Thirty Five. Luke

18 4 0

Song for this chapter: Justin Bieber and Halsey- The Feeling.

The light pours in through the window. I shift slightly to look at Scarlett. She sleeps peacefully, her naked body dances with sunlight. I replay last night and have to smile. I thought I would wake up and feel weird, but I don't. Cooper and I were careful not to touch each other, although I'm sure we saw more of each other than we really wanted, but Scarlett was all that mattered. Luckily the lights were off.
I almost laugh as I recall me taunting her. It was the only thing I could think of to get her to be more open to being with Cooper and me.
After she came down from her post orgasm high, she started overthinking. If there's one thing I'm sure of with the woman I love, it's that she doesn't back down from a challenge. I almost lost it as she touched herself. Fuck, that was hot.
I lost count of how many times she came, but eventually after she was very thoroughly fucked, she passed out.
"We good?" Cooper whispers over her.
"Yeah man. Are you good?" I ask.
"Yeah." He smiles. "We exhausted her."
"She asked for it." I laugh lightly as I remember her telling us not to stop. It was almost a relief to have Cooper. It gave me some time to recover and get hard again. I'm pretty sure I used half a box of condoms last night. At least.
"I'll go order breakfast. She's going to be starving." He smiles.
"Okay." I nod.
I take a few more minutes to watch her sleep. When Cooper returns, we decide to wake her. I kiss her chest as he kisses her shoulder. She moans and shifts.
"Still can't get enough of me?" She teases.
"Us? You begged us to keep fucking you until you passed out." I tease back.
"Right." She smiles and closes her legs tight, making her wince.
"Are you okay?" Cooper asks.
"Yes." She smiles and leans up to kiss him, but the bed catches my eye and I momentarily still.
"Fuck." I say and slowly stop her shoulders. She frowns at me, but Cooper looks down, seeing what I see.
"Oh fuck." He stills looking at the blood and I know what he's thinking.
"It's her stitches, buddy. It's okay."
"Oh shit." She surprises me by giggling.
"You've gone mad, woman." I tease as I look at her wound. The bandage is God knows where. It doesn't look too bad, but I need to clean it.
"I have gone mad, but it's totally worth the battle wound." She says blushing.
"Okay my sexy nympho, let's get this cleaned up before breakfast gets here."
"Breakfast! I'm starving." She carefully moves off the bed and I briefly wonder what hurts more: her cut or her vagina.
"You're glowing today." I tease as I wipe the dried blood off her skin.
"Well I've been pretty well fucked." She smirks.
"Will you be able to ever have sex with only one of us at a time again?" I tease.
"Yes." She rolls her eyes. "I just don't feel as weird now sleeping with both of you." She says and blushes.
"That was the plan." I smile.
"Thanks." She kisses me lightly. "Am I going to have to get more stitches?" She asks.
"I don't think so. It's closed, but we need to take it easy. Maybe no threesomes for a couple days. Or any sex." I say and she frowns.
"I want you healed." I laugh.
"I could convince you." She says seductively as she runs a finger down my chest.
"Oh I know you could, but I know you're smart enough to take it easy."
"Fine." She pouts, but recovers quickly. "I could be on top."
"Fuck." I laugh. "How many times were you on top last night? Yeah babe, you still tore your stitches."
"So worth it." She laughs.
"I love hearing you laugh." I say and tuck a wavy hair behind her ear.
"I love you." She smiles.

My family comes over to eat breakfast with us one last time. When we are done, we take them to the airport and say our goodbyes.
"See you soon!" Lexie says hugging us.
"Yes, we have so many plans once you're back stateside!" Scarlett smiles.
I hug my best friend. "Take it easy." He smiles and flicks a red spot on my shoulder. I smile as I think about Scarlett sucking there as she came.
"See you soon, brother." I say.

Once they are gone, we head back to the hotel. Scarlett falls asleep in the car and Cooper grabs her before I can and carries her up to the bed. She curls up in the pillows and falls back asleep.

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