VN #16

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(The door opened.)

Doctor: She'll recover by tomorrow, just make sure she has enough rest.

Yoosung: Yes, certainly, doctor.

Doctor: Then, that would be all.

Yoosung: Thank you very much.

(Jumin made way for the doctor and nurse to exit the room.)

Yoosung: Jumin!

MC: ..!

MC: Ju-!

(Jumin quickly hugged MC.)

(He held on to her super tight and was not planning on letting her go.)

Jumin: I was worried......

MC: Jumin....

Jumin: I was worried sick.....

Jaehee: Yoosung.

Jaehee: We'll get some fruits for MC.

Yoosung: Ah..!

Yoosung: Sure.

(Jaehee and Yoosung quietly left the room.)

MC: Jumin...

Jumin: I'm here...

Jumin: I'm here.

MC: Jumin... I... I'm scared...

MC: I'm scared that I'll never...

MC: I'm so scared that I'll never see you.. -

(Jumin kissed MC's lips.)

Jumin: I won't leave you again.

Jumin: I've made up my mind.

Jumin: I'll call off the wedding.

Jumin: And, I promise you that I'll take care of you.

Jumin: I'll never go back my words.

MC: Jumin...

MC: I love you...

(Jumin hugged MC.)

Jumin: I love you too.

Jumin: More than anything.

Jumin: i'll stay here so you won't feel scared.

- to be continued -

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