Eighteen. Luke

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She stands in the parking lot as the sun sets behind her. She fidgets uncomfortably as I look at her.
"Well, it's getting late." She says breaking the silence.
"I'm not going to make it easy to leave me." I say.
"I'm seeing that." She smiles. "It hasn't even been a day. You'll live."
"Will I?" I take a step towards her.
"Yes." She breaths and takes a step back.
"Afraid you won't be able to resist me?" I ask taking another step.
"Maybe." She shrugs.
"But babe, we never got to break my truck in." I raise an eyebrow at her as her cheeks flush.
"I guess we haven't." She says and goes to take a step back and trips on a huge rock. I grab her before she hits the ground. "Thanks." She breathes.
"Anytime." I say and lean forward. I brush my lips against hers, barely, and somebody clears their throat behind me.
Scarlett smiles. "Hey Coop." She says without taking her eyes off of me.
"Hey." He replies.
I scratch my head after I bring us both upright.
"You told him to come?" I say.
"Yup. Hey," she leans in close, "you know I can't resist you." Her lips brush my ear and I have to suck in a breath.
"Cheater." I have to laugh because she got one over on me. She winks.
"Night Luke." Cooper says with a smirk.
"Night Shay's." I say and Scarlett glares a little, but she recovers quickly.
"See you later, Luke." She smiles before turning to go inside.
I head home knowing there is still hope for us.

The next day is insanely slow at work. Brett and Kare leave early and Paisley and I end up racing the stools across the floor in the lab.
"Do you think Scar and I will get back together?" I ask after she beats me for the second time.
"I want to hope for the best." She says standing up out of breath. "Fuck I need to work out." She laughs.
"You can come to the gym with me if you want."
"I might take you up on that." She smiles and sits at the computer table. "Luke, just don't give up on her. I think Scarlett is more broken than she really lets on."
"Why do you say that?"
"She puts on a brave face, but I know you've seen little things she does." I look quizzically at her and she sighs. "Like she digs her nails into her skin. It's as if she uses pain to come back to reality sometimes."
I think about it and know Paisley is right. My chest aches as I think about the broken girl I love.
"How do I help her?"
"Be her friend. Take a step back from competing with Cooper and focus on being what she needs."
"Thanks Paisley. You're really smart." I shake her shoulders lightly and hug her.

After work, I meet up with Brett.
"We are going to meet Cooper to see the house."
"It's already set up?" I asked shocked.
"Yeah. He has connections, I guess."

We drive to the address Scarlett gave Brett. It's a beautiful house, nestled up on a hill.
"Wow." We both say.

Cooper comes out along with an older woman.
"Luke, Brett, this is Marcella Lynch. She has decorated every building I have, along with our houses."
"Hello." We both greet.
"Congratulations, Brett. I met Karianne earlier. She's a lovely woman."
"Thank you so much for everything. I can't wait to see."
We head into the house together; it's amazing. Pictures hang on the walls. All of Hope, Brett, and Karianne
"Wow." Brett says. "This is amazing."
"Looks like you guys live here." I turn to Cooper. "Good work."
"Thanks, but Cel is the brains behind this masterpiece."
"Scarlett is much to thanks today. She has such an eye for detail. I have missed having her around."
"Scarlett helped?" I say taking in all the details.
"Yes, I couldn't have done it without her."
"This is amazing. Thanks so much. Both of you!" Brett hugs Marcella and then Cooper.

I walk out to the front porch while they are still talking.
"She's amazing, isn't she?" Cooper says behind me.
"Yeah she does good work. I can see why you hired her." He comes to stand next to me and smiles.
"I meant Scarlett."
"Oh." I say and nod. "Yes. Scarlett is amazing."
"Come have a drink with me." Cooper says.
"I came with Brett."
"I'll give you a ride home." He says and I nod.
I tell Brett I'll see him later, and also if I go missing, who to point the finger at.

Cooper and I head to a bar close to my apartment.
We both get a beer and sit at a table in the corner.
"I've fucked up a lot." He says.
"Haven't we both."
"Neither of us deserve, Scar." He says.
"How do both of us fuckers, mess up so bad with the greatest girl on the planet?"
"You've got me." He shakes his head. "Look, I know you think I'm a bad guy, but I have changed. I would never hurt Scarlett again."
"I don't think you would. I see the way you look at her." He smiles.
"The same way you look at her."
I nod. "Like she walks on water." He laughs.
"She loves us both, you know." He says.
"I kind of figured." I say and my heart sinks a little.
He finishes his beer and sets the glass down. "The first time I met Scarlett, she worked in a place like this." He looks around the dim room and smiles. "Except it would be bustling at this time." He takes a deep breath. "It was down the street from my building and I decided to check it out with a couple friends. It was known for having the prettiest women in New York.
"Anyway, the first time I saw her the bar was packed. It was a Friday night and you could barely move in the room. I caught a glimpse of her and I swear, my heart stopped. Her eyes met mine and she smiled.
"Right then I knew I would be hooked. I came back for weeks, trying to get her to really notice me. She would pretend to forget my name, but fuck she affected me."
He shakes his head and I have to smile. "I know exactly how you feel. She's the reason I applied to the hospital. I saw her and had to get to know her."
"She has a way of making you feel special." He says.
"So where does this leave us, Coop?" I ask cutting to the point. He smiles.
"I told Scarlett if she chooses you, I'll let her go. But-" he clears his throat, "I will always be there for her, so just know that when she chooses you, I still want to be her friend." His eyes are filled with sadness, but he said when, not if she chooses me, and that gives me hope.
"You're not a bad guy, Cooper." I smile and smack his shoulder.
"Neither are you, Luke." He smiles and shakes his head.

After Cooper drops me off, I text Scarlett.

Your husband is a pretty okay guy.
I smile as three bubbles appear.

Oh God. What did I miss?

We grabbed a drink and bonded over you.

Weirdos. Lol

The house for the party looks amazing by the way

Thank you. Marcella is a blast

She seems nice
How was your day?

It was okay. How was yours?

It would be better if I got to see you. :)

A minute later she send me a Snapchat of her soaking in the bathtub with a glass of wine. 

I text her back.
Wish I was there.

Me, too. I'm a little buzzed. ;)

I've never seen you drunk. Well I guess you snapped me from the night at that club.

Yes. I was a little drunk then. I don't try to drink much, you know, but I figured why not?

Are you doing okay?
I remember my conversation with Paisley and worry fills me.

I'm super, Luke.

I miss you

I miss you, too.

You can come back.

Not yet. I love you, though. If that makes you feel any better.

I love you, too. It does make me feel better.

Good. :)

I guess I should get ready for bed. I'll see you tomorrow.

Okay. Night. Love you.

I love you. Goodnight.
I send the last text and get ready for bed.

I fall asleep easily knowing I get to see her tomorrow.

Always For Keeps ( For Keeps part 2)Where stories live. Discover now