My Parents Love Her

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Kelly insisted we visit my parents, as it was the holidays. I usually would, but I wanted to stay with Kelly alone, doing at would I probably do best. But I liked seeing her with my family, they were probably falling in love with her as I am, but not as hard. Falling in love. I never thought those words would come to my mouth.

I'm upset Kelly has to start back working in a couple days. I keep telling her she doesn't have to work, but she claims she wants to be an independent woman and not depending on a man. I deeply respect this.

Driving to my parents house the roads are really icy, the forecast says their is a possible snow storm coming our way. This makes me think what if Kelly was still homeless, she would be freezing to death.

I want to know.

"I don't mean to be rude, but I must know what it was like being homeless. What were you're thoughts? Didn't you have family, friends? You don't have to ans." She cut me off.

"It's fine. Its just a hard subject, but I want to tell you." She takes a deep breath. "Ok. After my family died I felt depressed and lonely, and I closed myself off from the world, and the friends I thought were real friends didn't even care, they let me be. My mother is from Denmark and left her family to come here, so I never knew her side of the family, and for my dad...., well, he just never talked about them much. I mean I met his 2 sister maybe., once or twice buts thats it, because they live in Canada. When they did come down to the funeral, they were going through their own issues so we didn't connect much. I was barely making enough money to support myself and when my parent's money ran out, that didn't help. A week later coming back from being fired from work because of budget cuts, I see the eviction notice on my door and all my stuff in boxes outside. I had nowhere to go. No one to go to. I couldn't take everything, so I got a gym bag and packed the necessities and left. I decided to go to a train station for the sake of the lights, benches, and bathroom. I met Matthew there and he would give me money sometimes and talk to me, and treated me as a equal. I felt safe when he was there. But everyday when he left I was scared. I remember there was this homeless man, obviously high on something tried to rape, hurt, I don't know what he wanted to do to me, but I ran away. That was the one of the scariest moments I've experienced except when I was about to be raped, but thankfully you stopped that." She said with a nudge and a trying smile.

She takes another deep breath.

"I was embarrassed. Embarrassed of being homeless, the dirty looks from women washing my hair in the bathroom sink, and asking for pads, or tampons. I know I'm not the only one in this world homeless, though I felt alone. Abandoned. But I don't know by who. My friends, family? I don't know. When I ran into you, I don't remember much, it's all kinda blurry, all I remember was those guys and running into a alley and slamming into apparently you."

"So when you woke up in my hotel room, why didn't you tell me?" I was remembering her walking out on me, from that hotel room. Making me angry and turned on. She is the only woman that can do this to me.

"At the time, I was shocked, surprised on what was happening, why you took care of me, and I wasn't you're responsibility. I was at first scared, waking up in a hotel room with a strange room, it was rush going through my head." She says shrugging. Damn. She has a valid point, I know understand that law degree.

I was flabbergasted. I didn't know what to say, so we stayed quiet until we reached my parents house. It looked like a winter almost wonderland. Snow on the roof, trees, everywhere.

Kelly looked beautiful as she usually does wearing black trench coat, black pants, and her blonde hair in a ponytail.

We walked to the door and about to knock.

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