Fifty One. Luke

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When Brady carried me out of the apartment that day, I thought it would be the last time I saw Scarlett. I make sure I hold her a little tighter these days; a little longer. She could have died. Cooper could have died. This life, as complicated as it is, is a gift. I no longer live life wishing I would have died in the desert. I don't know if I'll ever stop feeling guilty that I survived when so many didn't, but I don't dwell on it.
I'm exactly where I belong in the world; with my family.

Christmas is spent as it should be; all of us together. We laugh, open presents, eat, and end the night by the fireplace. Everyone together as a family.

New Years comes and goes. January turns into February. February turns into March.

Carter and Austin are growing like weeds.
Cooper is all healed now. He hardly limps.
Scarlett's arm is good as new, but she's still working on her leg. She can walk on it, but is afraid she'll never get to run in the rain again.

This morning I'm watching her like I always seem to do. She sings quietly as she gets dressed. Her stomach looks like someone put a basketball under her shirt. I know she has been feeling self conscious about it, but she's still so perfect.
"You're being creepy." She teases as she pulls her shirt over her head.
"I'm admiring my beautiful woman." I smile.
"Admire me while you help me get my leggings on." She pouts and hands me the black pants.
"Yes ma'am." I smile and bend down. She holds onto my shoulders as she puts each leg in. When I pull the soft fabric up her right leg, the one that was shot, I kiss slowly up her thigh, over the fading scar. She takes a deep breath and closes her eyes. I smile against her warm skin.
"Luke." She breathes.
"We have a few minutes." I say as I lift her up and pull her leggings back off.
I sit on a chair in her closet and she unbuttons my pants quickly. I rip her panties off and she just shakes her head.
"What?" I laugh.
"You. I love you." She smiles and straddles my lap.
"I love you." I tell her.
She moves on me and I pull her mouth to mine. I still feel the same passion with Scarlett that I did the very first time I made love to her. I pull back from her mouth and her brown eyes lock on mine. My hands move her hips and a soft moan escapes her lips, but her eyes never leave mine.
We crash together within minutes and I hold her against me.
"We should probably get going." She smiles.
"You're right, but I like holding you." I say.
"Me, too, babe."

We finally pull apart and get ready for the day. She has wedding planning to do with Paisley. The plan was to get married quickly, but after some talk, they decided to have a big one after the baby is born. Paisley never really cared about a big wedding, but Cam wants her to feel like a princess. With him, she couldn't be happier.

We head downstairs and most everyone is already a here. Scarlett picks Carter up from his playpen and Cooper comes out from the office and kisses her.
"Good morning." He smiles and kisses Carter's head.
"Morning." She smiles.
"So I'm thinking August." Paisley says.
"What about May?" I ask.
"Luke, it's easy for you to knock a girl up, but you don't have to carry it. I want to look good on my wedding day. Not like a beached whale." She frowns.
"You could never look like a whale." Cam smiles. "You're incredibly sexy." He winks.
"Yeah stretch marks are so sexy." She rolls her eyes.
"I think so." Cam, Cooper, and I all say at once.
"Did you plan that?" Paisley laughs.
"No it's just true." I smile.
"Whatever." She shakes her head.
"Pais, you could wear a potato bag and still look beautiful." Scarlett smiles.
"Thanks Scarlett." She smiles.

We eat breakfast together and we all head to the office.
Since Paisley and Scarlett are weeks away from their due dates, they accompany us to work every day.
Cooper has an entire room set up  just for them.

"You okay?" I ask Scarlett before I head to a meeting.
"Yes. Just tired." She smiles. "I had a hard time sleeping last night."
"Uncomfortable?" I ask.
"Yes..." she shifts and looks at her feet, "and nightmares." She almost whispers.
"Why didn't you tell us?" I ask as I rub her arm softly.
"I didn't want to wake either of you. Besides I'm making you late now. Go to you meeting. I'm okay." She stifles a smile and kisses my cheek.
"Meetings can wait." I say and sit on the leather couch. I pull her onto my lap.
"I dreamt Starla showed up and took our baby." She shivers.
"That won't happen. I won't let it." I wipe a tear off her cheek. "Besides, she is locked away. She's not getting out, babe."
"I know." She nods. "I just-" she sighs, "she took Asher from me. She made Cooper into a monster. She made me crazy, Luke, but if she didn't do what she did, I wouldn't have met you."
"I know. I would trade my life to make you happy." I whisper.
"You do make me happy." She smiles.
She cuddles into me and I rub her belly as baby does somersaults.
"He's getting big." I laugh as I watch him move under her skin.
"He's trying to break free." She laughs.
"I can't wait until he's here." I smile.
"Me either."

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