Morning After... the news.

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Riker's P.O.V.

It was the morning after Jamie told me we were expecting. I woke up closer to an hour earlier than I would've. I wanted to surprise Jamie with a nice breakfast. It took me about 45 minutes to make French toast and eggs. I know that sounds like a long time, but in my defense I'm not the best cook. I had set a plate down when I heard someone walk around the corner.

"What is this?" I heard and looked up. I smiled when I saw Jamie stretch and smile.

"Breakfast for my baby," I said. She walked over to the table and sat down. I bent down and gave her a kiss and rubbed her stomach.

"Thank you," Jamie said and ate. I wasn't hungry. I watched Jamie. She hadn't noticed the whole time she was eating. When she was done, she saw me.

"What?" Her voice went high. I got up and took her plate.

"You know I'm not handicap, right?" she asked.

"I know, but I love you!" I said and walked over to her and gave her another kiss.

"I love you too. Thank you for the breakfast," Jamie said. She started her way into the bathroom.

"I'm getting a shower!" she called out. I didn't reply. I sat in the living room and watched TV. I watched a full episode of Full House. Jamie walked out with shorts and a regular T-shirt and towel wrapped around her hair. She walked over to me and fell onto my lap. She wrapped her arms around my neck and looked at me. She was smiling wide.

"What's up?" I asked with concern in my voice. Jamie didn't answer. She giggled. I just looked at her.

"I made an appointment!" she cheered.

"A doctor's appointment?" I asked. She nodded. I gave her a hug.

"When?" I asked with excitement.

"Tomorrow," Jamie answered. I couldn't wait.


Jamie's P.O.V.

I told Riker about the appointment and we just sat together. Riker had started rubbing my stomach. It felt weird because I don't even have a bump yet. My phone went off in my room, and I heard it. I got up and walked into my room. It was a text from Rydel. I opened it up.

From Rydel: "How did daddy take it?(;"

I smiled when I read 'daddy'.

To Rydel: "Really well. First appt. is tomorrow."

From Rydel: "Awe, I'm glad and excited!!"

I put my phone down and walked back to Riker.

"Who was that?" Riker asked as I sat down beside him.

"Rydel. She wanted to know how last night went," I answered. Riker nodded. He wrapped his arms around my stomach.

"When do you want to tell everyone?" Riker asked out of no where. I had to think about it for a minute and when I didn't answer he asked again.

"I was thinking," I said. I giggled along with Riker.

"Why not tomorrow after the appointment?" I asked.

"That'll be perfect. When do you want to tell your parents?" Riker asked. I didn't even think about how I would tell them, let alone when.

"I don't want to do it over the phone," I said.

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