Twenty. Scarlett

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Song for this chapter: Florence and the Machine- Cosmic Love

The air conditioner cools the room, but I'm sweating as both men I can't seem to let go, are tangled with me on the large bed.
They both seem like giant heaters, as they sleep peacefully against my body. I almost have to laugh as I look between the two of them. Both are insanely jealous, stubborn, tough, and yet, both are okay with sharing my heart equally. For now.
I glance at the clock and it's almost four in the afternoon. The party is at seven and there is so much to do, I carefully try to escape the warm bodies holding me down. Luke shifts and pulls me closer to him. Cooper, sensing the distance shifts closer, curling into my side. I roll my eyes as I accept defeat.
Over four hundred pounds cling to me. My hundred twenty five pounds has nothing on the two muscular bodies wrapped around my body.
I shift over and kiss Luke on the cheek, then turn and kiss Cooper on his cheek.
Cooper opens his eyes and smiles.
"You're both melting my skin off." I tease expecting him to let me go. Instead he pushes Luke's arm and his eyes open as he looks around briefly before landing on me.
"Hey beautiful." He leans forward and kisses my nose.
"Scarlett says we are melting her skin off." Cooper tells Luke.
"Is that so?" Luke notices the sweat on me. He leans forward and kisses my collarbone. "Is it weird that her sweat tastes sweet?" Luke grins at me. Cooper kisses my shoulder.
"It is pretty weird, but everything about her is sweet."
"Oh my God." I push their bodies from mine as I quickly get off the bed. "No. None of that." I point my fingers at them. "I'm taking a shower. Alone." I glare and they both groan, but smile and laugh. They know how much they both affect me. Well I can play that game, too.
I grab the hem of my shirt and pull the cotton from my body. Standing in only shorts in front of them, I smile wickedly and wink. Both of their eyes widen and their jaws drop as they look at each other and then back at me. I turn on my heel and head to the bathroom. Locking the door.
Almost instantly, the door handle jingles.
"I said alone." I laugh.
"That is not fair!" Luke says.
"Yeah!" Cooper agrees. "You know you have the best boobs in the world!"
"I told her the same thing, man." Luke says to Cooper and I face palm.
"I can't have sex. Doctors orders." I laugh to myself as they groan.
I take a hot shower as I try to wash the hospital smell off of me. When I'm done, I unlock the door as I blow dry my hair.
Cooper comes in first and jumps in the shower. He brushes his teeth next to me as I straighten my hair. Luke comes in when Cooper is done and takes a quick shower.
As I apply my makeup I look in the mirror to see both of them watching me.
"Can I help you?" I ask.
"I like watching you put on makeup." Cooper says.
"Me too." Luke nods.
I try to tune them out by turning music up on my phone. I sing along to the Florence and the Machine song that's playing and look up to see both of them smiling.
"You two are acting insanely creepy!" I toss my makeup blender at them. Luke catches it effortlessly and closes in on me. He sets it on the sink and the leans against the wall next to me.
"It's because you could have been seriously hurt today." He caresses my cheekbone. "Neither of us want to lose you." I nod as Cooper hugs me from behind.
"Let us be creepy, okay?" He smiles at me in the mirror.
"Okay. Only because I love you." I say then look at Luke. "And you."
"Good." Luke kisses my cheek.
Cooper turns me and places a chaste kiss on my lips before they move to exit the bathroom.
"Oh man. Can I kiss her later? I haven't kissed her in a few days." Luke pouts.
"Yes Lucas, you can kiss her later." Cooper laughs as he pats Luke on the back.

This is not normal, but then again, normal is boring anyway.

The three of us arrive at the house early. Only Kare, Brett, Hope, and their parents are there.
Karianne's mom, Trisha, hugs me close. "Thank you for being such a good friend to my little girl." She says wiping a tear. I have to smile, Kare is a dead ringer for her mother. Ben, Kare's father, greets the guys and hugs me. I've met her parents before, they are the sweetest.
Brett's parents; Dawn and David, greet us next.
Kare pulls me aside as her eyes look around the house. "Thank you so much. For everything. This house is magical. It really feels like home." She hugs me close.
"I'm glad to hear that!" I hug her tightly as I wink at Cooper.

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