor screen.)

Yoosung: ...!!!! Who's calling me?!?! Did someone hack into my computer???

(Yoosung didn't pick up the call and it sent a voice message.)

Yoosung: ......

(With caution, Yoosung moved his mouse cursor to open the voice message.)

???: Boss, operation aborted. MC has yet to be captured. Seek some backup plan.

Yoosung: What in the name of....!!! MC!?! Capture!?!? What's all this!?!?!

(A sudden echo resonated in Yoosung's mind.)

???: It seems you have discovered something you should not know.....

(A sudden eerie sound penetrated into Yoosung's brain and he fell onto the floor.)

Yoosung: arrghghgh!!! WHO ARE YOU!?!? HOW DID YOU... ENTER INTO MY MIND....!?!

???: There's no need to tell you..... It's now the time for you to be gone.

???: Yoosung. Kim.


(Yoosung turned left and right while hitting against the desk and the bed while being fed with numerous pains causing from his brain.)

???: Goodbye..... Yoosung.

(Yoosung suddenly stopped moving and after a few minutes, Yoosung gradually sat up and brushed his messy hair to one side. his eyes were no longer the purple irises he used to have. Instead, it was in pale grey colored.)

Yoosung*: Finally, I get to control his body for good......

Yoosung*: (Slight chuckled.) Guess we have to start the next operation. Time to call Chairman Choi.

- to be continued -

Author's Note: Yoosung* (with asterisk) is not the actual Yoosung we knew as he was being controlled by an anonymous being. 

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