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If you're reading this; THANK YOU!
I appreciate anyone who gave my books a chance. If you like my writing, hang in there. My next book, Lucky 27,  is coming along.
I might start posting before the end of the month. (If you want to read it, be sure to follow me for updates!)

Ending For Keeps was pretty bittersweet.
I hate saying goodbye, but who knows... maybe it will be a see you later type thing. We will see. 😉

I would like to take a few moments to thank some key people... if you're reading this, you might be on this list.

My husband, Michael, for dealing with my withdrawn writing moments. Dealing with my late nights where I would stay up until 3 AM because I had to get words out of my head. You rock.

Madison Warehime, my future manager, who pushed me out of my comfort zone and told me to put myself out there. Also for promoting me! I love you so much!

Caitlyn!!! My sister who would text me at 3 AM begging me to post the next chapter. Thanks for supporting my dreams even though you didn't think I could read... haha.

Donnie Harkcom (who has the most badass name EVERRR) your words rang in my head about putting yourself out there. So I had to! I couldn't live with myself if I didn't even try. Even though people will hate my writing, I don't care. I did what I wanted and hopefully it will get me what I want in life. Thanks for the confidence boost. You rock... also... your book!?!! I'm impatiently waiting. 🙃

Megan Brinka: girllllll thank you for giving me a chance! And for voting on like every chapter!!! You seriously rock!

Courtney N! Thank you for all the votes! You made me want to write quicker. (Even though the last couple chapters took some time.) thanks for hanging in there. I hope you love the ending!

Courtney G. Thanks for telling me how much you loved my book! I appreciate you and your beautiful face. Team Courtn(ey)(ie)

Walter Lee. You have voted on every chapter for both books. You seriously rock! Thank you so much!!!

Thank you everyone! If you stick around I hope you will love my next book... which has someone you have already met briefly... Parker Snow.

That's a wrap.
I seriously love you if you are reading this.
Like seriously. I love you.

Take care. Hope to see you all soon.

Always For Keeps ( For Keeps part 2)Where stories live. Discover now