Thirty Two. Luke

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Song for this chapter: The Chainsmokers- Paris.

The week passes in a flash. To my relief, I still sleep without nightmares. I would like to blame it on not drinking, but I know it's because of Cooper. Him starting that charity healed me more than I thought possible.

Dinner with my mom and Mark went well. They are happy for my chance at a new career. I'm vague about Cooper. I know my mom is supportive, but I don't feel like explaining my relationship right now. Not all of it. They know I'm with Scarlett and that's all that matters. She is all that matters.

The movers show up and I head to the hotel with my suitcase. Cooper booked me the same room we all shared. It feels lonely without them, but I smile as I see Scarlett everywhere in the room.
I work my last day, say goodbye to all the people I have met, and am ready to go.
I go out to dinner with my mom and Mark on my last night, and they drop me off at the hotel after. My flight is early and I already have a Lyft coming to get me. The movers picked my truck up today, so it's on the way to New York.
I can barely sleep; I'm far too excited. I toss and turn and think about honey brown eyes.

The flight is long but luckily I sleep most of it. When we land, it's morning, and I can't get off the plane fast enough.
The airport is so crowded, I wonder how I'll find Cooper and Scarlett. Luckily that tall fuck is easy to spot as he towers over the crowd. He waves and I wave back, but I don't see Scarlett. I briefly wonder if she's missed me, but as she pushes through the crowd and comes into view, I know she did. She jumps in my arms and I lock my lips on hers as I spin her around.
"I'm going to speculate that you kind of missed me?" I laugh as I set her down.
"Only a little." She blushes.
"Fuck that. The sun rises and sets with you woman! I fucking missed the fuck out of you!" She laughs and I pull her to me again.
"Good." She smiles.
"Well I kind of missed you, too." Cooper laughs as he pulls me in for a hug.
"Me, too, buddy." I laugh. "Now where are these warm croissants and coffee you spoke of? I'm starving!"

The three of us head to a busy café and sit in the warm sun. Scarlett was right, this croissant is amazing. She tells me about all the fun shopping she did, and Cooper listens to her just as attentively as I do.
We decide to go to the Eiffel Tower together. We take pictures of all three of us in front of it, before heading up.
The view from the top is extraordinary, but it doesn't compare to the woman next to me. She smiles and blushes as she notices me starring.
"God, I love you." I pull her into a hug and kiss the top of her head.
"I love you." She says and pulls me tighter.
"I can't wait to see you in that white bikini tomorrow." I whisper.
"Oh really? I was thinking I couldn't wait to see you naked." She smiles and winks before walking away.
"Babe!" I laugh as I follow after her.

When we get to the hotel, Cooper makes a couple calls in the office and I don't waste any time pulling Scarlett into the bathroom and fucking her senseless.
"Fuck I've missed you." I kiss her before I toss the condom in the toilet and flush it.
"You just missed my vagina." She laughs.
"That, too. And these lips." I say and I kiss her again. "Let's not forget this." I say kissing over her chest.
"Well I've missed you." She smiles and wraps her arms around my neck.
"You just missed my di-" I say but she presses her lips to mine. "That's a good way to shut a guy up." I laugh.
"Mmmhmm." She giggles.

We order room service for dinner and eat on the balcony together. Cooper tells me how Frank, his head of security will bring me up to speed on everything before he retires. He worked for Cooper's dad, before his death, and before that he was a marine.
Scarlett texts on her phone. Brett and Kare are back from their honeymoon, and she misses them dearly.

After we all get ready for bed, I climb in next to Scarlett and pull her close. I wanted to enjoy the feeling of her body next to mine, but I'm so comfortable, I fall asleep effortlessly.

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