Seventeen. Scarlett

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Brady is waiting outside and I hand him my rental keys without a word.
Cooper opens the passenger side of his rental and helps me inside. After putting my suitcase in back, he climbs in the driver's seat and drives away.
He's quiet as we drive, but at the first red light he looks at me and grabs my left hand.
"Are you hungry? We could find some breakfast."
"If it's not any trouble." I say weakly.
"Scarlett." He sighs. "I got your text, cancelled all plans and meetings, just to come help you. You matter to me, and finding some breakfast isn't any trouble. As long as you're well. That's all that matters."
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." I say as I remember the text I sent last night.

In our entire relationship I have never asked for anything. I'm begging you now to come as soon as possible. I need you as my best friend. I'm so broken right now and I need your help. Please help me, Coop. I need your strength to walk away. Please.

"Please don't hate me." I sniffle trying to hold back tears. Cooper pulls over and stops the car. He turns towards me and pulls me into a hug.
"I'm not mad. I definitely do not hate you. You are my best friend and I would do anything for you. I know you love Luke." He whispers. "Yeah that sucks, but you matter too much to me. If all we can ever be again is friends, then I'll take it."
"I don't deserve your kindness." I sob into his shoulder.
"I didn't deserve your forgiveness after all I put you through. Kindness is well deserved. Now can we please eat? You look starving." He smiles and kisses my forehead before resuming our drive.
I'm able to smile a little knowing that Cooper has my back.

Brady, Cooper, and I find a restaurant and head inside for breakfast. Brady sits across from me as Cooper sits next to me in the booth. We all chat easily as we wait for our food. Cooper rubs my thigh softly every time I seem to zone out. I rest my head on his shoulder, grateful for him.
After we eat, we head to the hotel Cooper booked by the river.
"I booked us one room. I wasn't sure if you needed me around or if you wanted space. I can book us separately, though, if you prefer."
"Would you hate me if I didn't want to be alone?"
"No. Honestly, I would feel better if we stayed together. I worry." He smiles.
"Thank you." I say as we head inside.
Brady heads to his room next door as we head to ours. It's huge and the view overlooks the Missouri River. It's beautiful. The oversized jetted tub in far end of the room catches my attention and makes me blush as I remember a similar tub Cooper and I once had fun in.
"Good times." He laughs next to me thinking about the same thing.
"Yeah." I smile.
"I have some work to do if that's okay?"
"Of course it's okay." I hesitate before hugging him. "Thanks again." I say into his chest.
"It's no problem, Scarlett. I'm happy I could help."

Cooper sets up his laptop on the desk and begins going through emails. I sit on the sofa and watch him work while the tv adds white noise to the room. I must have been tired, because I fall fast asleep.
My eyes flutter open as Cooper tucks me into the large bed. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to wake you, I just figured you would be more comfortable here." He brushes a strand of hair out of my face.
"It's okay. Could you-" I start but am oddly embarrassed.
"What can I do?"
"Could you stay with me for a little bit?" I ask. He smiles and crawls under the covers with me. He pulls me close and kisses the top of my head.
"Get some rest, Scar. I've got you."
I smile against his shirt and close my eyes.

I wake up as buzzing sounds from the night stand. I go to move, but Cooper is tangled with me. I try to move his arm, but he pulls me closer.
"Shhh. Five more minutes." He whispers and smiles. I shake my head and smile, but curl back up with him.
Five minutes pass, ten, twenty, but we stay put.
"Do you want to talk about it?" He finally says searching my eyes.
"Not really." I blush.
"Scarlett, I'm a big boy, I can handle it."
I sigh. "I thought I could be his friend. I guess I just needed closure." I shrug.
"Closure? Please, you are both still hanging on to a thread. If you love him, then why end it?" He says surprising me.
"I love you." I say quickly. "How fucked up is that? I can't seem to let either of you go." I roll to my back and cover my face.
"Hey." He says pulling my hands away. "We will figure it all out, and if you choose Luke, I will let you go, but don't think for one minute that I would stop being there for you. Stop being your friend. Maybe that would be a clause in our divorce. Weekly phone calls and yearly dinners." He smiles.
"I'm selfish. I don't want to let you go either."
"Well polygamy is in." He smiles and I have to laugh.
"Weirdo." I laugh some more. "We are both too jealous for that."
"Maybe, but I would do anything to keep you in my life." He says completely serious.
"I'll always be in your life! Who else would run in thunderstorms with me!" I laugh.
"As long as that's only with me, we are good." He pulls me on his chest and rubs my back. "So what else happened?"
My heart sinks as I remember the video. "He got drunk and had a threesome with the only girl I loathe." I turn on my stomach so I can look at him. "But that's not really what bothered me. They sent me a video of it and at the beginning, he says some pretty horrible shit about me. I guess now that's how I really think he feels."
"He was drunk, and while that doesn't excuse his behavior, you know sometimes people aren't theirselves when they drink."
"Hey now! Stop being so team Lucas. I need you to be team Scarlett." I frown while he laughs.
"I'm always going to be team Scarlett, I swear, but I'm just trying to get you to see his side of it. Do you still have the video?"
I frown more and move off the bed to grab my phone. I ignore all the texts and open the video and hand my phone to Cooper.
"Don't enjoy it." I glare and leave the room.
It doesn't take long for him to follow me into the living area.
"Wow." He says pulling me into a hug. "You're not any of those things, Scar. He was plastered and it kind of looks like they took advantage of him. I hate what he said, but I kind of feel bad for him."
"Me, too." I agree.
My phone rings and I hand it back to him. "It's Karianne." He says handing it back. I answer.
"Hey." I say.
"How are you?" She asks. Her voice heavy with concern.
"I'm okay." I shrug. Cooper kisses my forehead and heads to the computer. I walk into the bedroom and shut the door.
"He's a mess." She says.
"I figured."
"He told us everything. I want to be mad at him, but I kind of feel bad for him."
"I know. I just need some time to process it all. We both need to work on ourselves so we aren't so toxic."
"I can't disagree there. Are you still coming to my wedding?"
"What? Of course I am! Unless you don't want me to." I say sadly.
"Are you cuckoo bananas! You better be there! I was just trying to figure out who I would have to kill to get you there."
"Oh gosh." I laugh. "I will be there. For everything. I'll be okay to be around Luke."
"Okay good. I was kind of panicking." She laughs.
"Just do me a favor and keep an eye out for him. I don't want him to feel alone."
"Done. Does this mean you aren't staying?"
"I think I need to leave for a while. Let the wounds heal a bit."
"Okay. I'll support you with whatever you decide."
"Thanks, Kare."
"Can we meet up tonight? Go over wedding stuff?"
"Yeah of course." I pause. "Can you come to the hotel. I'm not ready to be that close to Luke."
"Sure thing. Just let me know where. Is seven okay?"
"Yes. I'll text you."
We exchange goodbyes and I head back to the living area.
"You okay?" Cooper asks from the couch. I nod and he opens his arms for me to sit with him. I crawl on his lap and sigh.
"Kare and Brett are coming here tonight. Is that okay?"
"Of course." He says. "What sounds good for dinner?"
"Well you know the best places here. You pick."
"You'll be disappointed." I laugh. "This is clearly not New York."
"New York gets stuffy. It's not too bad here." He shrugs.
I raise a brow at him. "Are you ill?" I feel his forehead. "Cooper Shay, mister travel the world, is currently content is a tiny town in Montana?"
"You're so funny." He laughs and tickles me. I laugh and squirm.
"Stop it!" I laugh uncontrollably and tickle him back. He smiles but I know he's not ticklish. "Okay truce!" I giggle.
"I think I win." He laughs.
"You win." I say standing. "Can we eat now?"
"Of course. Do you want Brady to pick it up?"
"Sure. I'll find a menu online." I grab my phone just as a text from Luke comes though.

Always For Keeps ( For Keeps part 2)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz