Forty Six. Scarlett

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Paisley, Mandy, and Kare are sitting on the bed talking when I come back into the room.
"Change of plans. It's now a masquerade ball." I smile.
"Seriously? This is awesome!" Paisley laughs.
"I've always wanted to go to one!" Kare smiles.
"Well luckily I've been to a bunch so I have a few masks to pick from."
"Yay!" Paisley says getting up off the bed. Kare slowly slides off after her.

We go through our routines of getting ready, and by six we are all set.
Paisley is in a dark wine colored gown. The bust shimmers with glass beads. It's long and flows to the floor. Her mask is silver and has the same shimmery effect of the beads on her dress.
Kare is wearing a dark grey gown. It's empire waist really sets off her belly. The lace at the bottom flows outward. The bust is covered with dark glitter, of course. Her mask is black and shimmery.
Mandy's dress is gold. It clings to her reminding me of a mermaid. Her mask is gold to match and has a gold feather on the side.
I'm wearing sapphire blue. My boobs have gotten bigger, and with the dress being strapless, I almost didn't wear it. But the girls told me how classy it looks so I accepted defeat. My mask is white on one side and black on the other. It's not covered in glitter, but has a mirror effect.
Both Paisley and Kare's have their hair up in loose curls, while mine and Mandy's are straight and down.

We walk out to the living area and everyone smiles. All the guys are wearing black tuxes with the same black masks.
"You look beautiful." They all tell us at once.
We laugh and hug our guys.
"You both look great." I tell Luke and Cooper.
"You look stunning." Cooper says spinning me around.
"Thank you." I smile.
"You look incredible." Luke whispers in my ear before kissing my neck quickly.
"Thank you." I blush.
"Everyone ready?" Cooper asks.
"I guess so." Cam smiles.
"Think positive thoughts, sexy. You can peel this dress off me later." Paisley laughs.
"So true." He smiles.

We all head down to the garage, with security in tow.
A giant limousine awaits us and one by one, we file inside.
I lean my head back against the cool leather headrest and take a deep breath. Two strong hands grab each of mine and I have to smile. I open my eyes and look back and forth between my guys. Green eyes that hold some anger and grey that hold fear. I kiss them each on the cheek and try not to think about our first real public outing.
My eyes keep catching Luke's as my heart tightens in my chest. Tonight he is Cooper Shay's head of security. Maybe a friend. An employee; but not mine.
And I hate it. This arrangement has been working better than I thought behind the walls of our home, but in the public eye, we all know it just can't be.
Luke's thumb brushes off a tear that rolled down my cheek.
"Cheer up, buttercup. I'm right here. For Keeps, babe."
"For keeps." I smile weakly and rest my head on his shoulder. Maybe he was thinking the same thing as me.
"So Viper and Loki are meeting us there. Mr Winter and Mr Walker are their fake names." Cooper says.
"Walker." Griz chuckles. "Loki came up with that, didn't he?" He says and I have to smile.
"That he did." Cam smiles.
"So I'm with the Benson's, correct?" Hulk asks motioning towards Brett and Kare.
"Yes, and Dom is with Cam and Paisley."
"Soon to be the Thorne's." Cam says kissing Paisley and I smile.
"And I'm with brown eyes here." Griz smiles at me.
"Yes. Along with me." Luke says.
"What if I have to pee? I am pregnant. I pee a lot."
"I'll go with you." Mandy suggests.
"We can't chance that." I shake my head.
"I'm the only one not pregnant." She says.
"Well I can't have someone hurting you to get to me."
"It's taken care of." Cooper says. "Angie will be there. And she is packing."
"Oh good." I smile at Mandy. "I do appreciate you. Thank you, Mandy."
"You're welcome." She smiles.

The guys discuss more, but I swear they are talking in code. I try to tune them out until we pull up in front of the building. Flashes start before anyone moves out the door.
Cooper steps out first and grabs for my hand. I plaster the best smile I can manage on my face. Cooper and I move along the red carpet and wait for our party.
"Mr and Mrs Shay!" A man yells. "Can you confirm Scarlett is in fact pregnant?"
"Yes. My wife and I are expecting a baby." He smiles and puts a hand over my stomach and I smile a genuine smile.
"Is it true that Scarlett also had an affair?" Another man says and my heart drops.
"No." Cooper says curtly.
"So she's not also dating your head of security?" He asks just as Luke strolls up next to us.
Luke looks like a deer caught in the headlights, but Cooper plays it cool; other than his jaw twitching slightly. He looks at Luke and Luke mouths "it's okay".
My heart sinks further as Cooper pulls my hand gently to move me inside. Luke puts a protective hand on the small of my back, and I relax a little.
"How did they find out?" I whisper when we are out of ear shot.
"I have no idea. It's not like we have hid us well." Luke says. "I'm sorry Cooper."
"It's not your fault. We knew going into this that it was a possibility. Don't fret it. We will deal with it later." Cooper says. I hug him close and he kisses me softly. "I won't lose you. Ever." He says.
"Please mean that." I say searching his eyes.
"Always." He smiles.
I nod and fall back in step with him. I reach back and squeeze Luke's hand quickly. He squeezes it back and I really just want to hug him, but I push it back.
We walk along the crowd of people together; stopping to say hello here and there. Cooper chats easily with acquaintances. I smile, but let Cooper do most of the talking.
People won't stop touching my small baby bump. It doesn't bother me, but I see Luke's jaw twitch a few times and have to smile. I can't imagine how he will be when I'm pregnant with his baby. It sounds terribly selfish, but I can't wait.
Thankfully the rest of our group finds us pretty quickly and Paisley and Kare stand on each side of me. I reach my hand back out of sight from everyone in front of us and Luke grabs it gently and gives it a reassuring squeeze. Having him here makes me feel safe.
Cooper is asked to step away for a chance photo op with some other businessmen. He comes and gives me a quick kiss. His grey eyes are full of sadness behind his black mask.
"Go baby. I'll be right here." I smile.
"I've got her." Luke says reassuringly. He nods at both of us, before retreating.
"Please send someone with him." I spin around to Luke. My eyes plead with his momentarily.
"Griz. Keep a close eye on Cooper, please. I've got Scarlett."
"Yes sir." Griz smiles at me before following after Cooper. Not that I don't think Cooper could handle himself, but while conversations are happening and cameras safe flashing, Cooper will be distracted. Griz could pick up something a lot quicker than Coop.
I sigh in relief as I watch Griz close in on Cooper.
"Thank you." I say to Luke.
"It's no problem." He smiles curtly and it doesn't reach his eyes. He is too busy accessing the room.
"For keeps." I barely whisper. His green eyes soften as they meet mine.
"For keeps, babe." He says.
I turn around back to the conversation, but we are all called to our seats for dinner.
Luke, Dom, and Hulk all hold us back towards the wall so nobody gets lost in the sea of people. When there's enough room, they escort us to our seats. Thank God Luke is on my right and Cooper is on my left. I was worried he wasn't sitting with us, but I realize our entire table is our party; minus Loki and Viper, who are at a few tables down.
I wonder how much Cooper had to donate to pull this off. He kisses the top of my head before sliding in next to me.
"Sorry." He murmurs.
"It's okay." I smile. "Are you okay?" I ask.
"Yes, baby. Just worrying about my girl." He smiles weakly and kisses me softly. "I love you."
"I love you." I tell him.
As dinner carries on, I find it easier to relax. I'm so thankful that I don't have to have fake conversations with people I can't stand. Instead I sit with my family and laugh over our overpriced chicken.
Alcohol is distributed freely by waiters in masks. Most of our table isn't drinking, but they still come to offer frequently. Cooper has half a glass of wine while Brett and Cam have a beer. Everyone else has water.
As dinner wraps up, the band takes the stage and starts playing music.
The area is quickly transformed into a dance floor and the lights dim. Luke grabs my hand briefly and I think it's more for his own uneasiness rather than mine. I turn towards him quickly and mouth "I love you". He mouths it back and I smile.
"Scarlett!" Starla calls as she pushes though the crowd. Kade is with her and I hug them both.
"You look great!" He smiles.
"You guys, too! God you look perfect together." I smile.
"Thank you!" She says. "Are you dancing or what miss preggers?" She laughs.
"You're pregnant?" Kade asks.
"Yes." I smile and touch my belly.
"Congratulations." He says and hugs me quickly. Luke moves closer and I have to laugh.
"Thank you. This is my Luke, by the way. And you know Cooper, right?"
"Know of. It's nice to finally meet you both. Scarlett spoke highly of you." Kade smiles.
"Likewise." Cooper smiles. I have to internally frown. To anyone else, his smile seems genuine, but to me, that's the most fake smile I've ever seen.
"It's so crazy that you and Scarlett went to school with each other, and Cooper and I went to the same school, too." Starla smiles.
"What a small world!" I smile.
"Too small." I hear Luke mumble.
"Are you all coming to dance?" Kade asks.
"I have to pee first." I laugh.
"Perfect, me, too." Starla laughs.
"Just a minute." Luke says. "Angie is coming." He types quickly on his phone.
"You have to be escorted to the bathroom?" Starla raises a perfect brow.
"There's some stuff going on." I shrug. "My guys are overprotective." I laugh.
"Well it's good that they care." She smiles.
Moments later Angie comes into view in a silver and blue dress. Her white mask is simple, but she makes it work.
"Hey gorgeous! Why didn't you eat with us?" I frown.
"I just got here. Cooper invited me to dinner, but I'm swamped with a case and I came as soon as I could. Oh my! Your belly is so cute! I remember when I was pregnant with my oldest." She laughs. "Pregnancy did not suit me like it does you." She hugs me.
"I'm sure you looked great!" I smile.
"You're too sweet. So bathroom?" She laughs.
"Yes, please!" I laugh.
All of the girls head to the bathroom together. We are in and out quickly and head to the dance floor. Angie and Luke don't dance. They stand and chat in close range of us. Cooper has a hand on me at all times. I try to let loose, but it isn't until a slower song when Cooper pulls me flush against him, that I relax. I lean my head on his chest and close my eyes.
"Do you remember dancing at our wedding like this?" He asks.
"Yes. I was so tired, but I couldn't wait to spend our night together." I smile and look up at him.
"I could have held you all night." He smiles. "I kind of did."
"Yeah you did. Although you made damn sure I wasn't a virgin." I giggle.
"Do you wish we would have waited until our wedding night?" He asks.
"No. It was perfect how it was. As was our wedding night."
"We slept the whole way to Hawaii."
"Most of the way." I wink.
"True." He laughs. "I have never been able to resist you. From the moment I first laid eyes on you. Even when you pretended to forget my name." He playfully pouts.
"I knew your name. I remember the first time I glanced at you in that dim bar. The way my heart felt like it would beat out of my chest."
"Mine, too. I still feel like that when I look at you. When I knew you were coming home, I tried to play it cool, but when I saw you in the cafe drinking your cup of tea..." he shakes his head, "I had to talk myself out of kissing you. Holding you. When you climbed onto my lap in the car, I thought my body would explode."
"Never talk yourself out of kissing me again." I smile.
"Never. I'm growing old with you." He laughs. "And Luke."
"Three rocking chairs next to one another on our front porch."
"I'm okay with that." He smiles and kisses me softly.
"I'm sorry for complicating our life." I whisper as I think about the press asking about Luke.
"Don't be. It somehow works, baby. And not losing you is worth whatever we have to deal with. Luke is my family. As odd as it seems, I'm happy he is here." He says and I smile.
"It's the eyes, isn't it?" I tease.
"Well I'm more into brown eyes, but his are lovely." He laughs.
"Thanks for loving me. After everything."
"Thanks for loving me. I don't deserve it." He frowns.
"You're just like you were when we first met." I think about all the times he hit me, and instead of fear, I feel confused. "Even in France when you drank too much, you were sweet."
"I can't explain it. I changed, baby. I don't feel angry anymore. I've worked so hard to be better for you. For us. I would never hurt you again. I would rather die." His eyes are so intense, I can't look away.
"Don't say that. I know you wouldn't hurt me. I love you so much."
"I love you." He says and presses his lips to mine. Butterflies fill my stomach. It's too short of a kiss, but it's so full of love. I smile as he pulls back.
"How long are we staying?" I ask raising a brow.
He opens his mouth to speak but Starla catches his attention.
"Hey Shay's. Want to switch it up a bit?" She smiles.
"I'm not sure. Scarlett probably wants to sit a minute." He says and I frown.
"Coop, she's tiny. Your baby isn't affecting her that much yet." Starla laugh.
"I don't mind, baby." I smile. He smiles but it doesn't touch his eyes. I move away and Starla moves in front of him.
"Chill. She's only dancing with Kade for one song." She giggles.
"I know." He rolls his eyes.
"Hey you." Kade smiles as he puts his hands on my waist.
"Hey. I'm glad you're not ignoring me tonight." I tease.
"I couldn't ignore you if I tried." He smiles and spins me. I see Luke out of the corner of my eye. His eyes are on me. His fists are clenched and he looks mad. I move so Kade's back is to him. I frown at Luke and his eyes soften. I tap my wrist with the tattoo meant for him and he smiles and nods.
"They don't like me." Kade whispers.
"They just don't know you." I smile. "Besides you're one of Hollywood's hottest actors."
"I'm still me, Scar."
"I know, Sam." I smile. "So you and Starla? That's pretty cool!"
"She's fun. I mean she's not wife material, but it works for now."
"Why do you say that?" I frown.
"She's all party. She doesn't seem to be interested in a future with anyone. Once she was wasted and told me she lost her one true love." He says and my heart sinks. I know a guy she was seeing before I met her was in an accident. He didn't make it, and after that I guess she was never the same.
"Poor Starla." I say.
"Yeah." He says. "So I can't believe you're pregnant." He says changing the subject.
"I'm so excited." I smile. "I've wanted to be a mom for so long." My voice cracks thinking about Asher.
"You'll be a great one." He smiles. "Is it rude if I ask..." he starts but bites his lip.
"It's Cooper's." I laugh. "We planned it that way."
"Okay. Sorry I wasn't sure how to word that."
"It's okay. It's different." I shrug.
"Do you think it'll last. I mean, will Luke get jealous and leave?"
"I don't think so." I smile and look over to my green eyed guy.
"Good. I would hate if you got hurt." He whispers.
"I won't." I say.
"What about what the press said? About Cooper..."
"He doesn't hurt me."
"Starla said you used to hide bruises. You would stay inside for weeks at a time..."
"I have issues." I stay a little sternly. I take a breath. "I'm sorry, Sam. It's just that was the past and nobody knows... I have my own demons."
"Your arms." He whispers.
"I don't do that anymore." I say feeling self conscious.
"Good. I worry about you." He frowns.
"I appreciate it." I smile.
"You're still beautiful. I don't mean to be out of line, but you are."
"Thank you. You're not so bad yourself, Sam."
"I like that you call me Sam. Not Kade."
"Well it's what I know you as." I laugh.
"I know. I just like hearing it. Aside from my family, to everyone else I'm Kade Pistol." He shrugs.
"Well why did you change your name?" I ask.
"To stand out, I guess." He shrugs.
"You do stand out. You don't need a different name to do so."
"Says the girl who totally forgot about me." He pouts.
"I never forgot you! I just- I knew you a lifetime ago. You look different. The same, but different. I never put two and two together." I frown. "I'm sorry, Sam."
I say.
"It's okay. I'm just pathetic." He says.
"What? Why would you think that?"
"Because I'm a fucking movie star and I still hold a candle for a girl that will never be mine." He says.
"We can always be friends." I say. He seems agitated and I feel goosebumps rise on my skin.
"Friends." He scoffs. I move my hands off his shoulders, but he slides them back up. "I'm sorry." He says. "Please don't go." His blue eyes search mine.
"I'm sorry." I shake my head. "I don't know what to say."
A protective hand is placed on my shoulder. "Everything okay?" Luke asks. Anger laced in his voice.
"Yes. We are good." I smile over my shoulder.
He nods and moves, but stays much closer.
"I'm sorry. There's been some threats against me. Everyone is on their toes." I whisper.
"Threats?" He says.
"Yes. It's probably nothing." I shrug.
"You shouldn't say that. What if it is something?"
"Well I'm pretty well protected." I shrug.
"They can't watch you forever." He says quietly. My eyes flick up to his.
"I suppose you're right. However I'm pretty good at taking care of myself." I say.
"I know. I was every single one of your fights." He says.
"You were?" I ask.
"Yes. The last one was a mess. I tried to get to you, but I couldn't make it through the crowd."
"I still won."
"And where were they? When you so obviously needed them?" He nods towards Cooper and Luke.
"I told them to stay away. To let me breathe. So they did."
"If you were mine, I wouldn't have stayed away. I don't care, Scar. They should have been there." He says and I find myself getting annoyed.
"Thank you for the dance, but I need to use the bathroom." I say.
"Don't go." He says in a rush.
"Sam, you're being weird. I have to pee. I will see you later."
"Like they will let you anywhere near me." He huffs.
"They aren't my bosses. I can do as I please."
"Really? That's why you have people watching your every move? If they thought someone was such a threat, why even chance this party? I would keep you  safe and warm in bed." He whispers.
"Well I wanted to come." I pull away. "Please excuse me." I turn to move and he grabs my elbow. "Let go Sam." I whisper. Careful not to cause a scene.
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." He let's go and runs a hand through his hair.
"Move back Hollywood before I knock your teeth from your head." Luke seethes.
"Luke. It's okay." I say. "Have a good night, Kade." I say before retreating from the dance floor with Luke.
"What happened?" Cooper asks instantly at my side.
"Something's wrong with him." I shake my head. "He was acting off."
"He's a loose canon." Luke says. "We should go."
"No. I'm worried about him." I say. "He usually isn't so agitated."
"Well being a sociopath will do that to you." Luke says.
"He's not a sociopath." I frown. I look up and Sam is looking at me. I feel my face blush under his gaze.
"We should have told her." Cooper says and my eyes jerk to his.
"Told me what?" I snap.
"We think Kade is the one who sent the flowers and cut the power." Luke says.
"What?" I say and my eyes move back to where Sam last was, but he's gone and I can't see him anywhere.
"We didn't want you to panic." Cooper says.
"He's with Starla. What if he hurts her?" I ask.
"He's not in love with her. He's with her to get to you." Luke says.
Anger bubbles though me. "No. It was a kiss years ago. We were barely friends."
"You make quite the impression." Cooper whispers.
"It's Natasha. It has to be. Sam wouldn't do this." I shake my head.
"I don't think it's her. Besides, you just said Sam was barely your friend. Maybe you don't know him as well as you thought." Cooper says. My eyes narrow on him.
"And maybe you don't know the woman you fucked in our bed as well as you thought." I spit. His face falls and he pales.
"That's not fair." Luke says.
"Says the guy who had a threesome with the one person I literally can't stand." I glare. "Excuse me." I turn on my heel and snake through the crowd before they can say anything.
I know someone will be right behind me, but I'm so angry I need to walk away. I walk into the bathroom and wash my hands in cold water.
"You okay?" Angie asks next to me.
"No. I'm sorry you have to babysit me. This is bull shit."
"It's okay. I don't mind." She smiles.
"I do. They are keeping stuff from me. It's not okay."
"They don't want to scare you. They want to find this person."
"So do I, but they are treating me like a baby."
"They love you." She smiles weakly.
"I know." I take a deep breath. "I'm going to pee." I say.

Always For Keeps ( For Keeps part 2)Where stories live. Discover now