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Riker's P.O.V.

We were about to begin the interview. This was a new girl who was interviewing us.

"Hi, my name is Gracie Lender. I'm here with R5!" Gracie said.

"Woo!" everyone went.

"This is my first time interview with you guys! Everyone has told me that y'all are amazing," Gracie said.

"Well, we are," Ellington said. Everyone laughed.

"Tell your fans out there, are we to expect new songs in the near future?" Gracie asked.

"We have been working on some things. It's been kept in the down low. We do not have any current plans of recording songs," Ross said.

"Maybe we will get some things done soon," I chimed in.

"Any R5 song is worth waiting for," Gracie said, "Now, we are going to do some twitter questions."

"Yeah!" Rydel cheered.

"Yeah! Who's ready?" Gracie asked. Everyone raised their hands.

"Alright! The first question is from Madison. Do you ever get tired of hanging out with each other?"

"All the time!" Ratliff did a fake sigh.

"I don't like these people," Rocky mimicked Ratliff.

"I'm kidding. We all love hanging out with each other," Ratliff said. Rocky nodded.

"There are some people that can't spend a day with someone without wanting to hurt them. We can hang out for months and enjoy every second," Ross said.

"Next question: who is the night owl?" Gracie asked.

"Ratliff!" everyone called out, even Ratliff did.

"We all stay up pretty late, but Ellington stays up pretty late," I said.

"Rydel goes to bed early," Ross corrected.

"It's all about beauty sleep," Gracie joked.

"Exactly," Rydel said with a chuckle.

We went through a lot more questions. We got down to the last couple.

"Who is the funniest?" Gracie asked.

"We are all funny, but Ellington is the funniest," Ross said.

"Last question: how can we get a response from you on twitter?" Gracie asked.

"I do not like spammers. So many people spam. It's not going to catch my attention," Ross said.

"I respond to questions sometimes. If it's about the band, I try to answer back pretty fast," I said.

"You have to be funny. If it's not funny, I might not respond," Ratliff said.

"I agree with being funny and not spamming. I'll answer to little tweets that some people just send to send. They don't even mean to get a reply, but I think it's fun to see their reactions," Rocky said.

"I like seeing drawings that people do. I'll respond to anyone," Rydel said.

"You guys better respond to me," Gracie joked.

"Thank you for coming today. I had so much fun. We have to do this again. Are you guys staying in New York for a little vacation?" Gracie asked.

"We are going to be here for two more days. We've been looking around the past two days," Ross said.

"Well, I hope you guys enjoy it," Gracie said with a charming smile.

"Yeah, thank you for having us," Rydel said. We stood up.

"That was so much fun," Gracie said.

"I know!" Rydel squealed. We made our way to the front of the building with Gracie talking to us. Rydel's phone rang.

"I'm going to take this," Rydel said. She walked outside.

"I'll talk to you guys later," Gracie said and left.

"I just want to go to the room and lay down," Ross said. The three hour time difference affected us more than we thought it would.

"Me too," I agreed. Rydel rushed back into the building.

"Riker!" she called for me. I turned around.

"What?" I asked. She sounded so panicked and worried which made me get panicked and worried.

"Jamie wants to talk to you," she said. She handed the phone to me quickly.

"Hello?" You could hear the panic in my voice.

"You may want to come home," she said.

"Why?" I asked.

"I'm having really bad contractions. Nicole is taking me to the hospital right now," Jamie said.

My baby could be born without me. That is the one thing that I do not wan to miss.

"Are you serious?" I asked. This was something that I didn't want to believe.

"Yeah," she breathed out.

"What if I can't make it home?" I asked.

All the 'what ifs' were running through my mind.

"I don't want to worry about that. My phone is dying. When we get to the hospital, we can skype. Do you have your computer?" Jamie asked.

"It's in the room. I'm going now. I'll probably try to find a ticket to get home sooner," I said. We said our goodbyes and hung up.

Rydel must've told everyone because they were being quiet. I was kind of speechless at the time. I didn't want to miss anything.

We got back to the hotel without any words being said. I rushed into the room and got my computer. I made everyone wait in the other room that we had booked. I waited for a skype notification by looking for tickets for a flight home. With my luck, they were all sold out. A notification came up from Jamie. I opened it up. Jamie was laying in a bed in the hospital. I could hear the monitors.

"Hey," she said quietly.

"Hey," I said in the same tone.

"The doctors are checking on the baby, since I'm only eight months, but he did measure big. I just hope he doesn't come," Jamie said. She was uncomfortable. I could tell by her having to move back and forth from different positions.

"I wish I was there. I shouldn't have came," I said. I felt so dumb for coming. I wish that I stayed home. Jamie had the 'I told you so' look. She wasn't going to say it because she knew I was already upset. I heard a knock on the door and the door open.

"Who's that?" I asked. Jamie looked back at me.

"It's the doctor," she said.

"How is everyone today?" Dr. Goldie asked.

"It could be better. Riker is in New York," Jamie said. She turned the laptop to face Dr. Goldie.

"Hey!" I said with a wave.

"Well, hello," she said with a smile. Nicole must've picked up the laptop because now I could see Jamie and Dr. Goldie.

"I have some news," Dr. Goldie said.

"Is it good?" Jamie asked.

"It's good and bad news," Dr. Goldie said.

At this point, I didn't know what could get worse. I was nervous to hear.

(a/n- Don't hate me. We are so close to the end. Oh my goodness. I am so excited to the sequel. Hehe! Alrighty! See you next time!)

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