Eight. Scarlett

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Song for this chapter: Stay- Alessia Cara & Zedd

Raindrops tap against the windows as thunder rumbles in the distance. The clock on the nightstand reads 11:32 AM. My hand absentmindedly traces hearts on Cooper's warm chest.
I thought I would want to flee this morning, but I surprised myself by wanting to stay a little longer in his arms. To say I'm completely confused is an understatement. I thought casual sex with Cooper would be easy, but as butterflies fill my stomach replaying last night, I realize I might not be good at keeping my emotions out of sex.
Cooper's arms tighten around me as he kisses my head. "I thought I was dreaming." He says quietly.
"Me, too." I say as I nudge more into his side.
"How are you feeling?" He says tilting my chin up to look at him.
The dull ache between my legs makes me blush. "Satisfyingly sore."
He smiles from ear to ear as he shakes his head.
"Oh you meant in general?" I laugh. "My arm hurts. My leg aches." I sigh. "But I feel good. I could eat."
I smile up at him.
"Well let's eat. I'll get you some Motrin for your arm and leg. Maybe we should get your arm casted again today."
"Do I have to? Maybe just a soft wrap. I hate the cast."
"Okay, but you have to take it easy."
"How easy are we talking?" I say as I straddle his lap. "Because I can do this with no hands." He shifts underneath me and I know he wants me.

After twenty minutes of showing Cooper how not to use my hands, we walk to the kitchen together to make breakfast. I open the fridge and he closes it.
"No ma'am. You sit your sexy ass at the island. I'm cooking."
"Really?" I say interested.
"Yes. Now sit. I'll get you some coffee. Tell me more about Karianne and Brett." He smiles as he turns on the coffee maker.
I go into detail about my two best friends. Telling him how we met, stories they have told me. I tell him  about the hospital and things I hated about working in a lab, but how I loved it anyway because of them. I tell him about Hope and the day of the Ice Breaker.
"Were you scared?" He asks as he finishes his omelette.
"No. I didn't have time to be. All I could think that I had to try and save her."
"You're amazing."
"No. Anyone would have done it." I shrug.
"Scar, I watched the video a thousand times. You didn't even hesitate. You're incredible and I'm so thankful you are okay. All I wanted was to tell you how sorry I was for all the pain I caused you. I wanted to know you were safe."
"I thought you would drag me away. Or kill me." I shudder.
"I will never hurt you again. I won't force you to stay. You may leave whenever you want." He smiles sadly before standing and putting our plates in the sink. I walk up behind him and wrap my arms around his waist.
"Let's not go there. Not today, okay?" He nods and puts his hands over mine.
"What would you like to do today?" He asks as he turns around.
I raise my eyebrow at him and smile. "You know."
"Really? Are you sure? You aren't too sore?"
"Are you wimping out on me, Shay?" I say stepping back.
"Me!" He acts offended. "I never wimp out, my dear. Let's do it."

I laugh loudly as we run down the hall. We get dressed quickly together. I laugh as Cooper stumbles while putting on his shoes.
Minutes later we exit the building, and run into the pouring rain. We run around the block holding hands. I'm slower than usual and I don't want to push my leg. Cooper keeps my pace even though I know he could have lapped me twice, easily. I look over at him as raindrops splash his face and soak his clothes. His handsome face is engulfed in a huge smile and my broken heart stirs a little.
We laugh as we continue running through puddles, stopping to jump in some.
"I can't believe you still do this." He laughs as he pulls me into the side of a building giving us a break.
"Only with you." I say out of breath as I lean on the building. His eyes widen as he smiles bigger.
"Yes. Running in the rain like complete idiots is reserved strictly for you and me." I giggle.
"I've done it." He says looking at me intensely. I feel my face fall a little as I look at the ground.
"Oh." I say and he tilts my chin up.
"Alone. Every time it rained, I would come out alone and run until I couldn't run anymore. It made me feel closer to you even though you weren't here."
"Really?" I ask taken back.
"Really." He whispers as he leans down to kiss me.
There are people walking on the crowded sidewalks with their umbrellas up guarding them from the assault of the rain; but they all disappear as Cooper's lips touch mine. It's not like last night. It's soft; loving. He pulls me closer so our bodies are pressed together. His right hand rests on the small of my back, while his left cradles the back of my head.
The remaining walls I built up wash away as the raindrops relentlessly fall on us.
Cooper slows the kiss and stands upright.
"Take me home, will ya." I say and smile.
He nods and we walk home.

Waters drops off us onto the floors as we make our way to the bedroom. We don't say anything as we take off each other's water soaked clothes and step into the steamy warm shower.
The hot water cascades over us as we kiss slowly. My arms snake around his neck to pull him closer.
After we are warm, he turns the shower off and we dry off briefly before he carries me to the bed where we slowly make love.
When we are done, we cuddle quietly as he traces scars on my arm.
Silence is comforting. The last couple weeks have been such a roller coaster that I find myself comforted by the sound of the raindrops against the glass and the beat of Cooper's heart.
The phone rings next to the bed and Cooper's sighs before answering it.
"Shay." He says all business. "Right now? It can't wait? Fine."
He hangs up and kisses me softly. "That was Mac. I have to go into the office for a few minutes."
"Okay." I say and sit up.
"Would you like to come? Then maybe we can grab dinner?" He asks rubbing my shoulders.
We both get dressed, then I put on some makeup and tame my wild hair.
"You look lovely." He says as we walk to the elevator.
"Thank you."
After we get to the office, Cooper has a few things to do so I wait in his office for him. I sit behind the expensive mahogany desk and run my finger along the smooth edge. I can't help but smile when I see the pictures of me framed in the exact same spots they were two years ago.
"That's my favorite." He says as I pick up one of us on the beach.
"I love this one. It was in Nice."
"That was a good trip." He says sitting on the desk. "Are you ready to eat?"
"Yes. You're already done?" I ask surprised that he is done so fast.
"Yes. It was just a signature Mac needed." He says tapping his fingers nervously. "Are you okay?" He says looking down.
"Yes... are you?"
"Yes, I just- you've been quiet and I'm afraid you're regretting-"
"No." I say standing and wrapping my arms around his neck. "I loved it. Today has been the first day that my head hasn't been chaos. I just feel happy."
"Me, too." He smiles.
"Good! Now can we eat? I'm starving!" I say and he laughs.

We end up going to a small Italian restaurant where I eat my weight in pasta. When we are done we head home and watch some TV before going to bed.
Cam calls me briefly and I roll my eyes as he asks if everything is okay.
"Yes Cam. I'm fine. I promise." I say as I look at Cooper who is brushing his teeth.

Later that night, as Cooper sleeps peacefully next to me, I finally let my mind wander;
Maybe this is where I belong. This is my life. It has to be. Luke and Mandy belong together like Cooper and I do.

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