The aftermath of being a hero and a fight between best friends

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Here guys is the latest chapter of unexpected love. I hope you enjoy it and that you like it. what do you think about Enzos behaviour. Would you have reacted in the same way or would you have just watched Jasmeet getting humiliated in front of her school? I encourage you again to comment or vote if you like the story.


Enzos POV:

What did I just do? I stood up for Jasmeet Hailee Kaur the known outsider of our school. What made me do this? The moment Nathalie attacked Jasmee,  my foot started to move on its own accord and before I realized it, I stood next to her; I spoke up and told Nathalie to back off. She looked shocked at me with her perfect face scrunched in surprise and a hint of anger; not expecting someone to tell her to stop. I feared that she would slap me out of fury. If looks could kill I would be for sure dead; her icy glare sent daggers in my direction.

Normally no one dared to stop her from her bullying or harrassing people. Nathalie was the queen of the school; and Shawn's girlfriend. She had somehow a status of royalty here and got special treatment. Everyone did their best to please her and not to upset her. I remembered one time when she was told to back off by a unknown girl. She became really like a fury and took her revenge by humiliating. This went so far that this girl dropped out of school in order not to face the constant bullying.

I did not like her very much. She was a beauty; true, but she was very shallow and had no character. She always tried to have her ways with the boys. This time, it was Shawn, who was her latest victim. Her attitude was also something which flipped me off. In this way, I was different from Shawn. He was my best friend but sometimes he could be really a bad person. My other friend Mason was always to encourage him to bully and harass people.

I watched the scene from far as I stood by my car; and noticed immediately as soon as Nathalie attacked the girl verbally; that Jasmeet was not her usual self. She seemed somehow very silent and intimidated. She was doing a great job in defending herself, but today something was off. I shocked myself by my behaviour. I never was someone who wanted to stand up for people but the helpless look of Jasmeet face just brought my instinct to protect girls to life. I just watched, but never participated actively in bullying. I knew if Shawn ever found out, he would have my head. He hated that girl. I went to my lockers and heard the muffled voices of my classmates.

They were gossiping about me; I was positive of that. Every scandal that happened at our school travelled faster than anything; in just 15 minutes everyone knew about my behavior. I just tried to ignore this and to get ready to face my angry friend. I still remember the day when I saw Jasmeet for the first time. I was in the same class as Aryan, her and Shawn. When she rejected Shawn's proposal of a friendship I watched closely. She wore a black leggings and an indo-western blouse. Her beauty was also then visible and I was sad that I could not become friends with her; as she rejected Shawn; I knew that the Bro-code required me to stay away from her.

However today I broke all types of codes, by protecting Jasmeet and her best friend Aryan. Aryan was a cool person; he was in the cricket team and a very good player as well. I did not interact with him but from what I heard he seemed like a cool guy.

Everyone knew that he was very shy and not very outspoken. Jasmeet was the one who was able to stand up for herself, despite being very introverted. I shuddered at the thought of the hell breaking loose soon. Then I heard Shawn's angry voice and before I could do something; he shoved me against the lockers, hissing into my ears: "What did you do?"

Shawn POV:

I could not believe my ears and eyes. As soon as I pulled up into the parking lot, I heard the rumors buzzing around that my best friend defended Jasmeet and her pathetic little friend and publicly humiliated Nathalie. I rubbished this rumor because this seemed to be very false. However, when Nathalie approached me whining: "Shawn baby, you should tell your buddy not to defend Ugly and Superugly. He did really a bad thing today. He just stood up for her! You have no idea how shamed and disgraced I feel" She began crying and leaned into me.

However, I was furious and stormed off to find my friend, paying no heed to her and did not reciprocate her affectionate gesture. I was about to teach him a serious lesson. How dare he do such a thing? By doing this, he broke a dozen of bro-code rules. After looking everywhere, I found him by his locker. I attacked him and shoved him against the metal thing.
I yelled at him: "What did you do? We talked yesterday that we will pretend to be nice to her or as long as my project last. However, you defending her, screws up everything. How dare you do this? Nathalie came running to me crying!"
Enzo replied me calmly: "Shawn, stop being such an ass. I am your best friend. I have known you since forever. We were toddlers, I watched you long enough bullying people. I am sick of this! You changed so much in the last years!"

This made me even angrier, my best friend turned against me. It was one of the most important rules not to defy the best friends. I looked. He added: "Shawn, you are a good guy. You should not be so mean to people. Mason convinced you to be this person; it is the last year of school. I do not want to remember it as the year of bullying and tormenting other people. This year is about making the right choices and choosing the correct way of life! This will influence your whole life!" He took me completely off guard by the words, which left my friend's mouth. I was confused and could not reply immediately. Was he right that we were doing horrible things? Or were my actions justified? I could find no answer.

Just then, I remembered Gracie's word and my decision. However, I was too proud to admit that he was right. The ring of the bell startled me and we went to our classes. The whole time I was thinking about his speech. He was always more the silent type, who would agree always. Something changed in him. He always joined in the bullying but then I remembered that he never participated; sure, he laughed with us. This made me think: Did I really know my best friend? Or did I think I knew him although I had no idea how my best friend really was?
so that was the latest chapter, what do you think? please let me know what is your opinion of the story so far and what I could improve in your opinion.

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