Forty Eight. STARLA

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About 7 1/2 years ago.

I watch him walk towards me on the sidewalk and butterflies fill my stomach. Cooper Shay is the sexiest man alive. He's the only man who has always been here for me.
It was hard pretending I was sad when Morris died. Piece of shit. All the drugs he took made him a monster. Hit me once shame on you, hit me twice, I cut your breaks and you die a slow painful death.
"Hey." Cooper says. "What are you doing here?" He asks.
"Figured you needed some fun. It's Friday after all." I smile.
"Peter and Eric are set on showing me a bar. Want to come?"
"Yes." I smile. In more ways than one.
We walk a few blocks away and he tells me about a new business deal he's working on. His eyes are so animated, I have to smile.
I'm so in love with him. I have been since we were kids. My parents always told me Cooper Shay and I would be married. One day we will be. His father was over just last night talking about how Cooper and I belong together.
We get to the bar and I have to roll my eyes.
"Seriously?" I ask and raise my brow just as Eric and Peter come into view.
"What?" He laughs.
"Oh nothing, only that this place has a reputation for women."
"Oh come on. Since when do you have a preference on the gender you fuck." He laughs.
"True. But this is a hole in the wall."
"One drink. If you hate it, we will leave."
"And do what I want?" I pout my perfect bottom lip out.
"Yes. Come on." He nudges my shoulder.
"Hey Star." Peter says. He's fun. I fuck him a bunch, but he's not Cooper.
"Hey." I smile.
We head into the dim bar together, and the bar is packed. Not the whole bar, but the east end. I can't see why, but Cooper pushes our way through the crowd.
"What do you want?" He asks.
"Tequila." I smile.
"Okay." He nods.
"Maybe we should go to the other side. It's not as packed." I say.
"Okay." He says and goes to move, but stops.
"Coop?" I laugh and push his shoulder. He doesn't budge. "Cooper, come on." I move in front of him and follow his eyes. The bartender heats under his gaze. She smiles to a red head next to her then looks up to Cooper. My Cooper. Her cheeks turn pick and she can't seem to move either.
She's pretty, I would probably have some fun with her. Her long brown hair goes past the hem of her small red crop top. Her tits are huge. Barely contained inside the v neck of her shirt. Her flat stomach glistens in the hot bar. Maybe we can talk her into a threesome, but the way Cooper looks at her, I feel anger boil inside me.
"Let's go, Coop." I shove him.
"I said one drink." He mutters and pushes up to the bar. I sigh and follow him.
"What can I get you?" She asks him.
"I'm Cooper." He smiles. Seriously? He doesn't get like this around women. Is he blushing?
"Hi Cooper. Would you like a drink?" She blushes and asks.
"Yes. Sorry. Could I have three of any beer on tap and five shots of tequila. Maybe a name?" He smiles.
She rolls her eyes. "Bud light, okay?"
"For my beer or a name? Because you don't look like a Bud." He teases.
"Hey Scarlett, I'm going to take a smoke break."
The red head winks and Scarlett turns scarlet.
"Scarlett." Cooper says.
"Yes." She hands him all the drinks and he hands her his card.
"Can you open a tab?" He asks.
"Yes, just don't forget to come back for your card." She smiles.
"Oh I won't." He smiles and we grab our drinks and head to an open table.
He watches her for hours.
"Can we fucking go?" I finally ask.
"I'm not ready." He says.
"You told me-" I frown. "Whatever. She probably fucks everyone."
"Like you?" Eric laughs.
Oh yeah, I forgot I've fucked him. Multiple times. He has a big dick and he's usually sweet.
"Haha. I have money. I'm not a gold digger." I say.
"She doesn't fuck everyone." Cooper defends me.
"Thank you." I smile.
"There's me and that one guy from prep school. The gay one." He smiles.
"Ass." I say and push my chest out. "If you leave now, we can fuck." I whisper seductively in his ear.
"You're funny." He says and finishes his beer.
"I'm being serious." I say.
"We are friends." He frowns.
"Even better. Come on Cooper. Fuck. Me." I whisper. His eyes flick to mine briefly but that fucking whore's voice cuts through and he looks over.
"Can I get you another beer?" She asks.
"Yes please, Scarlett." He smiles.
"How about you?" She looks at me and smiles. Fuck her and her perfect white teeth. Her light brown eyes and perfect tits.
"Another couple shots of tequila." I say.
"Okay. I'll be right back ." She says and retreats through he crowd.
Another couple hours later and my buzz is feeling pretty good. I keep imagining pushing Cooper backward on the table and sucking him off in front of Miss Perfect while she cries.
"Ready?" Peter asks.
I look around and see Cooper at the bar.
"He's closing the tab." Peter tells me.
"And hitting on the bartender." Eric smiles.
As we leave the bar, I grab onto Cooper for support.
"Easy there." He smiles. I look at his lips, but too quickly he looks back over his shoulder.
"I'm going to marry her one day." He smiles. "Scarlett." He breathes her name and I push off him
"Peter. Take me home, will you?" I say and wink.
This bitch is just a phase. Cooper and I belong together.

Always For Keeps ( For Keeps part 2)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon