Forty seven. Luke

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I look through the peep hole and see Starla. Her makeup is smeared and she's crying.
I open the door and Griz, Dom, Hulk, are standing behind her.
"Where's Scarlett?" She sobs.
I open the door wider and everyone comes in. The guys sit at the table, but I know they are ready to act if needed.
Scarlett rounds the corner and Starla runs to her and pulls her into a hug.
"I'm so sorry. I didn't know he was so obsessed with you. I mean he asked questions about you, but I thought it was just him caring about my friends." She cries on Scarlett's shoulder while Scarlett rubs her back.
"It's okay. It's not your fault. Was Kade on anything?" Scarlett asks.
"He has been doing drugs. I told him not to, but I thought it was just some pot."
"What was it?" I ask.
"Lots of things. Like a cocktail."
"I knew he wouldn't be like that." Scarlett says.
"He's going to rehab as we speak." She says and clears her throat. "I found some stuff..." She almost whispers. "He had a shrine of you. There were so many pictures." She pulls out a stack of pictures and hands them to Cooper.
He moves closer to me and Scarlett looks over. There are so many pictures of Scarlett. Some recent, but some from what must have been years ago.
"That was right after we started dating." She whispers and grabs a picture of her and Cooper mid lip lock in front of his building.
There's another where she's pregnant with Asher. She's on the balcony, where she should be safe from everything. Everyone.
The one that really gets Cooper is one of Scarlett where she's topless. He's standing behind her kissing her neck.
"Oh my God." Scarlett flushes bright red. Cooper looks at the picture again and sets it down on the table, face down.
"That's enough." He says calmly. I know him well enough now that I know he's trying not to lose control.
"He watched me for years?" She whispers.
"I guess so. I'm so sorry, Cooper. Scarlett." Starla sobs and Cooper pats her shoulder.
"What do I do?" Scarlett asks.
"We. What do we do. You're not alone." I say and rush to her side. My strong girl looks so weak and I want to fix this.
"We put a restraining order against him." Cooper says. "If he's in rehab, she should be okay until his program is done."
"At least the new place is almost ready." She says sadly.
"New place? Don't leave. You just came back." Starla frowns.
"It's just outside the city." Scarlett forces a smile.
"Oh good." Starla smiles. "Can I do anything?"
"No, you've done enough. Thank you." Cooper says.
"Okay. Call me if you need me." She adds sadly. She hugs Scarlett and Cooper again and heads out.
"At least we know it was him." Scarlett says.
"We are still going to keep the detail for a while longer." Cooper says and she nods.
She walks to the kitchen, and I realize all eyes are on her. She starts making some tea and then looks at everyone.
"I'm okay." She rolls her eyes.
"We worry." I say.
"I do want to look at the rest of the pictures." She frowns and holds out her hand for them.
"Maybe it's not the best idea." Cooper tells her.
"It'll fuel my rage." She smiles.
He hands her the stack of pictures and I watch her flip through as her face gets redder and redder. Finally she comes to one and I watch anger dance in those eyes I love so much. She tosses it down and grabs her cup of tea. "You're right. It wasn't a good idea." She says and retreats to the bedroom.
"You guys get some rest." I tell the guys and they head out.
Cooper grabs the last picture and I look over his shoulder.
It's one of Natasha straddling him in their-our- bed.
"Fuck." He says and we take off towards the bedroom. Of course she isn't there. We run up the stairs and into the spare room. Her quiet sobs cut through my heart as we enter the dark room.
"I fuck you both. I shouldn't get this upset." She whispers.
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." Cooper says and I realize he is crying.
"I just need to be alone." She says.
Cooper looks heartbroken but nods.
"Fuck that. Get in the bed, Coop. Alone time isn't what you need." I say.
I strip my clothes off and climb in next to her. Cooper waits a minute, but follows. She turns on her stomach and cries into her pillow. I try not to touch her, really I do, but I can't listen to her cry any longer. I pull her to me.
"You're okay." I say. "It's okay." I kiss her hair and she sinks into my warmth.
Cooper moves closer and wraps his arms around her middle. He whispers how sorry he is and how much she means to him.
Finally she falls asleep, but I almost cry when her soft whimpers continue long after she's out.
"It's going to be okay, Coop." I whisper.
"I hope so. Natasha was the worst mistake ever." He says.
"She knows. It's just still fresh. Plus she's pregnant. Her hormones are going crazy." I tell him.
"I know." He says. We sit in the dark for a while before Cooper breaks the silence. "Why would Kade take pictures of Natasha and me?" He asks.
"Maybe so he could show Scarlett. Get her to leave you. I mean during that time, nobody knew she was hiding from you. To him it would have looked like you were having an affair."
"You're right." He nods.
"Get some sleep, buddy." I tell him.

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