Days go by.

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Jamie's P.O.V.

My time came and went. I was 4 days late. I got very worried, so I woke Nicole up. Rydel was spending the night with us. i woke her up. Nicole and Rydel walked into the room with me.

"What?" she asked, rubbing her eyes. I didn't know how to say it.

"I think I'm pregnant," I said. That was the first way I thought about saying it, so I did. She didn't say anything, but she smiled. Rydel smiled wider.

"I'm gonna be an aunt!" she yelled. I put my hand over her mouth. I didn't want her to say that. It made everything seem real.

"What if you're just late? You need a test," Nicole said. I sighed.

"What's wrong?" Rydel asked.

"Well, everyone knows Nicole and I date Rocky and Riker, so we can't go buy one. It will spread like wild fire. You can't go buy one because everyone will think its you and will probably assume its Ratliff's," I said. She sighed. She knew everything I said was true.

"I guess we will know in 9 months when you have a baby," Nicole laughed along with Rydel. It wasn't funny.

"Or when she starts to show," Rydel said. I was aggravated. This wasn't a topic I want to joke around with.

"Nicole could your mom buy it?" I asked.

"Your funny! My mom freaks if I talk about Rocky and I going on dates or when I hang out at his house! If I ask for a pregnancy test, she will freak more!" Nicole said and Rydel and I laughed. She was serious. Her mom does freak out about that.

"Why don't we dress you up?" Rydel offered.

"What?" I asked.

"Yeah!" Nicole said while I was still confused.

"We could have you dressed up to where no one can recognize you," Rydel said. I smiled, but it fell.

"Isn't that too risky?" I asked.

"This whole thing is risky!" Nicole said. That was right. I sighed.

"Let's do it," I said.


Riker's P.O.V.

It has been 2 weeks since Jamie and I talked about the possibility of having a baby. I get more anxious to find out everyday. I know she doesn't think its time, and I'm starting to feel the same way.

"Riker!" Ross snapped. I had over poured my cereal.

"What's wrong?" Rocky asked while taking a bite out of his cereal.

"Huh? Nothing," I said and cleaned up the mess. They could read me like a book. I don't know the use of lying to them.

"Yeah, right!" Ross said. I sighed. Ratliff walked in the front door. He had a key.

"What's up?" Ratliff yelled. I poured milk quickly in my cereal and walked to the table and acted like nothing was wrong. Thank goodness Ratliff came or I may would've had to tell them.

"Make you some cereal!" I told Ratliff. He had already gotten his bowl down in a matter of seconds. He made his bowl and sat across from me. I was finishing up when he sat down.

"Where are the girls?" Ratliff asked.

"Rydel spent the night with Nicole and Jamie," Ross said.

"What are we going to do today?" Ratliff asked something else. What is this 20 questions? No? That's what I thought.

"Practice without Rydel," Rocky said. This was usual. Whenever Rydel isn't around, we practice or do something else.

"I need a shower," I said. I don't know if they noticed, but I was trying to stall time. I went upstairs, trying to act normal. I was normal, but my mind wasn't.

The warm, more on the hot side, water ran down my back. I didn't need to bathe, but I did need to think. I thought about how it could be good and bad. That didn't help me at all, for now I have no idea what I want. Either way, I should be happy. I hope.


Rydel's P.O.V.

I pulled all the clothes put of Jamie's closet. I put some back. Jamie walked into her room, shocked at the clothes on her bed.

"Hey," I said as if nothing was out of place. She smirked at me, now aware of what is going on. Nicole walked in and clapped.

"Let's get you in disguise," I said and Nicole picked up a pair of cheetah print pants.

"Okay, so why do you have these?" I asked Jamie and put them to the side. I'm making her wear these.

"Birthday present," she said and I nodded. I saw a black and white polka dot shirt.

"This?" I asked and held up the shirt.

"Same person gave it to me, this year," Jamie said. Nicole was holding back a laugh.

"Who?" I was smiling. Nicole raised her hand and let out a big laugh. I started laughing.

"You're wearing it!" I demanded and Jamie didn't argue. I tossed it to her and she went to go put it on.

"Why does she have to wear different clothes?" Nicole asked. I put my finger over my mouth and started laughing. Jamie walked out and looked ridiculous. I held back a laugh. I found weird looking pair of glasses and a nice hat for her. We drew a mole on her face. She looked weird.

"Ratchet!" Nicole said.

"Perfect!" I said. We laughed and walked out to the car. We got in and headed off.


Jamie's P.O.V.

I was nervous for two reasons. One was the fact that I could be pregnant and the other is if I get caught. I knew getting caught was unlikely, so I was not as worried. The ride was quick. I got out of the car, without saying a word. There was no need in talking. I walked in and searched for the right aisle in CVS. I finally found it and bought 2. I checked out, no problem. I walked to the car looking at my ring. I smiled. It fit perfectly. I got in the car. Rydel had it running and we just drove off.

"That was awkward. I never thought it would happen like that," I told Rydel and Nicole. They nodded. We arrived home and I got out of the car. I walked inside and Rydel and Nicole followed.

"Good luck!" Nicole and Rydel said in sync. I walked into the bathroom. I'm only going to take one. I took the test and walked out of the bathroom. Rydel and Nicole made their way over to the door. I let them come in and we didn't look at the test. The instructions said to wait about 2 minutes. That was the longest 2 minutes ever.

"Okay," Nicole said, who used her phone to keep time. I closed my eyes and walked over to the test and read it.

(a/n- Cliff-hanger. What do you think it is? What about Riker?)

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