The girl that came between best friends and the fallout of them

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my lovely readers,
the next chapter is here. I am so happy that I have readers, like you guys. You are truly the best. I really love you all and hope that I can continue making you happy with my story. I am so inspired to write and continue the story because of you guys. the picture shows the two best friends Enzo and Shawn. I encourage all of you to comment and vote for this chapter if you like it.


Rare as is true love, true friendship is rarer. Jean de La Fontaine

Enzo's POV:

Laying down on my bed, after school, I could still feel her soft lips against mine and her scent still lingered on me. She smelt like spices and flowers; it was truly intoxicating. It was foreign, yet managed to catch my breath and to acceralate, my heart beat. The way she looked flushed once we broke apart; I could not get this out of my head. Her appearance was something adorable, her cheeks were red and she breathed heavily. I was sure that I resembled her confusion.
We shared the most breath-taking kiss I have ever shared with someone. It was like magic finally happened. She ran out the room after we stopped to kiss; an attempt to . I knew that I touched her heart with this kiss; it was evident that we felt something for each other and that we should explore what could be there. I was still breathless, and I did my best to conceal that this feeling by behaving casually.

The practice was fine, I just felt something weird while rehearsing my lines with Jasmeet. It was weird that everyone stared at us; I had no idea why they seemed so impressed by our acting skills. Maybe we could play the couple in love better than we thought. However, I had to put a stop to these feelings. I could not like her in any way; althought it was hard to conceal these sentiments as she was amazing and I felt something, which was deeper than just infatuation. Without wanting it to happen, she managed to put her under her spell. I knew that the moment, she fell into my arms that I was going to be in trouble.

Shawn would hate me if I did something about it or acted on my feelings and he would definitely end the friendship, as he often threatenend me to do this when I defied him. I did not know that he was watching the rehearsal today and in school, and after I came up to him, he wanted to know if I liked her in any way. I just denied this vehemently as I had no intention of him finding out my true feelings. I knew that this would cause more trouble and I did not want this. I was also curious why he was so angry with me and he seemed very distraught about this. His imminent anger was evident, as he looked someone who could murder another person. It was my determination to find out what caused this, as something was suspious. My intuition told me that despite not confessing, he liked her in a way, whether he would acknowledge it or not.

Suddenly there was a soft knock on my door and I said yes, which caused the door to creak open and my sister looked at me questioninly. "What happened, my dear brother? You seem to be deep in thought!" I looked up and replied to my sister, relieved that I could share with someone my feelings:
"Eliza, you know me too well! How can you smell how I feel? Are you psychic?" She gave me a glance of disbelief and answered me self-confident:
"Enzo, I am your best friend, not just your sister! I know you too well! I can tell very easily when you are upset, or affected by something! So share your troubles with the best sister of the world!" My sister Elizabeth and I were close despite the fact that we were two years apart. I trusted her with everything, the things I could not tell Shawn, I shared with her. She was an amazing sister and I adored her very much. Normally, the big brother took care of the sister, however this was quite the opposite with us. She was very slim and had a beautiful face. Her brown hair fell a bit under her shoulders and had a shiny touch. She was truly a beauty and it was strange that she was single. However, she intended to only be with the person, who loved her unconditionally. She was a true romantic; I sometimes doubted that love existed where you could give the other person up only for them to be happy without you. I could not sense that I was about to experience something which would change my whole life. Elizabeth told me once that she would not hesitate giving up her happiness in order for the person she adored to find true contentment.

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