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Riker's P.O.V.

I found a house for Jamie, the baby, and I. We had put down a down payment. We are closing today, after her doctor's appointment. Also, we picked out a middle name for Jackson. We both agreed that it was perfect, but we are keeping it a secret from everyone until he is born.

Today, Jamie is 7 months. She has been extra moody.

"Are you going to drive any slower?" Jamie asked as she sat in the passenger seat in her car.

"I'm at a red light," I answered.

"Oh my God," she said. She put her head in her hands. I have been dealing these moments with silence and ice cream. I would've pulled over and gotten Jamie ice cream, but we were running late. Jamie sat with her head in her hands for the rest of the ride. I pulled into the parking lot and tapped her back.

"Jamie," I whispered. She slowly stretched back.

"What?" she asked.

"We're here," I said. Jamie looked around for a second.

"Oh," she said. We got out of the car and went inside. There was only one couple there. According to their appointment time on the check in sheet, they were early. We got to go back first. We sat in the room before Dr. Goldie came back.

"Are you excited?" I asked Jamie.

"Yeah. I want to get my due date today," she said. We wanted to wait until she was 8 months that way we didn't wait for a day to come.

"Are you sure? You're only 7 months," I said.

"Yeah. I want to know," she said. With that, we were interrupted by Dr. Goldie.

"Knock, knock," she said as she opened the door.

"How is everyone today?" she asked.

"Good," Jamie said.

"Good. Have you been feeling uncomfortable lately?" she asked Jamie.

"I've had some back pain, but it's not much," Jamie said. Dr. Goldie nodded and out gel on Jamie's stomach. She used the thingie to move around her stomach. I can't ever remember what it's called.

The baby popped up on the screen. His little hands were moving.

"He is measuring for the size of an 8 months baby. He's a big boy," Dr. Goldie said.

"What does that mean?" I asked.

"It's nothing bad. He is just big. The only thing is that if he is bigger than most babies, we will need to do a C-section. The plans of having a natural birth won't happen. Hopefully, he doesn't grow that much, but it's okay if he does," she explained. I looked at Jamie who was looking at me with a smile. Dr. Goldie did some work on the computer before saying anything.

"You guys can come back in two weeks. We want to see you more frequently now that you are getting closer to your due date," Dr. Goldie said.

"That reminds me. I think we finally want to know the due date. We know he is due in June, but we want to know the date now," Jamie said. Dr. Goldie smiled. She opened the paperwork up.

"Your baby boy will be here on June 25th," Dr. Goldie said. A huge smile grew on my face to the point where it hurt.

Before we left, We booked another appointment and got printed ultrasounds. We left and headed to the closing for our house.

The car ride we talked about the new house and what we were going to do with the baby's room.

"What are we going to do with baby's room?" I asked.

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