Twenty Eight. Scarlett

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Song for this chapter: X Ambassadors- Unsteady

As horrible as it sounds, I'm use to getting my way. Last night took a small hit to my ego. It was stupid on my part, and I woke up feeling embarrassed.
Of course, Cooper and Luke were more than understanding of my neurotic behavior.

After Luke heads to work, Cooper sits on the couch and is far too quiet.
"Are you mad at me?" I whisper.
"No. Not at all." He stands and pulls me into his arms. "I thought you were mad at me."
"I was just frustrated." I shrug.
"I wanted you." I smile and wrap my legs around him.
His eyes search mine before he kisses me. We can't get to the bed fast enough. We pull at each others clothes until they are a mess on the floor.
Thunder rumbles in the distance as Cooper rocks into me. I grab his arms and the muscles move beneath my fingers. I wrap my legs around his waist. He grabs my thigh with one hand and the other moves to the back of my neck.
Rain begins to tap on the window as the room lights up from a nearby lightning strike.
A tornado could tear this room apart, and I wouldn't care; Cooper is all I see.
Our bodies move in sync while the storm brews outside.
I open my eyes and look into Cooper's. They remind me of a wild storm and I can't look away. I've always found comfort in storms; the way the clouds swirl high above the ground.
But sometimes, the storms raging inside us can break us past the point of breaking; destroying everything in their paths. Some people will never change, their storms rage on until nothing remains; but any violence Cooper once harbored deep inside is gone. Replaced with the need to be my solace.

I pull his mouth back to mine and lose myself in him; forgetting every insecurity I keep locked away.
Time passes slowly as pressure builds inside. I know he is holding back, but I need him to let go with me. I pull my mouth from his. I kiss slowly up to his ear.
"I'll love you forever, Cooper." I whisper.
Lightning strikes somewhere in the sky as he lets go.

He moves to my side and pulls me close. His heart pounds in his chest as he places my hand over it.
"I love you. Always." He whispers in the dark.

We hold each other close as our breathing returns to normal. Thunder rumbles and I pull back and smile at him.
"Please?" I say and he smiles.
"Anything for you." He says and we get up.

After we are dressed, we run into the storm; together.
We don't talk, we hold hands and just run. My leg is feeling a lot better, so I push it as hard as I can, for as far as I can.
We finally stop to catch our breath and the familiar burn in my lungs has never felt better. I'm not sure I have ever felt so alive.
Cooper surprises me by pulling me into his arms and kissing me. I smile against his mouth.
"It's a little cliché to kiss me so lovingly in the rain." I giggle.
"I couldn't waste the moment." He smiles.
"It's a good moment." I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him to me.

We run back to the hotel, where we take a hot shower together, and make love again. And again.

As we hold each other afterwards, he kisses my shoulder softly.
"What are you thinking?" He asks.
"How alive you make me feel." I smile against his chest. "What are you thinking?" I ask.
"Our wedding day." He smiles. "How stunning you looked in your dress... and out."
"That was a really good day." I tell him.
"Do you regret marrying me?" He barely whispers. I frown and sit up.
"No. Why would you ask that? I know things haven't always been the best, but I love you. So much." I kiss him quickly. "I could never regret you."
"I wish I were better for you." He says sadly.
"Oh no. None of this. You have shown me that people can actually change, Coop. You're my best friend and I need you. I'll always need you." He smiles at me warmly.
"I'm always yours."
"Good." I say and kiss him again. "When do we leave for France?" I ask.
"Two days if that's okay."
"I'm okay with that." I smile but my heart aches knowing we will be leaving Luke. Sensing my uneasiness, Cooper tilts my chin up so I look at him.
"Luke will meet us soon. Then we will all be in New York together."
"It's still weird. Are you sure-" I start but he kisses me.
"It's still okay. I promise." He says after.
"Okay." I say but I feel like the most selfish person on the planet. I should be able to let one of them go, but the thought of that makes me nauseous.
I don't deserve either of them.
"If you don't want to come to France with me, I understand." Cooper says making me come back to reality.
"Are you insane? I owe you some time there. Since I uh- ya know, I led you there and left."
"Yeah that was a rough day." He smiles sadly.
"I'm sorry." I say and hug him close.
"I understand. You have nothing to be sorry for. I'm the sorry one." He says. "I knew you were alive. That was such a relief, Scar."
"Well that's all over now. I'm yours. Always." I smile.
"Good." He smiles. "We should probably get dressed."
"But you're so hot. God, your muscles!" I laugh as I run my hand along his abs.
"Your boobs!" He laughs.
"Haha!" I roll my eyes before kissing him again.

Cooper and I get dressed and he has some word he has to get done. Brady grabs us some food and I sit on the couch and watch some TV while I text Luke.

Me- Hey handsome. How is your day?

Luke- Could be better. Mandy was in today.

Me- I'm sorry. How was that?

Luke- I'll tell you about it tonight. How's my girl?

Me-Good. I enjoyed the storm today.

Luke-I'm sad I missed it. I can't wait to hold you tonight. Coop said you are leaving soon. How will I survive? Lol.

Me-You'll be okay. It's only a week without me, babe. :)

Luke- That sounds excruciating... babe.

Me-I'll make up the time with you ;)

Luke- I'm looking forward to that. Very much.

Me- me, too. I love you.

Luke- love you, too.

I text Kare and Brett a little and wish them a happy Honeymoon.
Starla texts me about some huge parties going on in Los Angles next month. I have to smile as I politely decline. I love her, but I no longer need to feel numb to get me through the night. Maybe when I move back to NY, she and I can go to coffee, but I'm done partying.
I watch Cooper work and can't wait for the coming months.
I smile as thunder rumbles in the distance.

Things in my life are going perfectly... but sometimes the perfect storms are the ones that break us down the worst.

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