Twenty two. Scarlett

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Their eyes burn into me as I soak in the water. I can't stop looking at them. I clench my legs together as I think how sore I would be after a couple of days of taking turns with them in my bed.
"Why are you smiling so big?" Luke asks.
"What?" I say and look into his green eyes.
"You were grinning from ear to ear, my dear." Cooper says raising his brow.
I feel my face flush. "No reason." I say quickly.
"Sex is supposed to help with cramping." Luke says out of nowhere. "I'm looking on google." He holds up his phone and they both look at me.
"No." I laugh.
"You were totally thinking about sex." Cooper grins.
"Oh lord. It's bad enough that I can't have any peace and quiet, at least stay out of my head." I smile.
"Who were you thinking about?" Luke asks and both their eyes dance with excitement. I take a breath and submerge under water. Obviously I can't stay under forever, but I needed a moment.
I come back up and they are both sitting on the edge of the jacuzzi. I gasp. "Fuck. Don't scare me." I say and splash them.
"It's a simple question. Which one of us were you thinking about." Cooper smiles.
"I went almost, what, two years without sex? I can handle it better than both of you." I smirk.
Both of their jaws twitch.
"I will climb in there with you." Luke's eyes narrow on mine.
"We both will. And then it will be a weird Luke threesome." Cooper teases.
"Fuck." Luke says and we all laugh.
"Okay! I just thought how sore I would be sleeping with both of you. At separate times." I blush.
"Oh." They both say and smile.
"So are we going to flip a coin or Rock Paper Scissors to see who gets her first?" Luke asks.
"Rock Paper Scissors." Cooper says.
"Oh my God." I roll my eyes before going back under water. When I come up, they are laughing.
"Fuck." Cooper shakes his head. "You win." He holds up his hands.
Luke looks at me as his eyes blaze with desire. I look to Cooper who is keeping insanely calm.
"What? You can't be okay with this?" I say to Cooper.
"He won fair and square." He smiles. "Besides, while Luke is getting ready to be a dad, you and me have a date with France." He brushes my cheekbone lightly.
"Right. Which will have you furious?" I say to Luke.
"No. Cooper has promised to update me multiple times a day. I might even meet you there for a couple days." He smiles.
"Okay." I shrug and put my hands up in mock surrender. "I'm in." They both laugh. "I still don't see how this will work. Especially on a long term basis, but I guess until we figure it out..." I frown. "You know, there are plenty of beautiful women out there. You're both incredibly sexy and it's not hard to find someone prettier than me." I look at both of them and now they are frowning. "What? It's true!"
"Nobody else compares to you." Cooper says.
"They could if you gave them a solid chance." I whisper.
"But we don't want to." Luke says.
"You're both crazy. I'm crazy." I shake my head.
"About you!" They both say together. I smile and shake my head.
"Ready to get out?" Cooper asks."
"Yes." I say and look at my towel. Luke grabs it and holds it out for me. Cooper holds out his hand and I take it. I stand as Luke wraps me in the oversized fluffy towel.
"Thank you both." I smile and kiss each of their cheeks before padding off to the bathroom to get ready.
Luke knocks at the door before entering. "Mind if I hop in the shower?"
"Not at all." I smile at him in the mirror. He doesn't take his eyes off me as he slowly takes his shirt off.
"Liking the show?" He asks and I realize I'm blushing.
"Always." I grin. He turns the shower on before stripping the rest of his clothes off and stepping into the steaming water.
I finish my hair and makeup and head out to the bedroom to get dressed. I hear Cooper on the phone in the living room so I drop my towel and put on a black lace thong before grabbing my dress that's hanging on the back of the closet door. I don't bother with a bra since the dress is backless. I slip on a pair of black pumps that wrap around my ankle to complete the look.
"That wine color looks amazing on your skin." Cooper says from the doorway. He walks forward. "Can I button the top?"
"Yes please and thank you." I say standing. He buttons the single button at the back of my neck. Then stands back to admire me. "You look breathtaking."
"Thank you." I say as I turn towards him. Even in heels, his height towers over me. I place my hands on his chest and lean into him. He wraps his arms around me.
"Scarlett?" He whispers and I look up.
"Can I..." he says looking at my lips. I lean up and kiss him before he can finish. His hands press my body against him as mine run through his hair. He pulls back and kisses the side of my neck before returning to my lips. I suck on his bottom lip and he groans as he pushes his hips into me.
"You have about forty five seconds, Coop." Luke yells from the bathroom. Cooper smiles against my lips.
"Do you plan kissing me?" I ask.
"A little." He says and kisses me quickly again.
I shake my head as he takes a step back and sits on the bed.
Luke comes in and looks between us.
"Have fun?" He smiles.
"Not enough. I'm going to take a cold shower." Cooper stands but kisses me briefly in the lips before heading to the bathroom.
"That doesn't bother you?" I ask Luke.
"No. I will get my turn." He smiles.
"You make me seem like a cheap fair ride." I pout.
"Don't say that." He comes to my side and looks me over. "God you're hot." He turns me in a circle. "You aren't wearing a bra?" His eyes widen.
"No. It would look tacky with one."
"Well most guys are going to get hard looking at you."
"Just you and Coop." I tease looking down at him. My face flushes.
"What are you thinking?" He whispers.
"I'm trying not to think." I say. "This is all a lot to deal with."
"We both understand." He says as he caresses the swell of my breast. I suck in a breath and his eyes darken. He leans in close. "When I get to have you in bed, I'm going to take my time kissing every part of your body. Then I'm going to fuck you all night, so slow, you'll be screaming my name as you come, over, and over, and over..." He whispers in my ear and I feel my legs close together as his hand trails up my thigh. "Soon."' He says as he smiles against my neck. He moves away and the loss of contact makes me groan, which in turn makes him grin.
He leaves the room and I collapse on the bed, trying to regain my bearings.
I stare at the white ceiling and zone out until I hear laughing.
"We broke her." Cooper says.
"Oops." Luke laughs.
I sit up and glare at them. "You both think you're hilarious, but who is going to be laughing when I decide to sleep naked tonight sandwiched in between the both of you?" I smile wickedly as both of their jaws drop. "It's just so comfy, ya know?" I cross my legs and hike my dress up. "Well hurry up, boys." I say standing. "We have places to be." I wink and walk out of the room smacking both of them on the butt.

Always For Keeps ( For Keeps part 2)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora