Forty Three. Luke

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Song for this chapter:
Christina Perri: Arms

Scarlett is absolutely glowing today. Pregnancy agrees with her. I stare a little too long as she straightens her hair. She's wearing her bra and some shorts. Her belly is starting to swell and I love it.
"What?" She giggles.
"I didn't know I could become any more attracted to you." I smile and touch her stomach.
"Oh really?" She smirks as she turns to face me. She wraps her hands behind my neck and leans up to kiss me.
"You're the most beautiful woman in the world." I tell her.
"Thank you." She smiles as blush creeps into her cheeks. "Aren't you going to be late for work?" She asks raising an eyebrow.
"I have it on good authority that watching you and being late won't get me fired." I laugh.
"Good boss you must have." Cooper laughs as he comes in the bathroom. He lifts Scarlett up easily and kisses her quickly.
"He's okay." I tease and he shakes his head.
He moves to his knees and kisses her belly. "Be good for mom today, kiddo. Love you." His hands are pressed flat against her stomach and at the same time, him and Scarlett's eyes widen and they look at each other.
"Was that-" He smiles.
"Yes!" She says and tears fill her eyes. "Come feel Luke!" She smiles and puts my hand on her stomach next to Cooper's. Seconds pass and then I feel the baby move.
"Oh my God!" I smile. "That was amazing!"
"Yes it was." Cooper smiles. "Is that a good enough excuse to stay home?" He asks.
"No! Go to work my loves. I'll see you tonight." She smiles and kisses us both.
"Yes ma'am." We both say and smile.
"What are you doing today?" I ask as she puts a long dress on.
"Paisley and Kare are on their way up. We are going to hang out." She smiles.
"Are you going out today?" Cooper asks.
"No baby. We will order in." She smiles.
They both have the fear of losing another baby. My heart breaks for them as I think about them losing Asher, and our baby, who we started referring to Grace.
We walk to the foyer where a knock sounds at the door.
"Morning ladies." Cooper says as he opens the door for Paisley and Kare.
"Morning." Kare smiles.
"Hey Coop and Luke." Paisley says.
"Lock the door after we leave, please." Cooper says.
"Yes baby." Scarlett smiles. She kisses us each one more time and we head out.
"Is it just me or is it getting harder to leave her?" I ask as we step on the elevator.
"It's definitely getting harder to leave her." He smiles.
We meet Cam and Brett in the hotel lobby and we carpool to work.

We head inside the massive building and I have some things to go over while Cooper and Brett head into a meeting. Cam does whatever he does, but we all plan to meet for lunch.

At lunchtime, we head into a small deli by the office and order some sandwiches. We all talk about how excited we are for our kids, and how much Carter is growing.
I almost laugh at how excited we are, and how we really don't pay attention to anything else going on around us; we are too engrossed in conversation about our girls and kids.
Three girls approach us, clearing their throats; pulling us out of our conversations.
"Hey there." The blonde says. "Look this is super embarrassing, but we are tourists, and I'm so lost. Can you guys help us find our hotel?" She smiles sweetly. A little too sweetly.
"I mean, you guys are local, right?" The brunette asks.
"Yeah, which hotel are you staying?" Cam asks.
"It's like really pretty." The blonde says.
"And tall." The one with fake red hair says.
"Yeah that doesn't narrow it down." Cooper says almost irritated and I smile.
"Maybe we could go to your places and you could help us better from there?" The red head says and bites her bright red lip.
"Yeah, that's no problem." Brett stands. "Our wives would be more than happy to help." He smiles and I almost can't hold back my laughter.
"Wives? Boo." The blonde pouts. "But we can keep a secret if you guys can."
"So here's the thing, even if we were interested, which we aren't, you don't know our girls. They are ruthless." I say and the red head glares.
"Well you seem boring. The rest of your friends seem more open. Maybe we could take turns? Three of us with one of you at a time?"
"There are millions of guys in this city... we are not your guys." Cooper says.
"Come on." The brunette pouts.
"Is it because you assume we are rich?" I laugh and notice Cam on his phone.
"No. Jerk." The blonde says to me.
"Did Cooper's Armani suit give it away?" Brett smirks at me.
"Or maybe that he has been on the news recently. Who could forget his pretty face?" I tease. Cam's amused voice brings our attention to him.
"New York in going to be a blast. Can't wait to 'Fifty shades' that sexy Cooper Shay." Cam says and the girls blush. "Nice try Michelle, Toni, and Kelsey. You shouldn't post such things on social media." He shrugs.
"Who the fuck are you?" Red asks angrily.
"Cam is head of my IT department. Sorry girls, I'm not interested. Enjoy New York." Cooper says and stands.
"You're not even that cute." The brunette says.
"His wife seems to think so." I laugh.
"Whatever assholes." The blonde huffs and they retreat back out onto the crowded sidewalk.
"Well that was awkward." Brett says.
"Yeah it was. Nice job Cam." I say.
"It's what I do." He laughs.
"Does that happen often?" I ask.
"Sometimes. I don't really pay attention to other women." He smiles.
"Good to know." I say.

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