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Jamie's P.O.V.

I called Riker about twenty times. I got scared and ran I to Nicole's room. She was sleeping late because she had a late shift last night.

"Nicole!" I could barely get the words out. She woke up and looked at me. She sat up instantly.

"What's wrong?" she asked. At first I couldn't speak. She calmed me done by telling me to just breath. It worked long enough for me to get some words out.

"Riker didn't make it home last night!" I said and saying it made me cry more.

"How do you know?"

"Rydel called me. Riker won't answer his phone," I cooled down some, but the pain was still there. Nicole must've known my idea, to go look for Riker, because she got up and put on her slippers. She had on pajama pants already and grabbed her keys. I followed her. We got in her car and started to leave.

"Which way does he go?"

"Left," I answered.

"What if he went right and something happened?" I cried.

"Jamie, calm down! Its going to be OK!" she tried to calm me down.

How does she know? Last night could've been the last night I ever see him.

We drove the left way and went the right. The right way was longer.

"Jamie, where else do you want to go?" Nicole asked.

"Go to his house," I sighed. Nicole did. We were in our pajamas. We pulled in and went to the door. Nicole knocked on the door. I just stood there, you could tell I had been crying. Ross came to the door. He let us in. I walked straight to Rydel because she was crying the most. Nicole and Ross made their way over.

"Everything is going to be OK," Ross said. Nicole nodded.

How could they be so calm?

Rocky came downstairs.

"Nobody at the police department knows about a wreck," Rocky said while putting his phone on the counter.

"We searched the roads and didn't see any signs of a wreck," Nicole said.

"Then where is he?" Rydel screamed.


Rydel's P.O.V.

All I want to know is where my brother is! To make sure he is OK! Is that too much too ask?

I rode with Ross and Jamie around town. Rocky and Nicole went outside of town. I looked around and I didn't see his car. I saw one that looked similar. I then realized, it wasn't.

"We've rode around all day," Ross said.

"We can't look in the dark," I said and Jamie got out her phone, nodding. She texted Nicole and asked when they were heading in. They were heading in at the same time.

They got back before us. It was an awkward silence.

We all sat in the living room and soaked in what was happening.

Riker is missing.


Rocky's P.O.V.

"Riker is fine, trust me," I said. I wanted to raise everyone's hope.

"How can we know?" Ratliff asked. Ratliff had been at the house in case Riker came home.

"Just trust me," I said. We sat around the living room for a long time. Nicole saw Jamie almost fall asleep.

"Jamie, wanna go home?'' she asked. She shook her head.

"Stay!" Rydel said,"If Riker comes home, y'all will be here!''

"I guess we can," Nicole said. It got late and Jamie went to Riker's room and Rydel went to hers. Ross, Ratliff, Nicole, and I were the only ones up.

"Can you guys keep a secret?" I asked, looking at the hallway to make sure it was empty.

"Yeah," Ross said.

"Of course!" Ratliff said. Nicole nodded.

"Promise?" I asked.

"Rocky, just tell us!" Nicole said.

"I know where Riker is," I said. Everyone looked at me.

"Where is he?" Ratliff asked.

"I can't tell anyone. I promised. I just want you guys to know. Jamie can't know and Rydel is a blabber mouth," I said.

I know I blabbed too, but everyone was freaking out. Some more than others.

(a/n- Where is Riker? This chapter is short, but I want more suspense!)

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