7 Months!

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Riker's P.O.V.

Jamie was now 7 months pregnant. It's gotten a little but more stressful. She has become more picky and hormonal. If you blame it on the pregnancy, she goes crazy. I've had to worn everybody before we hang out with them. We haven't had time to hang out with anybody much anymore. It's sad. Plus, when the baby is there, there will be less time to hang out with them. Jamie has told me that she will not keep my back from R5. I'm glad about that. Today, I get to go over, and we will discuss future plans.

I had arrived at my old home. I wasn't going to call it a house. It wasn't a house. It was a home. A house is shelter, but a home is where memories are made.

I got out and went to the door. I didn't even knock. I walked right in. Rydel was in the mid of walking into the kitchen.

"You scared me!" she said. Her face was red.

"I'm sorry. I didn't think that I had to knock," I said.

"You don't, but I needed some warning," Rydel told me.

"Where is everyone?" I asked.

"Um... Rocky is down in the basement with Ross. Ellington is upstairs," she said.

"Why is he upstairs?" I asked.

"He stayed the night."

"Who's room did he stay in?" I asked. As the protective brother that I am, I needed to know. He wasn't going to stay in the same room with my baby sister. I don't care if it was his last choice. Some might say that is absurd, but Jamie and I didn't plan out our baby. We didn't plan out that night.

"He slept in your old bed," she said. That took a load off of my chest. Ellington came down the stairs. We all went into the basement. Ross was showing Rocky something on the computer.

"Oh, good! You have it pulled up!" Rydel said as we entered.

"I was showing Ross," Rocky said.

"What?" I asked.

"Well, we thought we could visit popstar magazine again. I kind of already booked it for next month, so it's a go. They were booked this month," Rydel said.

"You and Jamie have anything planned?" Rocky asked.

"You and Nicole?" I mocked. He shock his head.

"I don't think we do. Jamie will be eight months pregnant. She won't be able to fly. How long will we be gone?" I asked.

"A week," Rydel answered.

"Jamie should be okay with it," I said.

"Nicole can stay with her," Rocky said. Rydel nodded in agreement.

"I'll talk to her about it. You probably should've let me done that before you booked it."

"They were about to make an appointment with someone else if I didn't do it that minute." Rydel got defensive.

"It's fine. I'll talk to Jamie. She wouldn't be due for about three weeks. The baby won't come that early," I said. Rydel shrugged.

For the rest of that day, we had a meeting on a practice interview because we never were asked different questions. Every interview repeats itself.

It was time for me to go home and talk to Jamie. I told everyone bye. I was kind of nervous as to how Jamie would take what I was going to tell her. I drove home. I arrived. I got put of the car and walked into the house. I smelt food cooking.

"I'm home!" I called.

"In here!" Jamie called. It didn't come from the kitchen. It came from the living room. I walked into the living room. She was sitting on the couch.

"You okay? You should be in the kitchen," I said.

"I put a pizza in the oven for you. I'm having heart burn, and I don't want to eat," she said. The timer of the oven went off.

"Can you get that?" she asked.

"Sure. Do I need to get you anything?" I asked.

"A glass of milk," she replied. I walked into the kitchen. I grabbed oven mitts and pulled out the pan with the pizza on it. I set it on the stove. I grabbed two cups out of the cupboard. I filled one with water and one with milk. I put the pizza on a plate and sliced it into four mini slices. It was a mini pizza. I grabbed the plate and cups and walked down to the living room. Jamie sat up as I handed her the cup of milk.

"Thank you," she said. She took a sip.

"You're welcome," I said. I let it be silent for a moment before I brought up New York.

"I have to tell you something," I said.

"Yeah?" Jamie asked.

"Rydel kind of booked us to go to New York next month for interviews. I have to go. I will be gone for a week," I said.

"Are you kidding?" Jamie asked with an 'are you kidding' tone. I nodded.

"We still have to get ready for the baby. I don't want you to go," Jamie said. She had a sad face. It hurt to see her so sad.

"It's only going to be a week," I said.

"A week is too long. I don't want you to go," Jamie repeated.

"I have to. I wish that I didn't. Believe me, I wouldn't." I felt bad. Jamie would be okay with it if she could go. She can't fly in her third trimester. You can't fly in your third trimester. I did my research.

"I don't feel right with you going," Jamie said.

"Why?" I asked.

"I don't know. I don't think that you should," Jamie said calmly.

"Jamie! I have to go! Do you not understand that?" I snapped. I didn't mean to. Jamie was repeating herself. I didn't like that.

"You know what. Go, now!" Jamie said. She pushed herself off the couch leaving me with my pizza. She stormed upstairs. I had eaten three out of the four slices. I decided to throw the fourth away. I didn't want it. I walked upstairs to make things right with Jamie. I wasn't the type of person to leave things unsettled.

I walked up to the bedroom door that had been shut. I tried to turn the knob, but it wouldn't budge.

"Jamie," I said with a little knock on the door.

"What?" she snapped through the door.

"Open the door," I said.

"Why?" she asked back with the same amount of attitude.

"I'm sorry," I said. I heard footsteps over to the door. Nothing else happened.

"I was being stupid. I shouldn't have snapped at you. Forgive me?" I asked. I heard the doorknob turn. I saw the door slightly creep open. I pushed it open. I saw Jamie and crashed my lips against hers. I haven't done this in a while. This couldn't be a better time.


Jamie's P.O.V.

I opened the door slightly. I felt it fly open and lips touch mine. Riker had crashed his lips onto mine. I kissed back. I missed these moments that we had without an argument of course. I pulled back first.

"Do you forgive me?" Riker asked.

"Yes," I said. I wrapped my arms around his neck. My stomach touched his. This was uncomfortable to do while pregnant. I released and back up.

"I was about to go to sleep," I said. I hadn't felt good today and only wanted sleep.

"We can go to bed," Riker said. We put on our pajamas and laid down. I laid my head in Riker's shoulder.

"Riker," I said.

"Hm?" he asked. He turned his head my way.

"Will you bring an I heart New York shirt?" I asked. Riker let out a soft chuckle. He kissed me forehead.

"Of course," he said.

(a/n- I wanted a sweet moment between Riker & Jamie. Guys... I am so sad. The ending is really close. Less than 10 chapters for a fact. Next time, I will try to give you an exact number. Rock on!)

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