Ten. Scarlett

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I watch Cooper intently as he ties a light blue tie with his gray suit. I'm sprawled out on the bed basking in a post orgasm glow.
"You're making it very hard to go to work this morning." He smiles.
"Maybe you shouldn't go." I say as I move off the bed and pull him towards me.
"As much as I would love to stay home with you today. You have plans with your friends."
"Right." I say as I remember Paisley is in town. "Thanks." I say and lean up and kiss him.
"For what?"
"Reminding me. Being here for me. Everything." I smile.
"I'm always here for you." He says and kisses me softly again.
I throw on one of his shirts and walk him to the door. "See you tonight." He says tucking a crazy piece of hair behind my ear and kissing me.
"Tonight." I smile. He hesitates briefly before he opens the door. "You better hurry before I pull you back in here for a round two." I laugh but he smiles and opens the door wider and clears his throat. I raise my eyebrow at him until he motions into the foyer.
A surprised Cam and Paisley walk through the door.
"Should we come back..." Paisley asks suppressing a grin.
"Nope." I say as my face flushes.
"Paisley. Cam." Cooper nods in greeting before kissing me quickly and heading out the door.
"I guess things are going well." Cam says eyeing my almost naked body.
"Yeah. Yup. Super great." I giggle awkwardly. "I'm gonna change. Feel free to make yourself at home." I yell over my shoulder as I rush to get dressed.
"Is sex in the foyer too at home?" I hear Paisley yell behind me.
"Haha!" I shake my head.
After I'm more decent, I head out to the living room. Paisley and Cam are sitting cuddled up on the couch. I sit across from them.
"I thought we were hanging out at noon." I say still completely embarrassed.
"Well after Luke called last night and told us he saw pictures that Cooper looked pissed in, we decided to come early, but things look like they are going okay." Paisley smiles.
"Ugh Luke." I shake my head. "I'm fine. I really am." I say as I pull my knees to my chest and wrap my arms around them.
"Are you sure you should be... ya know sleeping with Cooper?" Cam asks bluntly.
"No. Yes. It's confusing. At first I thought I could separate my feeling from it, but I can't. I have to let Lucas go, and I'm honestly really happy with how things are going with Coop."
"I just don't know if it's a good idea." Cam says and Paisley nods in agreement. I stand and awkwardly pace the room.
"It doesn't have to make sense to anyone." I shrug. "I love you both, and appreciate your friendships, but I am happy with him. It's crazy, I know it's crazy, but let me see what happens, okay?"
"We are here for you." Paisley says standing and hugging me.
"Thank you. After seeing Mandy and Luke naked together, I just know it's over."
"Wait! What?" Paisley pulls back searching my eyes.
I fill them in on the awkward FaceTime.
"I'm going to kick his ass." Paisley scoffs taking out her phone.
"Don't. He needs friends, Paisley. He needs you." I pause and take a deep breath. "Do I wish I wouldn't have seen what I did? Yes, but it's over and done with. Besides, I'm sleeping with Cooper. A lot. So I can't be mad. It would be completely hypocritical."
"But it's still shitty that you had to see that." Paisley pouts.
"I know." I shrug.
"I told him I would let him now how you are." She says and my heart flutters, allowing myself to miss him the slightest bit.
"Well dammit woman let's snap him." I smile.
We decide to stand on my balcony- Cooper's balcony, as we move cheek to cheek and take some pictures. Smiling, funny, Paisley kissing my cheek; we laugh together as she sends them.
"Should he know about you and Cooper?" She asks as we go back inside and I make coffee.
"I really don't know. He knows I'm bringing Coop to the wedding." I shrug. "He probably knows, honestly."
"Well I'm not going to tell him." Cam laughs as he wraps his arms around Paisley.
"Cam's coming to the wedding." She grins and blushes.
"Good! You two are cute." I laugh as I pull the creamer out of the fridge and add it to my coffee.
The three of us chat easily for a couple hours before we get some shopping and lunch in. Paisley has a later flight, so we say our goodbyes as she promises to be back soon.

Being around her makes me miss home-Montana. So I decide to give Karianne a call.
"Hey City girl." She answers.
"Hey friend." I say sadly.
"Oh no. Are you okay?"
"I honestly don't know." I sigh.
"Talk to me." She urges.
"I know I told Luke to try with Mandy. It's all my fault, but I wish I wouldn't have seen them. Ya know?"
"Obviously! That's horrible for me to even imagine. Seeing the man you love in that situation." I picture her shaking her head.
"And then there is Cooper..."
"Has he hurt you?" She almost yells.
"Scarlett Olivia I swear if he touches one hair on your pretty head!"
"Calm your tits, woman. I may have slept with him... a few times..." Silence for a beat.
"Should I be happy or mad?" She whispers.
"Happy. I'm really happy, Kare." I sigh.
"Look, you're an adult so I'm not going to lecture you, but just be careful."
"I will. I promise." I smile.
"So... tell me about it!" She squeals.
"It's good. So good. God, Kare, his muscles. The way they bulge when he..." I pause and we both start laughing. "I can't complain."
"What about his personality?"
"He's sweet. It's completely different than he used to be. I'm still being careful, but I'm not really worried. Is that stupid?"
"Maybe? I don't know! How confusing." She pauses, "Do you love him?"
"Yes." I say without missing a beat.
"Well girl, I can't wait to see you and him soon."
"I can't wait to see you!"
We spend a while going over some details of the wedding before she gets a knock at the door.
"Hold on." She says. I am only half paying attention until I hear his deep voice. Luke. Half of me wants to hang up, the other half begs to talk to him. Just to hear him some more.
My heart aches; especially when I hear Mandy.
I instantly end the call and slump over on the couch. My phone rings and it's Kare calling me back. Sitting back up, I answer.
"Hey." I say quietly. "I um, I lost the call." I smack my forehead.
"Karianne has her hands full and asked me to call you back for her." Luke speaks and I almost drop my phone.
"Oh." Manages to bubble out of my throat.
"How are you?" He quietly asks.
"I'm really good. I hope things are going well for you- and Mandy." I try to sound tough, but my voice cracks.
"We are probably doing as well as you and Cooper." He retorts.
"Touché." I say as a small smile threatens.
"Scar-" he says and I picture him sitting down and running a hand through his hair. "I don't want us to be bitter. I still lo- I still care for you."
"Likewise." I whisper.
"Can we be friends?"
"I don't know." I answer honestly.
"Can we try? Please?"
"Yes. We can try." I say as relief washes over me.
"I liked the snaps I got from Paisley. The ones of you two."
"Thanks. It was nice seeing someone from home- from Montana."
"It doesn't feel the same without you here."
"I bet. Who is getting your misses these days?" I tease.
"Hey now, I had a really great teacher. I don't miss." He proudly says.
"I'll believe it when I see it." I laugh.
"I've missed that." He says quietly.
"Your laugh."
"Oh." I breathe as my chest tightens.
"Please don't ignore me anymore." He says sadly.
"I won't. I promise Luke." I don't know if I'm lying. I want to be there for him, but I don't know how to be his friend without loving him.
"Thank you." He says.
"Okay, Lucas! Stop hijacking by best friend." I hear Karianne laugh.
"Later Scarlett. Lo- talk to you soon."
"Bye Luke." I say and sit down.
"Y'all make yourselves at home, I just need to check something in my room." Karianne says as she picks the phone back up. "How was that?" She whispers.
"Good." I say quickly. I groan. "Confusing. Are you becoming Mandy's BFF?"
"Hell no. Friends close, enemies closer."
"You're terrible."
"You're my best friend. And, as terrible as Luke has been he is also my best friend. I hate seeing you both hurt."
"Okay. Well we have agreed to be friends. Whatever that means."
"It means to be there for each other. You are both such a big part of each others lives. You can't lose that connection."
"You're right. I will put my pride aside and be there as his friend."
"Damn right I'm right!" She laughs.
"Thanks friend." I smile.
"You're welcome."
We exchange goodbyes and I sit quietly on the couch.
I don't know how much time passes, but I barely register footsteps getting closer to me. The living room light turns on and I look over to Cooper.
"Hey baby. Are you okay?" He asks coming to my side.
"Yeah." I say looking around. "What time is it?" I look outside and realize it's dark.
"After eight. I'm sorry I had a late meeting."
"It's okay." I hug him. He picks me up effortlessly. "I missed you."
"I missed you." He kisses me softly. "If you're okay with it, I cancelled all my plans for tomorrow. We can go out, or stay in."
"Yay!" I say and hug him closer. "We can do whatever. I'm just happy to be with you." I say honestly.
"That makes me insanely happy to hear, Scar." He pulls me down on the couch with him and we make out like teenagers for what seems like forever.
"I forgot just how much fun it is to kiss you." He laughs as we sit up.
"Well if you feed me, there's more of where that come from." I stand and wink. He laughs and throws me over his shoulder. "Put me down, Coop!" I say unconvincingly and laugh!
He sets me down on the kitchen island and goes to move to the fridge, but I wrap my arms around his neck; pulling him close.
"Cooper." I whisper.
"Yes?" He breathes.
"I'm hungry-" I pull his mouth to mine and my tongue slips into his mouth. It's not a long kiss, but it clearly affects him. When I pull back he smiles.
"I thought you were hungry?"
"I am. For you. For food." I smile.
"Well," he says pushing off the island and staying an arms reach away, "I wouldn't want to disappoint you on either, so I'm going to feed you..." he leans back in, "then I'm going to fuck you all night in our bed." He emphasizes our.
"Okay." I say as I have to close my legs together tightly thinking about how much I want him.

He pulls out a meat and cheese tray, followed by some wine. We sit on the couch and eat together.
As much as I physically want him, being with him like this pulls at my heart strings. I listen to him tell me about his friend Peter, finally tying the knot. I tell him about the fight with Stacey in the club bathroom as he traces the outline of my scar.
"Do you still think I'm beautiful?" I blurt out as he turns my arms over and traces the faded scars.
He looks up at me, clearly surprised. "You told me once that they would make me ugly..." my voice fades out as I recall his harsh words.
He pulls me closer and kisses my wrists before kissing my lips.
When he pulls back, his eyes are full of something. Regret?
"I was not a good guy to you, Scar, and for that I am truly sorry. I could never think you ugly. You're still the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on. No scar will change how beautiful you are, but it's not just on the outside, it's what you are on the inside. You are amazing. You're so smart, you're kind. It has been a privilege knowing you. I won't fuck up again, I swear to you." His eyes bore into mine, and I think I forgot how to breathe.
"I love you." I whisper. It just tumbles out but I wouldn't take it back for anything.
His eyes widen and search my face before he kisses me. He pulls me into his lap, where he unbuttons my shirt and pulls it off. I reach down and pull his over his head. He groans from the brief loss of contact and I can't help but smile before his lips crash back on mine. He stands; pulling me up with him and walks us to our room. He puts me down on the bed and slowly pulls my pants, along with my underwear off. He kisses the inside of my left knee, then the right, before climbing in between them. He scatters soft kisses along my thighs as I sit up on my elbows and watch him. Usually I lie back with my eyes screwed shut, but I can't stop looking at him. When his tongue touches my clit, I have to force my eyes to stay open. It doesn't take long before I feel myself about to crash over the edge.
"Cooper." I breathe right as he inserts a finger inside me and I crash hard. I feel like I'm flying as he kisses up my body. He quickly takes off my bra and kisses each breast before moving to my lips.
"Say it again." He whispers against my lips.
"I love you." I say and I open my eyes and stare into his.
"Again." He whispers.
"I love you, Cooper." I moan as he pushes inside me. "I love you. I love you. I love you." I repeat as he slowly thrusts back and forth. He pulls my hand to his mouth and kisses my palm, my wrist, my scars. I can't help the stubborn tear that escapes, but he quickly kisses it away.
"I love you, Scarlett. I love you so much." He says kissing the trail my tear made.
"I love you." I say again as I pull his mouth back to mine.
I fall asleep on his chest that night listening to the soft beat of his heart. His grey eyes are all I think about.

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