Twenty Seven. Luke

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Song for this chapter: Shaggy- I Need Your Love

Bowling turns out to be a hit. It's nice seeing Scarlett laugh and be so carefree. The last couple weeks have been hard on us, but on her more.
Her eyes catch me watching and she blows me a kiss as she dances around with Paisley and Kare.
"It's funny how her smile makes you feel like all is right in the world." Cooper says sitting next to me.
"Right. I thought maybe we lost her a little." I tell him.
"I know. It'll be nice when we are all in New York. Give her some routine." He says.
"For sure. Thanks again, for the job. I uh-" I run a hand through my hair, "Ya know, I thought I would spend my life in the Army. When I lost that, I really lost a part of me. I like phlebotomy, surprisingly, but it's nice having a career to look forward to. I appreciate it." I tell him and he smiles.
"I appreciate your sacrifices, Luke. When I found out about you, I did my research. You are pretty incredible. I have to admit, I was jealous of you, but part of me was happy that Scarlett had found someone worth her time." He says and his words touch me.
"Wow. That means a lot to me." I say nudging his shoulder.
"I uh- I started setting up a charity in your honor." He says and I think my jaw hits the floor.
"Really?" I ask baffled.
"Yes. It will help support families and spouses of men and women killed in action. It will pay for spouses to go to school, set up college funds for their children, daycare costs, things like that. Our first recipient is Sara Lane." He says and my eyes fill with tears. Sara was the wife of my best friend, Chris. I held him as he died in my arms. After Chris' death, I heard Sara had decided she wanted to be a PA.
"I don't know what to say, Coop. Thank you. Words cannot express how insanely happy that makes me." I say and be pats my back.
"Well you deserve it. They deserve it." He says and I clear my throat.
"You're really an alright guy." I smile.
"So are you." He tells me.
"How are my two favorite guys?" Scarlett comes over and sits on Cooper's lap and puts her legs up on me.
"Are you drunk?" I ask.
"Me? No." She smiles. "Maybe a tiny bit. Like a small amount. Not a lot."
"Oh man." Cooper laughs.
"I just love you guys so much." She hugs us together. "And you both smell so good." She says closing her eyes.
"You smell good." I smile at her. She opens her eyes and smiles.
"Something on your mind?" Cooper asks.
"No." She giggles. "Maybe. I'm going to get another Jell-O shot." She goes to move, but Cooper pulls her back down.
"Stay with us." He smiles and she frowns.
"You just don't want me to drink anymore." She pouts.
"I think everyone is about to leave." I tell her.
"Fine." She sighs and stands.

We all leave the bowling alley and head out separate ways, but not before Scarlett hugs Brett and Kare tas she says goodbye. Since they are heading to Hawaii and she is heading to France, they won't see each other again for a while.
When we get to the hotel, I pick Scar up and carry her inside.
"Why is it so hot in here?" She asks.
"Because you're drunk." I laugh.
"Haha." She sticks her tongue out at me and then pulls her tank top off.
"What are you doing?" I ask.
"Getting ready for bed. What? It's not like you both haven't seen me naked before." She smiles.
"True." I shake my head. She moves to the bedroom and comes out in a spots bra and shorts.
"Better?" She smiles.
"I would rather have you naked." I laugh.
"Well then you would turn it into a threesome and it would be a little awkward." She teases. Cooper surprises her by wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her close. "In my intoxicated state, however, I'm not opposed to that." She smiles.
"Oh really?" He says kissing the side of her neck.
"Mhmm." She closes her eyes and leans back against him. His right hand moves up her body until he tilts her chin up to him. He kisses her lips softly before letting go.
"We should sleep." He says and she pouts.
"Fine, but it's kind of shitty that I have you both and nobody wants me." She walks off towards the bedroom and Cooper looks at me.
"What do we do?" I ask him.
"I have no idea." He shrugs. "She's been drinking."
"We have to be gentleman." I say.
"Exactly." He says just as her bra lands on the ground in front of him. "Fuck."
"Want me to go home?" I ask.
"No." He shakes his head.
"I can sleep on the couch." I suggest. "Or we could have a weird Luke threesome." I tease.
"Let's just try and sleep. I'm sure she will fall asleep rather quickly." He says and we head to the bedroom.
Scarlett is under the covers, but isn't asleep. I hurry and brush my teeth and come back out. After I'm in my boxers, I slide in on my side next to her, careful not to touch her.
Nobody moves, probably because Cooper and I are barely containing ourselves knowing she might be naked.
"You guys suck." She says and turns on her stomach.
"We are trying to be gentleman. Don't make this any harder than it already is." Cooper says.
"I'm sorry, all I could focus on was you saying hard." She teases.
"Fuck, Scarlett." I laugh.
"I was trying." She laughs.
"And what do you suggest we do?" Cooper says amused.
"I don't know. I'm horny and you're both so hot."
"Well both of us are afraid to move because you're naked." I laugh.
"I'm not naked." She says. Cooper and I both finally shift towards her and I'm pretty sure he lets out a breath. "I'm wearing shorts." She says throwing the covers down and sitting up.
We both suck in a breath before we turn away from her.
"Fine, you prudes." She stands and walks off the bed.
"Scarlett?" We both groan as she heads to the living area.
"You want to talk to her?" He asks.
"I'm going to be honest here, Coop. I don't know if I could turn down any of her advances right now."
"Yeah. Same here."
"Let's just let her sleep it off. Then when I'm at work tomorrow, she'll have you all day. You can make it up to her." I suggest.
"If she talks to me." He worries.
"She will. Don't worry." I tell him.

We both toss and turn a lot without Scarlett. I think we have both gotten so used to holding her close that it's hard to sleep without her. My chest aches knowing she will be leaving in a couple days for France. I'm not worried about her time with Cooper, I'm worried about myself. I haven't had a nightmare sleeping next to her and I dread having them return. Suddenly, I think about Sara Lane. Her kind smile every time I saw her. I smile in the dark room as I remember the way Chris would obsess over all her freckles she tirelessly tried to cover. I decide when Scarlett leaves, I'll go to bed every night thinking positive thoughts about the loved ones my friends left behind. It will help. It has to.

As Cooper's breathing evens out, I silently thank the man I once hated, who is making a difference in the lives of people who have lost so much.
With that, I am finally able to drift off to sleep.

My alarm sounds and I wake alone in the big bed. I get up quickly to check on Scarlett. She sleeps soundly on the couch. I smile as I realize she is wearing one of my shirts.
Cooper is nowhere to be seen, but a note on the computer catches my eye.

Gone to get breakfast and coffee. Be back soon.

I decide to hop in the shower before work. As I'm standing in the steam of hot water, the bathroom door opens.
"Hey, find some breakfast?" I ask. The shower door opens, and in walks Scarlett.
"Hey." She says quietly.
"Hey." I reply a little startled. "How do you feel?" I ask.
"Okay. I slept like shit."
"I think we all did." I say as she moves closer under the water.
"I'm sorry." She says. "I uh-I shouldn't have behaved like that."
"It's really okay." I tell her.
"Not really." She shrugs.
"Scarlett, don't." I say and pull her close.
"I know. I'm just frustrated."
"Sexually?" I tease.
"A little." She smiles.
"Well I think Cooper has some plans with you here soon." I smile. "But I'm going to need to kiss you." I say and lean down to her. I kiss her slowly as I pull her even closer to me.
As much as I want to take her in the shower, I don't think she would be okay being with both of us in one day, so I slow the kiss and pull back.
"I love you." She smiles.
"I love you." I tell her. "Enjoy a hot shower, I'm going to get ready for work." I tell her.
"Okay. I'll be out soon." She smiles as I leave.

I grab a towel and head out of the bathroom. Cooper surprises me as he sits in the couch.
"Fuck. You scared me." I say.
"Sorry, I wasn't sure if I should leave."
"Oh. No. Nothing happened. I told you that you should be with her today." I tell him.
"Oh. Okay. There is coffee on the counter. Oh and some biscuits and gravy, too."
"You aren't mad are you?" I ask.
"No. I just-sometimes when she isn't where I thought she was, I panic. When I didn't see you, I just figured... ya know, but there was a moment when I thought maybe she left." He says sadly.
"I think she's done with that." I tell him.
"I hope so." He smiles as the door opens and Scarlett comes out in a towel.
"Hey." She smiles. "I'm sorry about last night." She says blushing.
"I'm sorry." He stands and hugs her. "Are you hungry? I got you a coffee." He says.
"Yes, thank you. Let me just get dressed." She smiles at me before heading to the bedroom.
"I told you she would talk to you." I tease.
"Thanks." He smiles.

When Scarlett is done getting dressed, I head in the room and get dressed as well.
We eat breakfast together and I grab my coffee to go. We say our goodbyes and I kiss Scarlett on the cheek before heading out.

As I head into work, I notice storm clouds rolling in. The smell of rain fills the humid air.
On my brief walk in from the parking lot, I can't help but get excited for New York. It's going to be different, but I can't wait.
There's only one thing I worry about, and as I round the corner, she sits waiting for me.

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