Forty Two. Scarlett

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"I'm pregnant." I whisper. My hands move to my belly as Cooper spins around.
We stand there for the briefest moment before he runs to me and pulls me into a hug.

I found out the day after I got to Alaska. Happiness started growing back as the four pregnancy tests all showed positive.
My mom and dad cried happy tears as we rushed to the hospital. I needed someone to tell me. I had to know for sure. After some blood tests and an ultrasound, they confirmed it.
Nine weeks. It's most definitely Cooper's. I couldn't wait to tell them, but with Luke's accident, I wanted to make it special.
Not some insane way to make Cooper stay with me.

"If you don't want to stay..." I whisper but his lips stop me as he kisses me desperately.
"I'm never leaving you. Fuck trying to be noble. I wanted to make things easier on you." He says.
"I wanted to tell you both sooner, but with Luke playing bumper cars, I decided to wait and try and do something special. It wasn't meant to be a ploy to make you stay with me." I say sadly.
"I want to be with you! I swear, I just thought I had fucked up too badly and that you wanted to choose Luke, but felt bad."
"I kind of want you both. If you'll still have me." I smile weakly.
"Fuck yes! Now we don't have to wear condoms anymore!" Luke laughs and pulls me to him.
"You're not mad?" I ask him.
"No! We wanted this!" He smiles.
"Maybe it's Luke's." Cooper says unconvincingly.
"Scarlett and I have been using condoms for almost three months." Luke tells him. "How far along are you?" He asks
"Nine weeks." I smile.
"Congratulations!" Luke says as he hugs Cooper.
"I guess I was right when I asked after the night we had sex with you like ten times." Cooper laughs.
"And it explains why I threw up when Luke was talking about throw up."
"And why you're not skin and bones anymore! Thank God!" Luke laughs.
"Am I fat?" I ask.
"Fuck no!" They both say and make me laugh.
"Okay, because I'm going to keep getting bigger." I smile.
"Good." They say.
"We are really weird." I laugh and hug them both.
"No. I think we are kind of perfect." Luke smiles.
"Me, too." Cooper agrees.
"Good, because I'm not going to let either of you go." I smile.

Instead of going back to bed, we eat breakfast together. Cooper cooks bacon, eggs, pancakes, and brings out fresh fruit. They each take turns talking to my stomach and kissing it. I look between them finally able see it; growing old with both of them.

Later in the day, I decide to tell Paisley and Kare alone.
We sit in the living room quietly.
"I have something to tell you." Paisley and I say at once.
"You first." She says.
"No you." I smile.
"Say it at once! Then we will decide who's is more juicy." Kare laughs.
"Fine." We laugh, too.
"On three?" Kare suggests.
"On three."
"I'm pregnant!" We both say. Goosebumps cover my skin as we all laugh and cry.
"Congratulations!" Kare hugs us both.
"Cooper?" Paisley smiles as she wipes a tear.
"Yes." I smile.
"How far along are you both?" Kare asks.
"Nine weeks." I say and Paisley laughs as her eyes widen.
"Me, too!"
"Omg bitches! When I told you to have babies the same time, I wasn't serious." Kare laughs.
"Am I the only one who feels bad for our guys? We are all pregnant. Mandy just had a baby. We are all going to be a mess." I laugh.
"It's good for them." Kare giggles.
"I can't believe this." Paisley smiles.
"Me either. I'm so happy." I say.
"Me, too." They both say.

We break our news to everyone at dinner.
Everyone laughs and cries together. The guys all hug and head out to smoke celebratory cigars.
"This is amazing." Mandy smiles as she hands Carter to Karianne.
"I can't believe his is happening." Paisley smiles. "I should have known when our cycles synced up." She laughs.
"This is perfect. I couldn't be happier." I hug Paisley just as the front door opens. We all look to see Natasha Novak waltz around into the living room.
"I see the the girls I paid to jump you, didn't do a very good job." She smirks as anger rises up. Of course she was the cause of that.
"Maybe you shouldn't hire such pussies." I grin. "Also, leave my house."
"I came to collect some money. Cooper stopped returning my messages. I need to speak with him."
"The fuck you do." Paisley says and glares.
"This is between myself, and Cooper." Natasha huffs.
"I'm sorry, my husband is no longer your business. If you have any issues feel free to go fuck yourself." I smile.
"But your husband does it so well. I mean just last week we fucked me against the glass shower." She smiles and I narrow my eyes.
"You're a terrible liar. How's your baby?" I ask.
"Miscarried, sadly. You know how that goes."
"I bet you did." I laugh. "You know what's great about this moment, Natalie?" I grin and stand while she glares at me. "The fact that you no longer have leverage over Cooper. You should have thought about that before you faked your miscarriage."
"He won't ever be happy with you!" She shouts. "Especially since you and him won't ever have a baby!"
"Oh Natalie, you poor poor thing." I grin. "I was hoping you would say that." I place my hands over my belly as the color drains from her face. "Now I can rub in your face the fact that I'm carrying his baby, and you never will."
"Liar!" She screams as the guys hurry into the room.
She lunges at me, but Cooper grabs her before she reaches me.
"Get out!" He says.
"I want my money or you I'll go to the press and lie some more!"
"Go then!" I laugh. "You can try and tear us apart all you want, but nothing you do or say will ever make me stop loving him! He is my family. Always." I say and smile as Cooper.
"Well I'll post the sex tape we did!" She laughs and Cooper pales. My heart stops, but I try and recover quickly.
"What tapes?" Cam smiles.
"I have tons! Videos, pictures, you name it bitch!"
"Do you, though?" Cam says.
"Yes." She grabs her phone and taps the screen. I watch as confusion takes over. "They were just here. What did you do!" She yells.
"Me? Nothing. Oh but don't worry about the other copies, the downloads, ones in your email. They are gone as well." He says calmly and I want to hug him. "Also," Paisley chimes in and presses a button on her own phone. It plays back a video of Natasha threatening me, and her saying she would lie some more. "Yeah that just went to very news channel in the area."
"Baby! I'm so proud of you." Cam says kissing her cheek.
"But wait, there's more." Luke laughs. "Cam intercepted a message about Natasha coming here tonight. We did a little digging and what would you know. Camilla Deere and her friends made a statement to local cops today about you paying them to hurt Scarlett."
"I'll walk." She smiles.
"Maybe, but as we speak, there are multiple restraining orders being signed. You from all of us." Luke says.
A knock on the door distracts us as she lunges for me again. I protectively shield my stomach as she slams into me. Luke and Cooper grab her off quickly, before picking me up.
"I'm okay." I smile as I look up to her as she walks through the front door.
"Officer Danelson, did you also just see Natasha Novak assault Scarlett Shay?" Detective Angela Portwood asks the police office next to her.
"Yes ma'am I did." He smiles.
"Arrest her." She smiles. "We were called about a disturbance. Breaking an entering. Witness said it was Natasha Novak, who I was looking for to give her these restraining orders."
"Good timing." Cam says.
"I try." She smiles and hugs me. "You look well. Everything is going okay?" She asks looking between Luke and Cooper.
"Couldn't be better." I smile.
"Good. You boys take care of her." She smiles.
"Always." Cooper says and Luke nods.
"I better get an invite to your baby shower." She winks and I nod.
They leave and take Natasha with them.

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