Thirty one. Scarlett

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Song for this chapter: Julia Michaels-Issues

We go to dinner together. I'm not sure when the next time will be when I step foot into the City that saved me. I push back tears as a million memories flash through my mind. Meeting Brett. Meeting Kare. Paisley. Hope. Georgia. Sharron. Luke. The green eyed boy who has my heart. At least half.
I look between Cooper and Luke, who are laughing together, and for the first time in my life, I feel truly at home.
"Are you okay?" Cooper asks snapping me from my thoughts.
"Yes. I'm just happy." I smile.
"I think we are, too." Luke laughs. "I always wanted a brother."
"Me, too." Cooper laughs.
I have to laugh. Somehow we are a family; a really weird family, but a family no less.
"I'm glad I could help." I giggle.
"I think I can speak for the both of us when I say you are literally the greatest thing to happen to us." Cooper smiles as he grabs my hand over the table.
"I have realized the last year that everything happens for a reason. It's a nice feeling knowing I have a future and friends." Luke says and nudges Cooper's shoulder. "Thank you both."
"To family." Cooper says raising his beer.
"To family." Luke and I say.
"I'm really going to miss you guys the next week." Luke laughs.
"You could just come with." Cooper suggests.
"That's what I said." I laugh.
"I know, but I need to see my mom, and pack my shit."
"Mom, I understand. Packing I have covered." Cooper says.
"I'm use to packing. It's no big deal." Luke shrugs.
"Okay." Cooper nods.
"It's a week. Besides, I'm sure you'll take very good care of our girl." He smiles.
"Always." Cooper says.

After dinner we head back to the hotel and spend some time packing. Paisley texts me and tells me that she is on her way to New York with Cam a couple days early. She's insanely excited and I can't wait to make plans for all of us to hang out. I picture us all at a stuffy party together and smile knowing it will be way more fun with Paisley, Cam, and Luke. Luke. My heart aches knowing he will be there as a friend or as Cooper's security, not as my Luke. New York is way more open than Montana, but I can't imagine the gossip that would circulate: Cooper Shay's wife and her lover.
I sit on the bed and push the negativity away. We will make it work. Somehow. As long as we are together.
I brave a happy face and head out to the living area, where Luke and Cooper are whispering.
"Am I interrupting?" I ask as I look quizzically at them.
They both say and I raise an eyebrow. "Really?"
"I was just going over some items with Luke. Getting him up to speed." Cooper says as he pulls me into a hug.
"Oh." I say feeling crazy.
"I know you tend to zone out when I talk business." He smiles and teases.
"True." I nod. "As long as everything is okay." I say looking to a quiet Luke.
"Yeah, babe. Everything is fine." He smiles and comes to hug me, too.
"Okay. I'm sorry, guys." I kiss them both on their cheeks. "I guess I'm just waiting for the other shoe to drop, ya know. I'm not use to things going so well." I smile before retreating to the couch. Luke comes and sits next to me before pulling me on his lap.
"Have I told you how insanely beautiful you are today?" He asks kissing my forehead.
"Not in the last hour." I tease.
"You are. Everything about you is beautiful." He says .
"Same with you." I kiss him softly.
"Not like you." He shakes his head. "I've never met anyone with a heart like yours."
"I'm nothing special." I whisper.
"You are. I wish I could let you see yourself through my eyes." He says. "You would see how amazing you really are."
"Thank you. For everything." I say and hug him close. I breathe him in, making sure I won't forget a single thing about him in the next week.
I feel crazy. It's one week, but a lot can happen in a week.

Luke and I head to bed while Cooper stays up a little while longer to finish some emails.
Luke pulls me close and tilts my chin up to him.
"I love you Scarlett." He whispers against my lips.
"I love you." I say and press my lips against his. It's slow as we try to savor the moment.
When we finally break the kiss, he pulls back and his eyes search mine in the moonlight.
"For keeps." He barely whispers.
"For keeps." I smile before curling into his chest and falling fast asleep.

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