One. Scarlett

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Song for this chapter: linkin park and Kiiara- Heavy.

I wish I could say the farther away from Montana I got, the less I thought about Luke. He consumes me; every part of my being belongs to him. I don't think I will ever recover from this.
By the time I reach Minneapolis, I am all cried out. I check into a hotel and sit in the shower for far too long. When I get out, the hotel phone rings. I stare at it momentarily until I answer.
"Hello?" I say.
"You had better get your sexy ass back in the car and turn around." Cam growls and I sigh and sit on the bed.
"I can't."
"You can't or you won't?"
"Cam, I can't. I can't live in a world where Luke has a strained relationship with his own kid because his spiteful mother hates me. Who am I to ruin a family?"
"Stop. He loves you. You're hurting yourself. You're hurting Luke! You have to fight, Scarlett."
"I am done fighting. I'm all fought out." I say wiping a stubborn tear off my cheek.
"This isn't you." He whispers. "You can't go back to him."
"I have to make things right. I have to end them like I should have before."
Cam is quiet for a minute.  "You will contact me if you need anything."
"I mean it."  He says sternly.
"Yes sir."
"And you will have weekly or even twice a week check ins with me and I swear to God, Scarlett, I will check your body and if I see one single bruise, I will fucking kill him myself."
"Okay. Okay! I love you, you know." I smile for the first time in days.
"I love you, you stubborn woman. Turn your phone back on and I will be watching you."
We say our goodbyes and I turn my phone on.
I hear text after text come in and I don't want to look. I feel so overwhelmed that I decide to go grab dinner at the diner across the street.

Unfortunately they weren't too busy and after I eat, I'm back in my room staring down my phone on the bed.
Finally after an eternity, I grab it and take a deep breath.
Text after text from Luke fill my screen. Some from Karianne and Brett also grab my attention. Paisley. Cam. Cooper.
I start with Luke as I read text after text asking me to come back. I shake my head trying to to cry as his most recent text hits me the hardest.

You are the reason I survived when I should have died. Scarlett, I need to know you're okay. I know things are shit right now, but I know in my heart that we will be okay. We have to. I love you so much. Please babe, please text me back.

I sigh as my thumbs hover over the keyboard on my phone before replying.

You have my heart. I hope you know how deeply I love you. With all I am, I love you. I'm okay in the physical sense, but I'm falling apart without you. I know this sounds crazy, but I need you to try and work it out with Mandy. I can't be the reason your family isn't together. You owe it to your son, and yourself to try. If it doesn't work out, I will drive day and night until I'm in your arms again. But you have to try. As much as it kills me to think about her in your arms, that's what has to happen.

Almost instantly he reads and responds.

I hate this. I don't want her. I want you.

I saw you together outside of radiology. I can't compete with her.

You don't have to. I'm so sorry Scar, it didn't mean anything.

I'm sorry, but it meant something to me. I have to know it can't work between you two.

It won't.

Because I'm in the way.

Where are you? I'll come to get you.

No. I have to end what I started.

You're going back to him?

I'm going back to end it once and for all. You get your shit together and I'll get mine. If you still want me after, I'll be back.

How do I live without you?

I am wondering the same. :( but we have to do this.

Can we still talk?

Yes. No. I don't know. I think it would be confusing. And I don't want to know any details about you and Mandy.

If you want this, then you have to still talk to me. I won't talk about her but I can't do this unless you talk to me.


I love you, Scar.

I love you, Lucas. I'll text you tomorrow, okay?

Okay. Goodnight.


I set my phone down and put my face into my pillow. I know this is the right thing to do, but boy does it suck.

Finally I sit back up and text everyone else that I'm okay. I tell Karianne it isn't her fault and that this is something I have to do. She apologizes and tells me she still expects me to be her Maid of Honor in her upcoming wedding. That means I'll be back in Montana in a month. A lot can happen in a month.

I try and get some sleep, but my brain is working overtime. By the time I finally fall asleep, I dream of green eyes and broken hearts.

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