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"CROUCH!" The sir yelled to begin the scrum, "BIND!"

All the girls grabbed onto their opponents jersey ready for what was next to come.


And just like that the props in the scrum pushed against each other as the hooker tried reaching for the ball that could mean the next try to end the game. The home team had 19, visiting had 21. One more try meant victory for either team.

Successfully Dinah, with all her strength, gave her team (the home team) the advantage in the scrum allowing their hooker to reach the ball and kick it back to their scrum half.

Eagerly the scrum half scooped up the ball and ran a good 50 yards before she was tackled. Luckily Dinah was running across field along with the her and was able to ruck over her, pushing the members of the opposing team away from the ball. Her best friend Briannah came in and grabbed the ball, but the opposing team was fast. One of their backs ran and slammed into her, causing the ball to fly out of her hands.

A unified gasp filled the stadium as everyone watched. They were already in over time and if the ball went out of bounds it meant the game was over, and the visiting team won. If someone caught it there as a good chance of a knock on, also meaning end of game and a visitor win.

As they watched the ball continue to soar higher, the only thing on the players mind was, what goes up must come down. They watched nervously for the ball to descend, every player hoping it wouldn't end up on their side of the field. Within milliseconds it was clear where the ball would end up.

Dinah watched as the ball inched closer and closer to her. Although nervous, she was confident she could catch it and make her way past the last 30 yards and into the try zone.

With great anxiety she stood sideways with her hands out, ready to catch the ball. With wide eyes she, and everyone else, watched as the ball tumbled down into her hands. The weight of the ball still in her hands, not having dropped made her fill with adrenaline as her coach/team screamed run, and she tucked the ball into her side and began running.

Immediately the others on the field either followed Dinah in support or with intentions of tackling her. As the first defender came to try to tackle the young Tongan she juked her opponent out and broke her ankles, while also covering 15 yards. As she ran the next 5 yards someone tried to strip her of the ball, but being of superior strength she was able to keep possession.

It was only 10 more yards until she could score, and that's when the opposing team decided to link together to stop her from continuing. But instead of slowing down, Dinah sped up. The defenders were ready to stop her, but right as she reached them she launched herself into the air doing a back flip over her opponents.

As she flipped over the defense line, everyone watched her in awe as she landed on her feet, turned her head slightly, and smirked. With everyone's mouth agape, she proceeded to walk into the try zone and place down the ball, earning her team 5 more points and the game.

Of course they still had to kick for a conversion, but they knew they had won with that last try boosting them to 24 over the visiting team's 21.

Her team ran out to carry Dinah on their shoulders, for winning them their first game of the season.

"DINAH! DINAH! DINAH!" they cheered as their kicker did the formality of kicking the conversion. She laughed slightly as they set her down and ran to high five the other team for such a great game.

"You were great #5!"

"That flip was insane!!! Great job!"

"Most memorable game of my life, nice work out there!"

"Teach me your moves!"

"You're a great player, can't wait to play you again!"

All just some of the things the other team told her as they high fived one another. She thanked each of them for their compliments. She loved rugby for many reasons, but one of the biggest reasons was the sportsmanship. Even if you had just tackled the shit out of somebody, they'll praise you for your strength and skill. If you out run somebody, making the winning try, the other team will commend you on your speed. There was no hostility, just love.

When they were done with the end of game ceremonies the visiting team rested for a bit then decided to leave. Dinah and the rest of her team took it to the locker room to have their end of game break down.

"Ladies! You did great tonight! I know it was a close game but way to get back in the groove and have our first game of the season end in a win," the coach complimented, "before we all head home let me just point out some great things I saw in the game. Bree, your speed gave us possession of the ball multiple times, great job co-captain! Amber, your strength always helps us keep possession of the ball. Alia, great job keeping up and supporting whoever had the ball. Nicole, my beautiful scrum half, your quick thinking during the scrum caught the other team so off guard they never had a chance. And last, but not least, Dinah! Captain Dinah Jane where do I begin? You were a mother rucker today. And that try! That juke, rip, and flip made for the try of the year! Great job!"

"Three cheers for Dinah," Briannah prompted.

"Hip hip hooray! Hip hip hooray! Hip hip hooray!" Her team cheered once again, causing her to blush.

"Thank you, we all did great. I'm just glad we could finish our first game on a win."

They cheered again and were left in the locker room to change. One by one they left to go home and rest. They did have a Sunday practice tomorrow after all.

A/N: This will be updated once every week.

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