New House!

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Jamie's P.O.V.

Riker and I got the paint to paint the baby's room last night like planned. Except, he was too tired to paint. He decided that we would do that today and maybe set up some stuff once it dries.

He surprised me by waking up early and painting the room. I was so glad because that meant we could shop this morning and work tonight.

"Ready?" Riker asked from downstairs.

"Yeah!" I called down to him. I walked down the steps. I slipped on my flip flops at the door.

"We can go," I said. Riker opened the door and went to the car. I closed the house door and locked it. I headed to the car and got in.

"Where are we going?" Riker asked from the drivers seat.

"Babies R Us," I said.

"Alrighty," he said and began to drive.

"I've looked at their things online. They have some cute clothes and cribs," I said.

"Do you have things in mind?" he asked.

"I have a couple things in mind," I said.


"Like the basics: crib, high chair, changing table, and a car seat."

"So... we won't be long. Right?" he asked.

"It depends," I said.

"On?" he asked.

"On if you get on my nerves. I will drag this out all day long," I said.

"I'll try and not," he said. We pulled up Babies R Us.

"Alright. Let's get this done," he said. We got out of the car. We walked inside.

"This way," I said once we walked in. He grabbed a cart and walked with me. We walked over to the cribs.

"Which one did you see online?" he asked. I walked down the long line of cribs and stopped.

"This one," I said. It was a lighter blue than what we chose for the wall. It also had animal sheets that matched with it. I was in love with it.

"I like it," Riker said. He lifted a box with the pieces in it and put it in the buggy.

"Where to now?" he asked. I looked around. I saw a couple pregnant women looking around like it was their first time here too. I saw car seats. I had Riker follow me.

"I saw one that was green and blue. It has polka dots," I said.

"Polka dots? For a boy?" he asked.

"Yeah," I said. He shrugged and went along with it. We went around a couple places and got the main items we needed. My mom was sending some things: diaper bag, stroller, some clothes, and bottles. Riker's mom was helping too. They were sending an automatic swing. I was in love with that also. It had Winnie The Pooh on it. It was so cute when she showed me. We got what we could get today and checked out. It wasn't as long as I thought it would be, so we went home and put things together.

We were working on the crib first.

"Do you know what you're doing?" I asked Riker. He looked up from putting a piece or two together.

"Pretty much. It's self explanatory," he said. He started to look like he was having trouble.

"Need help?" I asked.

"You can help," he said, giving in. I carefully got down to help him. We got it done with ten minutes. Riker pushed up next to the wall.

"I love it," I said with a smile on my face.

"Let's get to the changing table," he said. We didn't have to do much. All we had to was take it out of the box and decide where to out it. We out it on the opposite wall. He set the car seat in the closet, where more boxes of stuff were.

"What's this?" he asked.

"Things we had before we moved. Rydel and Nicole put it in there for you to paint," I said.

"Oh!" he asked. He also put the high hair in there. He pulled out some boxes. It was mostly clothes and a lot of diapers that we already bought. I hung up some of the clothes. I was exhausted afterward.

"I'm going to go sit down," I said. I walked into the living room, leaving Riker to clean my mess. I turned the TV on and laid my feet on the couch. I fell asleep without knowing.

A while later, I woke up to the smell of Chinese food. I sat up and looking into the kitchen to find Riker setting out food.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"I ordered dinner. I didn't feel like cooking because I can't, and you were asleep," he explained.

"You're so kind," I said. I sat up as he brought my food closer to me. He sat beside me with his food and handed me mine.

"Thank you," I said.

"How long did I sleep?" I asked.

"You slept for a couple hours," he answered.

"That long?" he asked.

"Yeah. You must've been tired."

"I still am," I said as I ate. I finished eating and took our plates.

"Are you full?" I asked.

"No. Bring me a fortune cookie," he said. I grabbed me one, too. I took it over to him.

"You do yours first," he said. I opened mine.

'You will have a bright smile.'

I showed Riker. He opened his. He showed me.

'You will shock everyone.'

"What do you think that means?" he asked.

"Honestly, I don't think it means anything," he said.

"I hope not," I said.

(a/n- Sweet chapter. It's kind of a filler. Sad to think this story will end. Probably before chapter 50. Sequel might happen. I have room for it. I have more stories that I want to write and get out there too. They have great plots. Guess who I met? R5, minus Ross. They stayed at my hotel! It was crazy!! The concert was amazing! Follow me on twitter @MaegnnR5 or my "fan page" @R5er__Life. Follow me on Instagram @Maegann_! I'm private, but I'll accept.)

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