Thirty Four. Scarlett

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Songs for this chapter: Coldplay- The Scientist
Halsey- Colors (stripped)

I weigh my options: I could run, but he is much faster. Although, in his drunken state, I could win... but then there's my side. He would still be faster.
I could scream, but I already know that's something I would never do.
I close my eyes and wait for a blow, but it doesn't come.
I open my eyes and he is standing in front of me. His hand is outstretched as his eyes search mine. He slowly caresses my cheek bone.
"I'm a fuck up. I'm sorry." He whispers as he pulls away and sits on the couch. He places his drink on the table in front of him and leans back.
I sit next to him and hug him tightly. "Want to talk about it?" I ask.
"There's a lot going on and I thought I would have a drink to calm my nerves. I should have just went to the gym."
"Or talked to me. Let me be your distraction." I smile.
"That would have been the best." He smiles. "But then one drink turned into four." He frowns.
"I haven't lost control like this since you left me."
"Oh." I say sadly. "You want out?" I barely whisper and he frowns at me.
"You'll want out. I don't. I want this, I want you. I always want you."
"Then why did you get drunk. It's all my fault." I say and feel a tear slide down my cheek.
"It's me. It's work. It's stress. It's not you. It could never be your fault. Fuck, you're so perfect." He says pulling me into his arms.
"I'm hardly perfect." I smile.
"To me you are."
"Then why this?" I point to the almost empty glass.
"I made some bad choices that are going to cost me."
"We will be okay. We always are. You'll turn it around." I smile knowing how smart Cooper is. How great of a business man he really is.
"I hope you're right." He smiles but it quickly fades as his lips turn down. "Then I scared you."
"Maybe a little. I haven't seen you drink more than a beer since..." I trail off.
"I told you that part of me is dead."
"Good. I'm sorry for closing my eyes."
"You didn't flee. I expected you to."
"I won't leave you again." I say.
"Thank you." He nods.
We sit there a few minutes until Luke comes though the door.
"Sorry." He says but his eyes catch the glass. "What's up?" He sits down slowly next to us, but I can tell his eyes are assessing how he could grab me carefully and get me out of the way before him and Cooper throw down.
"We are good. Cooper is a little drunk, but it's okay." My eyes plead with his.
"Well Coop, who hasn't drank too much. Usually when Scarlett and I do, we try and have threesomes."  He smiles.
"You think you're so funny." I tease.
"Oh I know I am." Luke laughs.
"I should probably sleep it off." Cooper smiles.
"Can I get you anything? Water? Coffee? Food? My vagina?" I tease.
"That would be good." He smiles. "I love your vagina." He laughs and I shake my head. "But, I don't want to hurt you." He frowns. "I mean, I don't want to drunkenly open your stitches in your side."
"I would survive." I smile.
"I know, but I would feel terrible."
"I know." I kiss him softly. "Let's get you to bed." I stand and grab for his hands.
We put Cooper in bed and I take off his pants and shirt. I place a kiss on his lips, and he is almost instantly out.

"Your lips are magic." Luke teases as we close the bedroom door.
"I try." I say and wink.
"I was kind of expecting the worst." Luke says honestly.
"Me, too. He really has changed, but for a moment, I almost panicked."
"Me, too." Luke kisses my head and we head back to his families room.
We decide to eat at a cafe by the beach together. I bring back some food for Cooper and hope he's okay.

After dropping the food off, with a note, and checking on a sleeping Cooper, Luke and I head back down to the beach, where we walk hand in hand along the sand.
The waves crash as light dims to darkness.
"What's on your mind?" Luke asks.
"I don't know what is making Cooper so stressed. I wish I could help." I shrug.
"Just work shit." Luke shrugs. "He will be okay once we are back in New York and have a routine in place."
"I hope so. He seemed so sad. I hate thinking either one of you is sad." I frown.
"We have you, that's literally all that matters." Luke says.
"You would tell me if something were wrong, right? I mean if someone made threats against him?" I ask.
"Of course, babe. Nobody has made threats against him." He says. "Don't worry." He smiles, but I still feel like there is something off. Luke wouldn't lie to me, would he?
We continue walking along the beach together and I decide to push away the uneasiness I was feeling. Of course Luke would tell me if something were wrong.

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