One more.

192 7 2

Jamie's P.O.V.

The doctor checked me again, and I was at 7 centimeters. It wasn't much more of wait. I had gotten an epidural. The pain stopped completely. I was relaxed, but I was anxious.

Riker was taking a nap on the couch in the room. Nicole and Rydel were playing 'guess the middle name'. It was a surprise for everyone.

"Even if you guess it, I'm going to say no," I warned.

"Anthony," Rydel guessed. I shook my head.

"Alan," Nicole guessed. I shook my head.

They made many guesses: Oliver, Reid, Lucas, Red, etc...

They didn't even guess the right one, so I didn't have to lie. There was a knock on the door. It opened to reveal Rocky and my mom. Rocky came to take Nicole to go eat, and my mom traded spots with her. She sat beside me and held my hand.

"I remember the day you were born," she started, Oh, no. Here we go.

"I was so happy. The feeling that you get when you hold your baby for the first time is indescribable. You want to relive the moment of hearing their first cry, seeing them for the first time, kissing them for the first time. Today is when that is going to happen for you. I couldn't be anymore excited for you," she said. She leaned over me and gave me a hug being careful of the monitors around me. My dad came in the door. The first thing that he pointed out was Riker sleeping.

"He's gonna need lots of sleep after today," he said with a heavy laugh. He walked over beside my mom.

"I'll be back in a little bit," Rydel said to me. She left to go back to the waiting area. She must've gotten uncomfortable because she didn't really know my parents. My dad was admiring me.

"What?" I asked with a smile. He had a teary-eyed smile.

"My baby is having a baby," he said. He leaned over and kissed my forehead. He stood back up.

"Oh, hey." Riker sat up and positioned himself. "Sorry that I was taking a nap."

"Don't be sorry. You're gonna be glad you took that nap tomorrow," my dad said. My parents spent a couple more minutes in the room with Riker and I.

"Who do you want to come next?" my mom asked. She was going to send them back.

"My parents," Riker answered. My mom nodded. They left, and his parents came.

"Hey," they cooed as the walked in.

"How is everything going?" Stormie asked.

"Very slowly," I answered. "Riker took a nap because it's going so slow."

"You should be the one taking the nap," Stormie said. "Trust me."

"My dad told Riker otherwise. I guess that's just a men thing that they believe." Stormie nodded.

"I want you to take a nap. We'll get out of your hair, and you take a nap. It'll be worth it, and make sure to take one after. I hope I'll see you before you have the baby, but if not, good luck," she said. She leaned and gave me hug. She hugged Riker bye, but he ended up walking them back to the waiting room. I fell asleep while he was gone. I slept for a while. I woke up when the doctor came into the room. I was at 9 centimeters. I was so close. Dr. Goldie began to prep. The nurse was asking me questions.

"Who's going to be in there with you when you give birth?"

"Just Riker," I answered. I wanted my mom with me, but I didn't want to upset anyone.

"On a scale from 1 to 10, how nervous are you?"

"I'm about a 5. I'm more anxious." She looked at Riker, waiting for his answer.

"Me? I'm about a 5, also."

"Now, dad. How likely are you to pass out?" she asked Riker.

"Not likely," he answered.

"If you don't mind, I'm going to check you," Dr. Goldie said. She checked.

"I think you're ready," she announced. My heart bested faster and my hands went cold. I was excited.

"You can go let everyone know that we are moving her to the delivery. We'll wait for you to get back," the nurse told Riker. He left to tell everyone. It took him a while to get back, but when he did, we were off to delivery.

On the walk, I decided to ask Riker about my mom.

"How did my mom take the news about her not coming?" I asked.

"She was fine with it. She understood."

Then, we reached the delivery room.

This is it.


Fallin' For You -R5 fan fictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora