Two. Luke

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Song for this chapter: Scared to be lonely- Martin Garrix & Dua Lipa

The fact that I finally know Scarlett is okay should make me feel better. As the whiskey slides smoothly down my throat, I feel even worse.
She wants me to try with Mandy for fucks sake. I stupidly agreed just to get her to come back. I don't even know where to start with Mandy. Sure, I could fuck her just to feel, but that's about as far as that would go and I wouldn't be able to think about anything other than Scarlett. I feel like moaning Scarlett's name while fucking Mandy could result in Scarlett coming home sooner, but I really don't want to sleep with Mandy. I want Scar.

A knock at my door brings me back to reality. I open the door to Brett looking exhausted.
"She's okay." He says holding up his phone. I open the door wider so he can come in.
"I know."
"I don't t know what to do. You're a mess. Kare is a mess. I feel like I'm hanging on by a thread." He shakes his head.
"She kept us all together." I say as I sit on the couch. I take a deep breath and inhale a light hint of her perfume. Fuck I can't wait to hold her again. How could I just let her go?
"She is still coming to the wedding." Brett says pulling me out of my pity party.
"Good. That's only a month away." I feel hope spring back into my veins.
"Yes. So maybe you should lay off the alcohol and win your girl back." He says smiling.
"She wants me to work it out with Mandy. Or try to. She doesn't want to feel like the reason my kid has a broken home."
"That's Scarlett for you. But you aren't seriously thinking about trying with Mandy, right? She's vial."
"I don't know what to do." I say and run a hand through my hair.
"Me either. Part of me wants to go to New York and drag her back." He says standing.
"You and me both buddy." I stand and hug Brett.
"She'll be home before we know it." He reassures me.
I nod and sit back on the couch as he leaves.

My mind is reeling so I decide to go to bed. I crawl into Scarlett's spot along with my shirt she wore last time we made love. It smells like her and it's the only way I fall asleep, holding it close wishing it were her.
How fucking pathetic I have become.

The next day I text Mandy to come over after work. I am dreading this, but it will just confirm to Scarlett that Mandy and I won't work and she can come home.

"So she's gone?" Mandy says as she sits on the couch.
"She will be back." I say unconvincingly.
"I'm sorry Luke. I knew she would hurt you." She tries to grab my hand.
"It's your fault. She's convinced if she stayed that you wouldn't let her around my son. That she would be the reason our son had a broken home." I say angrily.
"Oh please. She left so she could work things out with her rich husband."
"You don't know her! You don't know what she has gone through. You're the coldest person I have ever met." I say and walk to the balcony. I need some air before I lose my cool even more.
I brace on the rail as I try to catch my breath. The door opens and closes behind me.
"I'm sorry, okay. She made me jealous. You're right. I don't know her." She wraps her arms around my waist. I want to move but her stomach is pressed against me and I find it comforting. "But I know you. You're a good guy and if you and Scarlett are meant to be, I will back up and let you be happy together."
I turn towards her and for a moment I see the girl I fell for years ago. A tear streaks down her cheek and I quickly brush it away out of habit.
"I'm sorry." We both say.
"Why are you sorry?" She says.
"That I made you cry I guess."
She nods. "I'm sorry about Scarlett."
I nod just before she hugs me close. I hug her back and try not to think.

After a while we go back inside and order some sandwiches. We sit and talk about baby stuff for a while. She excuses herself to use the bathroom and I pick up my phone. I see some messages from Stacey and open them to see what bull shit she is starting now. When I see the pictures, my heart stops.
There are three pictures of Mandy and me on the balcony. One where she's hugging me from behind; my hand rests on her hand. The second of me looking at her as I wipe the tear from her cheek. The way I'm looking at her looks more like I'm gazing. The third is us hugging. There's a text with them.

Well well well. Looks like you've moved on pretty quick, neighbor. Have you heard from Scarlett? I think I heard her heart break all the way from here when I sent her these pics. :) night night don't let the bed bugs bite.

Fuck. I quickly call Scarlett.
"Hi." She says sadly.
"It wasn't what it looked like." I say quickly.
"It's okay."
"It's not. Mandy and I were discussing you and I. She's okay with us being together. You can come home, babe." I hear her quietly sob. "Babe?"
"Pictures don't lie, Luke. You guys have unfinished business. Focus on her, okay. Don't worry about me."
"Scar, I don't love her. I love you. Please come home."
"I am home, Luke." She says sternly.
"What?" I say and sit down.
"You're where you belong in the world and I-" she clears her throat, "I'm where I belong. Please take care of yourself. I'll see you for the wedding next month."
"Scar, I love you."
"And I love you. Take care Luke. Please focus on your family." She says before hanging up.
I lean forward and cry into my hands.
"I'm sorry." Mandy says from behind me. "Are you okay?"
"No." I say and sit back.
"Want me to leave?" She asks.
I shake my head. "You can stay in the guest room. "
She nods. "Thanks Luke." She comes over and kisses me quick on the lips before retreating to the bedroom.

I sit on the couch for what seems like an eternity, before heading to my room. I crawl into bed on Scarlett's side and inhale her scent as I cry myself to sleep.

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