Forty One. Cooper.

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Song for this chapter:
Passenger- Let Her Go

The raindrops crash down on me as I run as hard as I can. I picture her next to me, laughing as she jumps in a puddle. She's everywhere, in everything I do.

I need her home.

The rain continues into the evening.
"You don't have to go. We can have someone bring the diapers." I laugh as Luke grabs his truck keys.
"I've lived this long without 'help', I'll be fine." He smiles. "I'll be right back. No cards against humanity without me!"

Everyone arrives, but Luke still isn't back. I start to worry about the man who became my family.
It shouldn't take this long. As I'm calling him for the fifth time, Cam suddenly jumps up from the chair.
"Luke's been in an accident." He says.
"What?" Kare says as tears instantly fill her eyes.
"We gotta go." He says and all of us, but a crying Mandy, Carter, Hope, and Brady head for the hospital.

"We are here for Lucas Miller." Kare says to the nurse at the entrance.
"Are you family?" She asks.
"He's my brother." I say. Maybe not by blood, but him and Scarlett are my family. I would buy this hospital just to be able to make sure he is okay.
"Fine. He was just moved to observation. Head up and they will give you his room number."
"Thank you." I say.

We take the elevator up and nobody says a word. Cam keeps trying to reach Scarlett, but no luck. She needs to be here. He needs her. I need her.
I tap my leg impatiently until the elevator door opens. Finally we get his room number and everyone all but sprints to the end of the hall.

His eyes are closed, his left arm is casted, his face is bruised and swollen, but he is alive. I sigh in relief.
"Did you guys play the stupid game without me?" He asks looking over to us.
"Well you always win, so of course we did." Kare teases. "How ya holding up, hun?" She asks.
"I thought I died." He whispers. "I thought my luck ran out and I was going home."
"You are home." I tell him and he nods.
"Has anyone-" he starts, but stops.
"We've been trying." Cam says. "I'll find her."
"So what's the damage?" Paisley asks plopping down on his bed.
"Broken arm, stitches in my face, broken ribs, but miraculously, I'm okay." He shrugs. "They are keeping me overnight for observation. Some woman was on her phone and didn't realize her light turned red." He frowns.
"Well way to scare us, buddy." Brett says
"I just figured we needed something exciting for our boring lives." He smiles.

We all chat awhile longer, until the nurses tell us visiting hours are over.
"I'm staying." I tell the nurse as everyone else leaves.
"Fine. I'll bring a blanket and pillow." She says.
"Thank you." I tell her.
"Man you don't have to stay. It's one night and I'm betting I'll be back home tomorrow." Luke says.
"Someone needs to look after you." I tease.
"Fine, but we aren't cuddling." He laughs.
"You're just not as pretty as Scarlett." I smile and he does, too. He sits quietly and I know we are both thinking about our girl.
"Do you think she is okay?" He asks quietly.
I open my mouth to say something, but I freeze; it's like every molecule in the room courses with electricity. Luke stills, too. He feels the shift in the air.

I look over to sad brown eyes. She hastily wipes tears away. "You know, there are far better ways to get a girls attention. You didn't have to wreck your truck to get me home." She says softly. I can't take my eyes off of her.
"See, Coop, I told you I'd get our girl home." Luke smiles.
"You're here." I finally manage to say.
"Do you both hate me?" She whispers.
"No." Luke says.
"Never." I say.
"You had better come here, woman, before I try to get to you." Luke says and she smiles. She hurries over and hugs him. He kisses her face, where green and yellow bruises are fading.
"I love you so much. You're the last thought I had before I thought I was dead." He whispers.
"I'm sorry I wasn't here sooner." She cries. "I was already on my way." She smiles weakly.
"It's okay. You're here now." He says as he pulls her a little closer.
I'm having a hard time forming words together. I almost laugh. I can sell you the shirt off your back, grow and empire, give thousands of people orders, yet this beautiful woman has this affect of me where I almost can't formulate anything. Like I suddenly forget how to speak.
She looks younger today. Maybe it's because she's not wearing a stitch of makeup, which she doesn't even need. Or that she's wearing a plain baggy Air Force shirt that's a few sizes too big. I want to reach out and touch her, but I'm almost afraid.
She seems to read my mind as she turns to me and jumps into my arms.
"I'm sorry." She says. "I should have trusted you." Her eyes plead with mine.
"I should have told you what was going on. I shouldn't have asked Luke and Cam to keep it from you. It's all on me, Scar and I'm so sorry."
"I've missed you." She says as a few tears trickle down her cheek. I quickly kiss them away and kiss her soft lips.
My heart feels whole, but I can't shake the feeling that I broke her. I'll never forgive myself for any of the pain or harm I have caused her.

Scarlett stays the night with us in the small hospital room. She lays on the side of Luke's bed and I manage to sleep holding her hand as I lean on the bed from the chair. It's very uncomfortable, yet I sleep peacefully holding Scarlett; knowing she is here.

The next couple days pass by. We get Luke home, everyone comes to see Scarlett. Lots of tears are shed, but everyone is happy she is back.
I watch her, but don't touch her much. She's quiet and I feel like something is off. Maybe after seeing her parents she's really less okay with our situation than she realized. Maybe she wants out but she would never pick between us. She doesn't want to hurt us.

The thoughts running though my head make me feel uneasy. I watch her interact with Luke, and I know in my heart what I have to do. If you love someone, sometimes the best thing you can do for them is let go.

The rain taps lightly on the glass. I packed a bag the night before, so I could slip away. I just had to hold her one last time. One last night.
I don't want to hurt Scarlett and I know she won't want me to go, but I don't want her to feel overwhelmed with ever having to choose.

I slide from the bed and kiss her one last time. I feel my heart shatter in my chest as I leave the bedroom for the last time.
It's early morning and the overcast sky fits my mood. I start writing a note when the air shifts.
"You're leaving?" She asks. I don't want to see her cry, which I know she is, but I can't not look at her beautiful face.
"I love you. More than I could ever describe."
"So why leave? I'm sorry I left, Coop! I just needed a moment to catch my breath." She sobs as she runs to my side. Her eyes are wild as she panics.
"I don't ever want to hurt you again." I whisper.
"You're hurting me now!" She yells. "I need you."
Footsteps in the hall alert to Luke's arrival.
"What's going on?" He asks looking at my suitcase.
"I told you once that when she picked you, I would walk away. I don't want to ever make her pick, because we both know she would never want to hurt us." I try to explain.
"You are using me as an out!" She sobs harder.
"I could do this the rest of my life, Scar! But I love you too much to have you feel trapped." I softly kiss her lips.
"Is it because of Natasha?" She whispers.
"God no! I never loved her! She was a way to pass my time. I will never love anyone else in this lifetime." I tell her honestly.

I have to go, I have to. Just walk, Cooper. Go so she can be free.
I turn on my heel. "I'll see you around. Please protect her, Luke."
"Don't go, Coop." Luke says sadly.

I walk to the door, but before I open it, all the air is sucked out of the room by two words that Scarlett barely whispers.

I spin and look at her as tears trail down her cheeks. Luke's lips turn up as he grins from ear to ear.

Fuck being noble. Fuck being a gentleman.

I watch her hands slowly move to her stomach.
I'm finally going to be a dad.

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