Oh hey

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Hey there! I just wanted to pop in and tell whoever has made it this far, how much I appreciate you!
I know I haven't updated for a minute so I just wanted to fill you in.
There are maybe two chapters left; that's it! I have been working so hard on this and I'm sad to end it, but I will. It should all be out this weekend!

Also, if you have enjoyed my story, there are little stars ⭐️ before each chapter (maybe after? I don't see it like you all do) but if you wouldn't mind clicking them, it would mean the world to me!

Lastly, if you dig my writing, within the next month I will start publishing my next book! It's called Lucky 27. It's actually the very first book I started so I'm pretty excited for it!

Thanks again for your support! I love you all! Seriously, you rock!

If you have any questions, thoughts, comments, concerns; feel free to message me!


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