Four. Luke

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Song for this chapter: Owl City-Vanilla Twilight

I watched the snap she put on her story about a thousand times. Up in her tower locked away from the world. From me.
I pictured her sitting in a chair as the sun warmed her skin. Closing her her eyes and taking in the moment of complete tranquility. Maybe reading a book as she tries to escape life. I look over to the balcony and picture her there.
"You're not crying again, are you?" Mandy says as she comes out of the bathroom.
"No." I say and grab my keys. "Are you good? I need to head to work."
"Yes thank you. Thanks for letting me stay here. It's much better than a hotel." She smiles as she slowly sits on the couch.
"Okay well let me know if you need me." I say before leaving. I know it's what Scarlett told me to do, but I hate having Mandy here. It ruins my memories or Scar.
The day drags on as Brett, Kare, Paisley, and I only get a handful of patients here and there. Paisley is still not taking to me which makes work weird. Especially when Brett and Kare leave.
Finally I break the silence. "Have you heard from her?"
"Yup." She says without looking at me.
"How is she?"
"How do you think she is?"
"I miss her."
"I bet you do. Maybe you should go tell Mandy. Let her console you."
"Scarlett told me to try this with Mandy. She's only been staying with me for a couple days-"
"She's staying with you now? In you and Scarlett's apartment?" She seethes.
"I'm not the bad guy, Paisley. I love her."
"Then why aren't you fighting for her?"
"She doesn't want me to."
"Oh okay." She rolls her eyes.
"She'll be back in a couple weeks." I say.
"With or without her husband?" She snaps.
I didn't think about that. Would she work things out with him? No. No way.
My mind is wondering as my phone vibrates. It's a snap from Scarlett.
I open it quickly.
Physical therapy sucks. It says with a picture of her leg up on a cushion with ice packs on it.
"Ouch." I say aloud.
"Yeah." Paisley says looking at the same snap. "Ugh." She says. "You owe me." She takes a pouty face selfie and waits. Scarlett sends her another so Paisley moves next to me and opens it.
Miss you 2 :( it says with a picture of Scarlett. She looks tired but God, does she look beautiful. Her hair is up in a messy bun and her makeup is light. She looks perfect.
"Thanks." I say as the picture disappears and Paisley moves back to her spot.
"I don't think you're a bad guy. Scarlett gave me a chance when I didn't deserve one. I really care about her."
"I know. I do, too."
"I um- I might see her soon." She says blushing.
"Cam?" I ask and turn towards her.
"Yes. He invited me up this weekend. I'm off for four days so I am thinking about it."
"I think you should. He seems nice."
"He is." She smiles. "Look, I'll go. I'll check in on her and I'll snap you. Okay?" She says typing on her phone.
"Thank you." I say and relax a little.
The rest of the afternoon drags on, but eventually it's six and Paisley and I leave for the night.
I stop and get some burgers before going home. When I get there Mandy is sleeping on the couch.
I don't want to wake her but I'm sure she needs to eat. I decide to give her a few more minutes and head into my room. I pull out my phone and call Scarlett.
"Hey. You okay?" She answers.
"No. But I'm trying. How are you."
"Sore today. I haven't been able to walk since physical therapy.
"That sucks, I'm so sorry."
"It's okay. She seems hopeful on my progress."
"Well that's good."
"Yeah. Now I can't wait to get this cast off my arm."
"I bet. Don't get an eraser stuck in it." I laugh.
"I learned that lesson when I was ten, thank you very much." She laughs.
"Have you been planning with Karianne? For the wedding, I mean?"
"Yeah I'm going to send her some pics of a couple dresses I found here since she still hasn't found one."
"Oh good. That will be helpful."
"I hope so."
"Have you talked to Paisley?"
"I did. She's coming to see Cam this weekend so we have a shopping date."
"She will love that." I smile.
"Oh yeah."
Neither of us says anything for a minute so I have to break the silence. "I know you said not to call but I miss you. You're my best friend."
"I didn't say don't call. I said focus on Mandy and your son. You're my best friend, Luke."
"I ugh- I love you."
"I love you, too." She says back and I almost explode hearing those worlds.
"Luke are you home? I saw the burgers on the counter." Mandy says opening the door. I pale instantly.
"Go enjoy dinner. Have a good night, Luke."
"You, too. I love you." I say not caring who hears.
"Love you. Bye."
"Bye." I say and hang up.
"I'm sorry. I didn't know you were on the phone." Mandy says as tears fill her eyes.
"It's okay. I just haven't heard from her." I say standing and heading to the kitchen.
"I just don't get why you can't give me a chance." She hugs me.
"I'm sorry. This is just so much." I say and wipe her tears.
"Yeah I know." She shakes her head. "Just let me try something. Please trust me." She says and I nod.
Slowly she closes the distance and her lips meet mine. I close my eyes. Her lips part and her tongue meets mine. It's familiar. It feels good, but that passion isn't there. I don't want to upset her further so I continue to kiss her for a few minutes.
"Was that so bad?" She says as she pulls back.
"No." I say.
"Okay." She simply says and we eat dinner.
We watch a movie afterwards, but my minds is all over the place. I say goodnight to Mandy and she kisses me again. "You know we can have sex. It's not like I can get pregnant again." She laughs.
"It's just too soon. I'm sorry."
"It's okay. Pregnancy just makes me so horny." She giggles. I shake my head.
"Goodnight, Mandy."
"Night, Luke."
I fall asleep pretty quick. I feel a little more at ease talking to Scarlett tonight.

I hear screaming. I bolt up and look for Scarlett but she isn't in the room. I run to the guest room and realize it's Mandy.
"Mandy. Wake up." I say and shake her shoulder.
"Oh Luke!" She bolts upright and wraps hers arms around my neck.
"It's okay. You're okay." I say as I pat her back.
"Please stay with me tonight. I can't sleep alone. Please."
"Okay." I say and climb into bed with her. She cuddles into me which feels awkward. Scarlett fit into me so perfectly that Mandy's tall frame makes it odd.
"I'm so glad you're here." She says kissing my cheek. Then my chin. Then my lips. She starts it slow then she deepens it quickly. Her hand reaches down under my shorts.
"Mandy." I say as I stop her hand.
"Please Luke. You're obviously turned on."
I shake my head. "I can't."
"Fine." She says and cuddles back into me.
Her breathing evens out and I try to fall asleep next to her. Finally sleep finds me, but brown eyes haunt my dreams.

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