Twenty one. Luke

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Song for this chapter: James Arthur- Say You Won't Let Go.

I wake up before my alarm and am content just looking at a sleeping Scarlett.
Yesterday feels like years ago instead of hours.
To say I was surprised to get a wake up call from Cooper is an understatement. When he told me through tears that Scarlett was in the ER, I jumped up out of bed and threw on my scrubs. Since I was supposed to work, they were already laid out.
I don't remember driving to the ER, I just remember getting there and running inside.
They let me back, luckily, and I found her room easily. She was fast asleep as an ultrasound tech exited the small space.
"What happened?" I ask as Cooper stands from her side. His eyes are bloodshot and dark circles line them.
"She woke up screaming in pain. I rushed her here as fast as I could." He shakes his head and rubs his face. "Maybe you should sit." He points to the chair on the other side of the room.
I don't question it. I sit and wait for him.
"She was pregnant." He barely whispers. More tears fall freely from his eyes as I process what he just said. Was.
"I didn't know."
"Neither did I. Neither did she. She wasn't that far along, but-" he stops and kisses her hand.
"It was still real. Just because she wasn't far along, it won't change the hurt she's going to feel."
"Exactly." He says. "After we lost Asher, she was a mess. She tried to put on a brave face, but it changed her."
"We have to be there for her." I say.
"It's an odd thing, Luke, us loving the same woman. But what if we both possess different qualities she needs?"
"She loves us both."
"We can both love her. Put our alpha male fronts aside and be what she needs." He says and I nod. "I've lost her once, I don't know if I could survive losing her again." He says sadly and I truly feel bad for him.
"I can do it if you can." I say.
"Okay." He nods.
We are quiet for a beat, until I break the silence.
"How far along was she?" I finally ask the question that was burning my brain.
"Roughly a month or less."
"It was Scarlett. It wouldn't matter if it was yours or mine. We both would have loved it, you know."
"I know." I say and I picture a little girl with brown eyes and light brown hair. I let a few tears fall and quickly wipe them away.
"Are you okay?" He asks and I'm taken back.
"I don't know. Are you?"
"No." He answers truthfully. "I have wanted to be a dad for a really long time. I wanted to prove to myself that I could be a better father than my own. Maybe it's not in my cards." He says sadly.
"Hey now. You have a reputation to uphold! The Cooper Shay whose wife loves him, wouldn't give up like that." I say and smile.
"Thanks, Luke. You're really not a bad guy." He smiles.
"Neither are you. I guess if we really love her, we can push our differences aside and we can be some weird family for her sake." I say and he laughs.
"Well since neither of us are giving up, I guess we have to."
We smile at each other as Scarlett wakes up.

Now, roughly twenty four hours later, I wake up next to her.
I trace her lips lightly with my finger.
"Creep." Cooper whispers from the other side of the bed.
"Me? You're doing the same thing." I laugh.
"We really are odd." He smiles.
"Yeah we are." I smile. "We should go to breakfast. Man, bacon sounds so good."
"Maybe some eggs Benedict?"
"I've never had it."
"Seriously? Were you raised under a rock?"
"I spent years in a desert." I shrug. "It's about the same."
"Well you have to try it. There's this place down the street from my building in the city, seriously they do not disappoint."
"Do they have bacon?"
"Only the best!" He laughs.
"Oh my God. If you two need me to leave the room, just say so." Scarlett says before putting the pillow over her face.
Cooper and I both laugh.
"We were watching you sleep, then we got hungry." Cooper says.
"Are you kidding? Both you creeps watch me sleep!"
"You're just lucky that way." I tease as I pull the pillow from her face.
"I'm exhausted. It was like trying to sleep with two light sabers poking me." She glares, and Cooper and I lose it. I roll with laughter.
"You're just so pretty." He tells her.
"I'm pretty sure I have bruises." She says and rubs her sides.
"Aww want us to kiss you and make you all better?" I ask.
"No." She pouts. "But I would take a massage." She smirks and we both laugh. I pull her up and lean her against me. I massage her neck and shoulders, while Cooper massages her legs. I notice him gently stretch out her right leg.
"How's it feeling?" He asks.
"Pretty good. My arm is achey today, but that's my own fault."
"Usually they cast broken bones for a reason." I joke.
"Yes, I'm fully aware of that." She sticks her tongue out at me. "As good as this feels, and trust me, it feels really good," she sighs, "we should go eat."

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