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Jamie's P.O.V.

After a good hour of pushing, I became a mother to a seven pound eight ounce baby at 6:33pm. The little cry filled the room. I got to hold him for the first time. When the took him to check over him, I felt my heart was ripped from me.

When I was sent to recovery, I had to wait the longest wait of my life to hold my baby. Riker was with the baby, watching them bathe him. I took this time to take Stormie's advice and take a nap. I needed it. I woke up from a soft knock at the door, which was Riker.

"They're going to move us up to a private room in a minute and bring the baby back," he said. He walked over to me and kissed me on the cheek. "You did amazing. He is so perfect. Thank you." That put a smile on my face. I couldn't wait to see Jackson again. I couldn't get him out of my head. He looked like Riker did when he was a baby, as far as I could see.

"He has your smile," he said to me.

"He looks like you," I said. I had a morning voice from waking up from my nap. He smiled. There was another soft knock at the door. It was the nurse that asked the questions before we went up.

"We're going to move you up, now. We are going to bring the baby back, and you can have visitors if you want," she said with a bright smile.

"Sounds great," I said. We moved out of recovery and up to a private room. The baby was brought up. They pushed him over by my bed. I was in immediate awe.

"Everyone that came to watch him get bathed for the first time loved him. He is very popular," the nurse said. "They can come up, but we are going to give you guys some privacy." She left.

"Who all watched him get bathed?" I asked.

"Everyone," Riker answered. I leaned to pick Jackson up and cradled him in my arms. He was so small. He made baby noises as he slept.

"You know what's really cool?" Riker asked. He sat on the edge of the hospital bed, facing me and Jackson. "This morning, he wasn't here. Now, he is here. It's so weird." That was cool.

"One year ago, did you picture yourself like this?" I asked. He shook his head. "What about when you met me on the beach. Did you expect me to be the mother of your child?" He laughed.

"I had a suspicion." Riker looked at Jackson, so I handed him to him. Seeing Riker hold our son was the best thing ever.

"My two main boys," I said. "Thank you for making this possible for me." He leaned and gave me a kiss. He rocked him back and forth. The nurse came back and asked if we wanted visitors. We told her the grandparents first. Riker handed me Jackson when he heard the door open.

"Oh my goodness," my mom awed. The stood on both side of the bed. I handed Jackson to Stormie first.

"Hey there, Jackson," she cooed. She rocked him in her arms. "He looks like Riker did," she awed. "The best day of my life." She had tears in her eyes. Riker went to hug her, so she handed Jackson to Mark. My mom and dad held him after.

"My baby has a baby," my dad said.

"Crazy thought, huh?" Mark asked.

"You teach them how to ride a bike, and the next day, they're having a baby," my dad said.

"No kidding," Mark agreed.

"Was it as bad as you thought it would be?" Stormie asked.

"After the epidural, it was pain free. It was worth it," I said. She smiled. My mom was holding Jackson. She slipped him back to me.

"We better let the aunts and uncles come back," my mom said. They left. Everyone else, Rocky, Nicole, Ellington, Rydel, Ryland, and Ross came back. Rydel and Nicole were the first over.

"He is so cute!" Rydel awed. She was defiantly in love, as am I. Nicole was speechless. She was smiling. They passed him around just like before.

"I want one," Nicole finally said something.

"Haha. No," Rocky teased.

"I do, too," Rydel agreed with Nicole. Ross looked at Ellington to see what his response would be. He mocked Rocky. Everyone laughed.

"Y'all don't even need one," Ryland said.

"Riker, go get our parents," I said. It didn't feel right not to everyone here. He did. Everyone was now admiring Jackson.

"What's his middle name?" Rydel asked. I looked at Riker. He nodded.

"Everyone, meet Jackson Finn Lynch." Everyone awed at his middle name.

"That's perfect," Stormie cooed.

Visiting hours ended, and everyone had to leave. I was tired, so we went to bed early.

To much surprise, Jackson didn't wake up much. He woke up about four times. That wasn't bad or so I heard from the nurse.

The next two days went by fast. It was the same thing over and over: visitors, monitoring, sleep. I wanted to be home. Luckily, it was that time. Riker lifted Jackson up and set him in his car seat. I got into the wheelchair. Riker carried Jackson, and the nurse pushed me. We got outside, and Riker went to pull the car around. We had the bags with us and put them in the car. Riker strapped the car seat in, and I got in the back with Jackson. We said goodbye to the nurse that had helped us out.

We came to the hospital as a family of one, and we left has a family of three.

(a/n- Thank you to all my readers! I love you so much!! Thank you for reading! Keep this story in your library & I will make a final authors note about the sequel when I begin it. LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH!!!!

ALSO! I have the sequel book ready.. You can look it up & add it to your library, so you know when I make the first update. It's going to be called 'Crazy For You'! Haha! Yeah!! IM EXCITED!!)

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