The fight between buddies and the curiosity of the enemy

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My lovely readers,
Here is the next part of jasmeets story. I can promise that you will enjoy this chapter very much. Make sure that you read the WHOLE chapter as in the end something interesting will happen. The picture shows the hair of Jasmeet and the two boys.

People think that walking away from a fight or argument makes you weaker, but really you are stronger than they'll ever be. - Unknown

Shawn's POV:

I won, I challenged Jasmeet in doing a stare contest which I won, as someone distracted her by a single touch. When I saw who the cause for my victory was, I clenched my teeth in anger and fury together. Enzo stood in front of us and touched Jasmeet without any shame. Apparently, he decided not to hide his obvious attraction for the said girl. Did my best friend, really just laid his hands on Jasmeet Hailee Kaur? I could not believe this as this would pose a evident threat to our friendship. The last argument was because of her and it seemd like he mocked me by behaving this way.

Was he going to show that they were an item, even so publicly, attracting gossip for sure? Did it happen faster than expected? Were they already together? The way the looked at each other confirmed my suspicion, there was a warmth in their glances which showed this. At sight of this, I felt something piercing my heart, making it hard to breathe for me, and I could not believe what I felt. My heart felt like it was ripped in two pieces; why did I feel like this? Was my sister, after all, right about her suggestion that I felt more for this girl that I let myself and others believe?
It seemed like the floor was suddenly gone, I just saw his hand on his waist; she made no attempts of making it move, and I could barely stand, as I felt all air leave my chest. I leaned again the wall for support, and tried to pull myself together as I did not want to show any sign of emotional turmoil I was currently experiencing. It was clear to me that I had to maintain my composed status, as I would be inviting gossip by acting otherwise.

I glared at my best friend, was he still this person for me; the person who was always there for me and with whom I could talk about everything? Or did everything change the moment he stood up for Jasmeet Hailee Kaur? He just returned the angry look and then after a long time, he answered my question, sounding annoyed and frustrated by my angry reaction: "Shawn, calm down!"
This statement built up the rage I was feeling and I was merely an inch away from blowing up. How dare he talk to me like that? I was relieved that his hand no longer rested on his waist and I could start to think more clearly.
Something was really messing up with my mind and making me act not quite like myself. I just hissed angrily, fixating Enzo angrily with my eyes: "Do not dare to say this!" I was sure that if looks would kill, he would lie on the floor motionless. Having said this, I turned around and went to my locker, ignoring both of their reactions and my fellow classmates. I knew that it was unusual for me to walk away from a fight; however, I did not want to argue with him in front of such a big crowd. Whisper and soft talks I could hear while I walked away from this confrontation.

I was surprised that I did not seek to have a fight with him, however, I did not want to raise any suspicion or rumors. My old self would have clearly attacked him and caused a scene, but something in me made me act differently and not like I always had. It pained me more than it should, the mere thought of his hand on her tigh made me furious and, I supressed the need of slamming my hand into my locker, as my hand still hurt from the last punch I threw on the wall and I had no intention of experiencing this pain again. I opened it and took out my books; I decided to focus on my classes and hoped that this would distract me from my previous thoughts of attacking or tackling Enzo. I had to admit that Jasmeet was special and it became harder for me to constrain and contain my obvious affection for her. Affection for Jasmeet Hailee Kaur? What was I thinking?

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