The chemistry between two and the jealousy of the third wheel

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my lovely readers,

the next chapter is up, so let us find out what will happens next. It is for sure worth reading and I am sure all of you will love it. The picture shows the scene they are portraying. I can promise you that many more exciting parts are to come, so do not stop reading my story. It is definitely worth reading. The next chapter will be really something else and will make you for sure curious what will happen next. And make sure to read it until the end, as there is a surprise waiting for you!


Infatuating  yourself with someone simply for what they look like on the outside is like choosing your favorite food based on color instead of taste. It makes no sense.  Its innate, invisible, unquantifiable characteristics that create lasting attraction.- unknown

Shawn's POV:

The moment I heard that Enzo and Jasmeet had to participate in the school's dramatic production, I was surprised. They were not the usual type of person who would go for this. However, Enzo told me that Mrs. Stevenson practically forced them. "Shawn, I am not ready to play in a play! I just do not want this to happen!" he confessed to me when we were walking to lunch. I nodded agreeing. He was not the person who would go for dramas; on the contrary, he has no talent for this kind of genre.It was clear that he was like a soccer player and sporty like me. Playing in a theatre was nothing he ever planned to do.

"Enzo, it will be okay. Just think of it, as your ticket to university. I am sure that this will help you to overcome these negative feelings!" I replied him. This earned me a sceptical look from my best friend and I just pulled him to lunch. We sat down and he continued to complain about the forceful act of Mrs. Stevenson. Mason also was very taken aback when he found out that he had to play in the school's dramatic play. It was also a fun for Mason and me to annoy him by reminding him repeatedly that he had to play soon in this play. Enzo could get angry and I liked to mess with him as it was something refreshing to see him all riled up.

"Which play is this by the way?" Enzo asked me then when we were walking in the direction of the audition hall. I just answered him: "I have no clue, but I think that it could be so romantic!" His face fell and he prayed loudly: "Please do not be romantic. Then it will be fine!" I agreed hoping for the best, as I did not know which play Mrs. Stevenson chose this year; and his face showed me clear annoyance and that he was not pleased about his. I told him then that I would call him in the evening when he proceeded to go to the performance hall.
I had no interest in joining him or attending the practice, so I went to my car to go home. When I nearly reached my car, I was suddenly interested in watching Enzo and Jasmeet, so I turned on my heels and went back to the hall. When I saw the board where all the news hang, I realized that the play was Romeo and Juliet. I thought to myself: Oh no, this would mean that they could fall for each other. It was clear that by playing the characters of the most romantic play ever written, that there was a high chance of them falling for each other. Enzo and Jasmeet; I knew that by saving her, there was some attraction making its way to the surface and I feared that this would be amplified by the fact that they had to spend so much time together rehearsing. Wait, where did this thought come? I had no interest in Jasmeet Hailee Kaur; I reminded myself.

I sat in the darkened back of the big room, as I did not want to attract attention and did want to get questioned why I chose to attend this rehearsal. Enzo and Jasmeet seemed to concentrate on learning their lines and the other cast practiced their scenes. Suddenly I noticed that they stared at each other and it was clear to me that it was intense. Both looked flustered and clearly affected by the presence of their opposite. The Indian girl then excused herself to go somewhere and I was positive that I was right about my thoughts regarding these two. I felt some sting in my heart and I wondered if I was jealous of their obvious connection. I could not be feeling something for Jasmeet; I hated her guts. She was the girl who rejected me some years ago and had to been very nice to me.I could not like her; she was my partner in my hated history assignment. I also believed never in love or anything close to it.

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